Chapter 2

What in the world is going on?' Confused by the sudden appearance of the system, Daniel's eyes widened.

Just moments before, he was pondering on how he should make up for his weakness, but now, all of his worries were washed away by this unexpected awakening.

From the memories he had, he is aware of the world's authorities, knowledge of magic, and the abilities of the supernatural.

But if he had to compile them all and from where all of this stem, it would be the System that guides and provides all humanity with the power to fight, stand, protect or even triumph.

Nevertheless, as far as he can remember from a young age, he wasn't born with any System that identified him as a 'Hunter'. Nor did he carry any affinities with the Elements in nature that allows him to learn the deviant of 'Magic Theory'.

Nor did he possess any physique or spiritual roots that allowed him to cultivate the path of immortality.

This is why he was shunned and avoided by his peers since he's considered useless.

Ever since the Dark Age, it's not uncommon for humans to be blessed with powers or unknown abilities.

After centuries and centuries, it's no longer a thing or rare to be bestowed with powers through the awakening of the system.

Any newborn baby would immediately show signs of an awakening system. And even if they had neither system nor skills, they could cultivate.

However, Daniel wasn't one of them. In this age where Systems could be found anywhere or cultivators that roamed the sky.

it was unnatural and weird in Daniel's case. Due to this fact, he was mocked and bullied by the students in the school he used to study.

Hence, being called out by the system makes him hard to believe.

'I know there were cases where some people had undergone an awakening that massively increased their powers or unlocked their hidden potential. But why was I so different? Doesn't this new life of mine has no difference at all from my past life?' He had mixed emotions.

With fused memories, all of the experiences and emotions he felt were all real to the point, that they affected his mind.


Taking a deep breath, he cleared his mind and gave a light slap to his side cheeks, trying to clear away his negative thoughts.

'No matter what happens whether it'll be in the past or future, I won't be easily pulled down by anyone's remarks. If the system has provided me with a huge gift, I'll gladly accept it without any refusal. And if this is the way of repaying everything that I suffered, then I'll gladly abuse it to the fullest. If there's any goal that I want to make, it'll be doing anything without being restricted by others '

This time, his eyes became clearer than before and his mind no longer doubted his awakening of memories and the purpose of being reincarnated.

Because in this life, he'll be the one to pave his path and decide who he should become.

Previously, in his past life, he never had a goal to achieve or the motivation to take a step forward and break all obstacles.

However, with all of the opportunities given and waiting to be explored, there's no way he'd waste it.

Especially not when this world is brimmed with magical elements and cultivations and something he can only dream of playing on his phone.

'Well, first of all, isn't it a heck of a coincidence for it to be the kind of thing I played before I died? Isn't this like mocking me? Or is this some kind of a blessing?' He squeezed his eyes for a moment.

'Anyway, it's not like it matters because what I can't seem to get out of my mind is this unidentified rank. I'm not so ignorant to realize this interpretation since it's unheard of. Should I be pleased by the fact that I possessed such skill, or should I be worried about this bad omen?'

He had too many questions for starters and it seems like he's being paranoid. But who could blame all of these events happening to someone like him who has no special qualities?

But, like what he convicted earlier, it doesn't matter what will happen as he'll be the one to forge his path and abuse his system to the fullest.

Thus, it's more like a blessing rather than a bad omen, and it also depends on how he uses it.

For starters, there are ranks for systems, skills, and abilities that determine their effects and how powerful they will be. The lowest-ranked will be F, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, Epic, Legendary, Mythic, Supreme, and finally Divine.

Out of a million, one would have the chance of possessing a Legendary rank. On the other hand, one out of a billion would have a Mythic rank.

And out of trillions, only a chosen one can awaken a supreme skill and when it comes to the Divine, it's hard to find unless it's the Constellations, Gods, Heroes, Demon King, Chaos Ruler, Nebula, Galaxy Guardian, Watcher, and other big names.

Other than these titles, it's hard to find any living being with a Divine Skill. Of course, having a Divine Skill wouldn't mean it's reachable to reach such heights as Constellations where the numbers exceed millions.

Resource and luck will play a part in reaching beyond the limits which have been imposed.

To understand what's the relation between a system and a skill, a system is similar to how a class works, except it'll only immediately provide a few skills maybe 1 to 3 depending on its rank.

For example, if it's a warrior system, then definitely he or she would have skills similar to it.

Hence, the higher the rank of the system, the higher the quality and quantity given by the System.