Shop ? Now how does that work ?

As Ondrej opened the panel on his forearm a holographic screen opened in front of him and he stared at it with curiosity and amazement before askind Cole "How does it work ?" Cole looked at him and in his soft tone said "There should be already some currency as it was transferred with you to this world and it uses teleportation sir" there was a bit of a silence before Ondrej noticed the amount he had in his shop it was 10 000 Credits.

Ondrej got bit surprised "Im sure my money was in Crowns (Czech currency)" he said as he looked at Cole while Cole's reaction was just to nod before saying "Credits are the currency used by everyone sir" Ondrej nodded a bit as he started to browse it before hefound any proper tools for gunsmithing and bought it costing him total of 1 000 of Credits he had but he seemed to not care much as he immediately went to buy some materials consisting of metal pipes screws etc.

Ondrej then tinkered with the holographic display screen trying to find if he could make a blueprint without bothering to ask Cole who decided to stand next to him while watching what he was doing, eventually Ondrej found out how to make a blueprint and started designing, when he was on Earth he enjoyed spending time with his father who had a hobby of making firearms and then selling them thou it was frowned upon by authorities and it is highly illegal (or i think it is in Czech) no one reported him.

After more then a hour of designing Ondrej was finally happy with the outcome it was a railgun sniper riffle he smiled upon the sight of his blueprint and went to work he knew that it wouldn't be easy but decided to do it either was as there will be time to get something to eat and it won't be easy as buying a sandwich.

Cole remained quiet as he watched Ondrej work as a AI it was rather interesting to him he would only spoke when asked or if Ondrej seemed as if he needed assistance.

Ondrej worked for full 10 hours before getting his rifle operational it was hard but he was happy with the out come after a few test shots, the shop conventionally sells all kinds of ammunition, he was really proud as it worked flawlessly as Ondrej held the rifle a notification popped up saying [due to masterful craftsmanship the railgun sniper riffle can be named please enter name]