Finaly the city

As Ondrej waited he played around with his rifle that was the first time he noticed engraving on it 'Angel of Death' on it he smiled as he liked the name as he waited he fiddled with his rifle more and when Elize came back Silver went to greet her while Ondrej didn't notice her only when she poked his cheek and giggled he looked up and noticed her right in front of his face he smirked and said jokingly "What ? are you waiting for a kiss ?" when Elize heard that she blushed deeply and turned around saying "W-We going or what ?" Ondrej chuckled and got up "Sure, just a question what do you use for a fight ?" Elize smiled at him and took her smg from her hip it was standard smg used by the military back on Earth.

"Good enough" he said and started walking while Silver and Elize followed with him after around 2 and half a hour they arrived at the outside of the city the city was ruined and there were mutated bunnies jumping around one jumped a bit to close a opened sewer entrance and a giant ant like creature grabbed it with it's pinchers tearing of the bunnies head whole eating it as if it was nothing the other bunnies were unphased by this as a larvae cravled out of the sever and started to eat it's way into the bunnies body Ondrej just raised his eyebrows surprised while Elize was about to throw up "What the he-" before she could continue her screaming Ondrej covered her mouth with his hand and pointed to the other ant mutants getting out of the sewer and Elize yelped in fear luckily it was muted mostly by Ondrej's palm.

Ondrej sighed softly and quietly while whispering to Elize "They have to got a nest under the city so we have to be quiet and be careful where we go" he said as one of the ants came closer to where they were Ondrej acted quickly as he took his katana of of his back and slashed at the neck part of the ant the ant didn't react at all as it was blind due to living underground, it's slowly fell to the ground as it's body moved forward before falling to the ground as well Ondrej poked it as it stopped moving and looked at it when he got an idea.

Elize tilted her head softly as she was watching Ondrej carve out a piece of the chitin covering the mutated ant and made rather crude shield out of it since the katana wasn't the best tool for making a shield but for Ondrej it was good enough when he was done he held it in his hand he smiled "Lets hunt us some ants shall we ?" he said as he looked forward where three of the greenish ants were wandering about, Ondrej slowly walked forward and one of the ants ran towards him immediately Ondrej rised his shield and the ant bit into it when the ant bit into it Ondrej let go of the shield and immediately went for a under swing with his katana towards the middle part of the ant as he cut through it he noticed another two coming towards him so he put his katana back and aimed his rifle shooting throu the head of the first one making a hole through the whole and as green blood flowed out of it he then returned his attention to the other one which was jumped by Silver and held down, Ondrej smiled and put his rifle back and took his katana again cutting the ants head of with one swift movement as a notification poped up.

[Calculating reward please wait...]

[Reward calculated

4 Giant green ants slayed

3 000 Credits added

20 points towards stamina to User and companion Silver awarded]

[Do you wish to sell the carcasses to the shop ? yes / no]

Ondrej grinned as he said "Yes" seconds after he said so the carcasses let out bluish glow as they disappeared and another notification poped up while surprised Elize yelped as she jumped away from the glowing disappearing carcasse

[3 complete carcasses retrieved

1 damaged carcasse retrieved

4 500 Credits awarded]