Jeonghan, Jisoo, Seokmin and Jihoon sat at their usual spot in the cafeteria. There are too many people right now, and they're glad that no one took their spot.

"Okay now, let's decide who will go and get our meals at once," Seokmin said, and formed a rock. Yes, rock paper scissors gets everything done.

"Ga wi ba wi bo,"

As the result turned out, it was Jisoo who will take their meals, "Write it down quick." Jisoo ordered them and Jeonghan handed him out a piece of paper with their orders written on it.

"I hate it how I suck at rock paper scissors," Jisoo whined and took the paper and went straight to the counter with a irritated face. He's been playing this game, yet it's rare for him to win.

"Don't worry, you'll lose rarely next time!" Jeonghan yelled, and laugh as he made his own embarrassment because Jisoo ignored his words.

"He ignored you," Seokmin laughed as he watched Jisoo making his way to the counter.

"He's always like that," Jeonghan said and rest his face on his palm as he take a look at Jisoo ordering some food right now.

"Wait, I'll text Sowon if she ate already," Jeonghan said as he remembers that Sowon's break time was the same as his today. He took out his phone and sent a message to her.

To : My Wish 💖

It's ur lunch time now. Have u eaten? < 3 Make sure to eat a lot. See u later

*The name/word Sowon means Wish in Korean*

He hid his phone back in his pocket after he sent the message.

"Such a caring boyfriend, huh?" Someone from the back said, as Jeonghan heard the familiar voice, he turned his head up and see Seungcheol standing behind him with his three minions as Jeonghan calls.

"Why do you care?" Jeonghan asked, looking pissed. He's invading my privacy. Jeonghan thought.

"Just leave us alone, Seungcheol." Jihoon tried to act calm as possible. He's furious, all of them knows that. And Seungcheol doesn't want to have a fight with him.

"I'm sure your girlfriend is pretty. Take care of her. I might snatch her," Seungcheol whispered once more at Jeonghan's ears that made Jeonghan boil in anger.

He stood up and even made a sound with the help of the table which catched the students' attention, including Jisoo's who's making his way back to his friends.

"Don't you even dare," Jeonghan threatened. Seungcheol leaned in closer again, like what he had done earlier at the hallway. Jisoo immediately went near them and placed the tray at the table. He pushed Seungcheol away from Jeonghan.

"Who are you to interrupt?" Seungcheol asked, eyeing Jisoo, but Jisoo didn't flinch. He fought with Seungcheol's intimidating eyes.

Seungcheol was about to speak once more when Seungkwan entered the scene. "Jeonghan hyung, Choi Seungcheol, to Mr Choi's office, now."

Hansol, Mingyu and Wonwoo were about to follow when Seungkwan stopped them. "They're the only ones who were called, stay there."

"He's too bossy," Hansol commented when Seungkwan, together with Seungcheol and Jeonghan left.

"That's Boo, you can never change that attitude of him," Jihoon said. These three guys are now sitting with Jihoon, Jisoo and Seokmin.

"I'll get going first. I'll go check on what Soonyoung is doing. Thanks for the meal, Jisoo hyung," Jihoon said and stood up, bringing his lunch with him as he made his way out of the cafeteria heading to a friend named Soonyoung. One of the famous dancer in Pledis University.


"Come in," a stern voice could be heard as Seungkwan knocked on the door of Mr Choi's office.

Seungkwan opened the door making his way inside followed by Seungcheol and Jeonghan. "Sit down." Mr Choi said and both Seungcheol and Jeonghan sat down, facing each other.

"I heard about what happened on the hallway earlier," Mr Choi spoke. Seungcheol gulped for no reason but Jeonghan remained calmed. "Mind telling me what happened?" Mr Choi asked and glanced at the both of them.

"It's his fault, Dad. He didn't bother avoid me when I was nearly approaching him." Seungcheol explained his side quickly before Jeonghan could speak.

"No, it's his fault, Mr Choi. I shouldn't be the only one to adjust and the one to avoid. What if I did avoided him, but still, because he's not aware that there's someone he might bumped into, there's no use. He can bump into me even though I tried to avoid him as much as I could." Jeonghan explained his side calmly. Seungcheol looked at him in disbelief.

"It shouldn't be blame on one person only, I guess it should be blame on the both of us." Jeonghan continued that made Seungcheol's eyes widen. There's no way we'll accept the punishment?! Seungcheol thought.

"Okay, as you confessed your sins. I'll reduce the punishment," Mr Choi said and looked at Seungcheol and then Jeonghan. "I was thinking about cleaning the whole quadrangle including all the classrooms on the First Floor, but now, I decided to just make you wash all the cubicles here in our school." Mr Choi continued that made Seungcheol and Jeonghan almost widen up their mouth also.

A big typhoon is approaching me. Jeonghan thought as he eyed Seungcheol from head to toe. He's really rich. Jeonghan thought once again as he notice that the clothes that Seungcheol's wearing are branded clothes.

I hope this isn't a karma. I will gladly accept all the karmas in the world, but I won't accept it if it's him. Seungcheol thought as he also eyed Jeonghan from head to toe.

It's gotta be tough. They both thought and the real story will finally start.
