Seungcheol fetched Jeonghan back to his apartment. It's almost twelve midnight. They really had a fun time in the Theme Park.

"I guess, see you tomorrow?" Seungcheol said, as he get off the car and Jeonghan do so too

"Tomorrow?" Jeonghan asked, looking so confused. "Yeah, the rule." Seungcheol said, and Jeonghan finally did remembers.

"Fine, see you tomorrow." Jeonghan replied and opened the gate of the apartment. He went inside and that's the signal for Seungcheol.

Seungcheol let out a small chuckle and hopped inside his car. He drove away with a little smile on his face.


The next day was the day. Jeonghan woke up early. Still no texts or any calls from Sowon, just 2 unread messages from Jisoo and Seungkwan.

Jeonghan took a look on his watch, "Yah! Jun-ah! I'm going out now." Jeonghan yelled so his roommate can hear him. He immediately went out and rushed to the bus stop. He doesn't want to be late.

The bus stops and Jeonghan immediately went in to catch up with the time. He sat at the seat near the door so he can get out at ease.

Few minutes later, he reached Sowon's house. He knocked twice before someone opened the door for him. The guy that Sowon was with yesterday night. "Who is this?" The guy asked.

Jeonghan couldn't speak at first, then came back to his senses, "I-I'm Jeonghan, Sowon's boyfriend."

"Oh, come on in." the guy said and Jeonghan made his way inside. He saw Sowon packing some things up in the living room.

"Sojung-ah, someone's here." The guy said as soon as he walks in. Sojung-ah? Jeonghan wondered. Sojung is Sowon's real name, Sowon is just a nickname.

"Oh, who is it Eunwoo-yah?" Sowon asked as she's still packing some stuffs up. "He says he's your boyfriend." the guy named Eunwoo replied and pointed at Jeonghan who walks in behind him.

"Jeonghan-ah!" Sowon squealed and immediately rushed into Jeonghan's arms. He hugged her, and do so her. She hugged him tightly.

"Come, let's eat some first," Sowon said as she released the hug. She dragged him inside by pulling him while their hands intertwined. Jeonghan sat at the couch, and Eunwoo follows.

"Let me get some juice," Sowon said and left. She went to the kitchen to get some juice, not only for Jeonghan but also for Eunwoo.

"I didn't knew Sowon has a boyfriend," Eunwoo said. He crossed both of his arms and put his left leg on his right leg.

"But now, you already knew." Jeonghan couldn't control his sarcastic tone. He's just too pissed off with this guy in front of him.

I mean, for a guy like him who has such a beautiful girlfriend, and then this heavenly looking guy suddenly shows up? He remembers Jisoo saying that he should be confident, but this very good looking guy in front of him is different. He's like an angel that fell from Heaven (but it's actually Jeonghan you know).

"Here's some juice," Sowon went in with a tray on her hands. Jeonghan immediately stood up and helped her to carry the tray. "Thank you, Jeonghan-ah," Sowon smiled so sweetly in front of him. Eunwoo rolled his eyes on them.

"So I guess, you haven't meet each other yet. Jeonghan, this is Eunwoo, my modelling partner. Eunwoo, this is Jeonghan, my boyfriend." Sowon introduced them to each other.

Jeonghan smirked and offer his hand to Eunwoo, "Nice to meet you, Eunwoo-ssi," he tried not to sound too sarcastic, but it couldn't be helped. "Nice to meet you too, Jeonghan-ssi," Eunwoo accepted his hand and shook it slowly.

"Eunwoo's coming with me to Japan. So you don't have to worry about me, Jeonghan-ah." Sowon said, assuring Jeonghan her own safety. But Jeonghan couldn't help but to worry more. Eunwoo isn't a relative, but a modelling partner.

"I hope he takes care of you as a sister." Jeonghan replied, and let out a fake smile towards Eunwoo. Eunwoo smirked at him.

This is gonna be tough. Jeonghan thought.


The three of them, together with Sowon's friend, Eunha, are now in the airport. They're now waiting for their departure time.

"I can't believe that I will be so far away from you for two months." Jeonghan said and held both of her hands, he squeezed it. "Two months is short. Trust me," Sowon said and let go of Jeonghan's right hand and caressed Jeonghan's cheeks. Jeonghan held her left hand with his right hand and caressed it more on his cheeks. Sowon smiled so sweetly at him while looking at Jeonghan's sad eyes.

"Don't be sad. I will come back for you. And for you always." Sowon said and planted a peck on Jeonghan's right cheek. "I want you to take care always, okay? I will be gone by your side for two months. I'll always check you with Seungkwan." Sowon said and acted like an angry mom in front of Jeonghan. Jeonghan laughed at her gestures.

"I will always do." Jeonghan replied and caresses her cheeks. It was such a good scene, when someone stepped in.

"Oh, you're here!" The familiar voice gave Jeonghan a surprised look. It was Seungcheol.

"Oh? Jeonghan, you're close with our school's famous guy?" Sowon asked, with a confused look. Jeonghan gave Seungcheol a what-are-you-doing-here? look. Seungcheol shrugged and whispered to him, "Aren't you gonna tell her?"

"Tell me what?" Sowon asked. Seungcheol cleared his throat. She can hear them geez.

"It's just that. ." Jeonghan was about to speak when Seungcheol wrapped his arms on Jeonghan as if they were bros, "I offered Jeonghan something. He needs to help me get a rid of my ex girlfriend. And he needs to pretend as my boyfriend or fiance rather. I hope that's fine? Don't worry it's just a deal and he's getting paid with it." Seungcheol naturally explained and Sowon was shocked and confused. But she laughs it off.

"It's okay, don't worry. Plus, I know that Jeonghan will do a good job. He's professional. He doesn't take his deals seriously. And, he's a straight guy," Sowon smiled and Seungcheol do so too. Jeonghan let out an awkward smile. This is awkward. Jeonghan thought.

"I'll wait for you outside," Seungcheol whispered on Jeonghan and walked away. Jeonghan turned his head on Sowon.

"Is it really fine with you? I'll back out if it's not fine." Jeonghan said and looked at her directly in her eyes with a worried look.

"Of course. Besides, it's Seungcheol. He's a guy." Sowon chuckled, and do so Jeonghan but his worries didn't fade.

"But still," Jeonghan's worry won't fade and disappear. His fear with Sowon's feelings is heating up right now. "Look, Han. It's really fine with me. I know you're a straight guy and you love me more than anything. So it's really fine with me. Besides, you can earn some money with that." Sowon said, showing that she really understands.

"I was about to tell you this but I couldn't find any right timing for it. But okay, Seungcheol spilled the beans already," Jeonghan said and chuckles. Sowon laughed it off and looked straight into Jeonghan's eyes.

"Now, I want you to promise again," Sowon said and held Jeonghan's hands this time. She leaned in closer to Jeonghan,

"Please wait for me?"
