The next day, Wednesday, the Student Council was told for the Preparation for the upcoming Music Fest in the Gymnasium. They need to decorate the Gymnasium as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary situations and distractions. Since the Gymnasium will be closed for two weeks until the Music Fest is up, P.E Classes will be done in the Quadrangle.

"Hey, why are you up so early?" Jun asked, he's making breakfast for him and for Jeonghan, but he saw Jeonghan wearing his school uniform while struggling to wear his shoes.

"Student Council responsibility. I'll just eat at school, don't mind me." Jeonghan said before rushing out. While running out, he already spotted Seungcheol outside the house.

"I already texted you not to pick me up, right?" Jeonghan said as he walked up to Seungcheol.

"Seungkwan told me your schedule today, so I'm here," Seungcheol smiled a bit which he's not that usual to do.

"Let me carry your bag," Seungcheol said and Jeonghan handed him his bag, both of them went inside the car.

"You're being too nice, huh? I might think you have fallen for me." Jeonghan jokingly said, and to his surprise, Seungcheol immediately leaned over and they made an eye contact, Jeonghan gulped with their distance. "Then what if I have fallen already?" Seungcheol asked softly, making Jeonghan a bit speechless.

Seungcheol buckled up Jeonghan's seatbelt and after that, Jeonghan expected him to get back to his seat but he didn't. He stayed like that there, making an eye contact with Jeonghan.

Jeonghan could feel Seungcheol's heavy breathing. How can he smell so good? Seungcheol examined Jeonghan's features, he was about to tell those words in his mind, but no, he spitted it out, "Your lips are too attractive. I might kiss it right now." he licked his lips that made Jeonghan gulped a bit.

Jeonghan pushed him, so he will be free from the awkward moment, "Aish! Stop saying nonsense things!" Jeonghan yelled, but looks like he pushed Seungcheol too hard, he's still on his position and he's not moving at all.

"Y-Yah! Seungcheol! Don't joke around!" Jeonghan called him out, but Seungcheol didn't respond. It scared him so he leaned in closer to wake him up, "Yah Choi Seungcheol-" before Jeonghan could even continue, Seungcheol, as the fast one he is, turn his head and his lips landed on Jeonghan.

Jeonghan was shocked with what happened, and he couldn't process anything as of the moment. It's the fifth time. Seungcheol was the first one to stop, he stared at Jeonghan, "I don't know what am I even doing. What are you doing to me, Yoon Jeonghan?" Jeonghan couldn't respond. He doesn't know how to respond to Seungcheol's melting words.

Jeonghan could feel his heart beat. It beats so fast that maybe, Seungcheol could also hear it. He doesn't even know what to feel.

Their moment was interrupted by someone knocking on the car window on Jeonghan's side. Seungcheol immediately got back from his seat and Jeonghan fixed his posture. The window car went down revealing Jun.

"Sorry to interrupt your moment, but I noticed that you're not leaving yet so I decided to cook some food for you, Jeonghan hyung. Eat if you're hungry, okay?" Jun said, handing Jeonghan a simple lunch box and Jeonghan happily took it.

"Thank you, Junhwi-ya." Jeonghan smiled, but his smile faded away in an instant when he realized something. Did he saw everything? Jeonghan wondered.

"Yah! How long have you been standing there?" Jeonghan softly asked, and Jun let out a teasing grin. "Uh, the moment you two kissed." Jun tried to answer innocently and by that Jeonghan frustratingly lean his body on the car seat.

So embarrassing. Jeonghan thought.

Both Seungcheol and Jeonghan bid a goodbye to Jun and waved their hands on him.


Seungcheol and Jeonghan came to school, without any signs of the students. It's too early in the morning.

"Looks like Seungkwan isn't here yet," Jeonghan said while looking at his watch.

Seungcheol and Jeonghan walked to their classroom. They're the only ones here. Also, no signs of Teachers.

Jeonghan felt that Seungcheol grabbed the lower part of his shirt, tugging it. "Yah, are you scared being alone here?" Jeonghan asked as he saw Seungcheol's face, looking so scared.

"Geez," Jeonghan commented and chuckled at Seungcheol's cute scared expression. He's cute when he's scared, okay? "Alright, I'll stay with you here until you have someone with you here." Jeonghan said and by that, Seungcheol immediately sat on his chair beside Jeonghan.

Jeonghan took out his phone and took a selfie with the sulky Seungcheol. "Yah! Are you taking pictures of me?" Seungcheol yelled as he heard the clicking sound. He sulked once again and Jeonghan couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Why are you laughing?" Seungcheol asked, still sulking.

"Nothing.. It's just.." Jeonghan couldn't continue since he's laughing so bad, "You're just cute." And it slipped. Jeonghan's laugh slowly fade and Seungcheol's expression went from sulking to a blushing face.

Seungcheol can literally feel his cheeks heating up. "I-I mean you sulking is cute," Jeonghan tried to defend himself, "The sulk is cute," Jeonghan tried once again as he realized that what he just said made the situation worse, "AH MOLLA! (I don't know!)" He walked out, dashing out of the room.

He immediately found a place to hide. Jeonghan breathed in, breathed out. He must be insane. How did it slipped from his mouth without him knowing? He felt his cheeks heating up. "No, am I blushing?" Jeonghan mumbles to himself as he cup his cheeks with his two hands.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, Seungcheol was there, left dumbfounded. He's still blushing. "Why are you doing this to me, Yoon Jeonghan?" he mumbles, "AISH! IT'S SO FRUSTRATING!"

Even though he's saying he's frustrated, he took a glance on the door where Jeonghan went out, he smiled a bit remembering how flustered Jeonghan was when he said that he's cute when sulking.

Am I falling for him?

Of course not!

But. . .


Seungcheol fought with his thoughts. Does he really like Jeonghan already? Or he's just getting tricked by his mind and his heart? Feelings can be playful. But he knows himself the truth, he's just denying it.


Few minutes later, still no sign of Jeonghan. Seungcheol decided to go out and check where's Jeonghan whereabouts. Not until he saw a figure of a guy, sleeping at the bench. Its blonde hair color stood out, he knew, it's Jeonghan.

Both of them loves to sleep on benches, don't they?

Seungcheol bended down and stare at Jeonghan's delicate features. He stroked his hair and it was too soft and silky. He continued to stare at him, from his long eyelashes attached to Jeonghan's beautiful eyes, his perfectly shaped nose, and lastly, Jeonghan's lips he felt so many times on his. Two of them are not by accident, but one is intentionally.

Am I really falling already? It's only been weeks, Yoon Jeonghan.

Then, he suddenly remembered Wonwoo and Hansol's words last time.

"Just be careful with Jeonghan, Seungcheol," - Jeon Wonwoo.

"You don't know his charms yet. Just be careful, you might fall without you knowing." - Chwe Hansol.

Is he falling already without him knowing, that fast? He doesn't know. But all he really know is, he really wanted Jeonghan to be with him all the time. Fake boyfriend or not, he just wanted him.

Suddenly, Jeonghan woke up, making Seungcheol a bit taken aback. "Oh, S-Seungcheol.." Jeonghan muttered. He's still a bit sleepy.

But then, Seungcheol noticed he's a bit pale. "Jeonghan-ah, you look so pale." Seungcheol gave notice, but Jeonghan shrugged it off saying, "It's nothing. I'm just tired, maybe." But Seungcheol wasn't convinced with Jeonghan's excuse. He knows that something is up but Jeonghan won't let him know it. He knew, it wasn't part of his concerns anymore, but he's concern enough with Jeonghan's state.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm fine, really." Jeonghan reassured Seungcheol, but even though Seungcheol doesn't give a freaking damn on his excuses, he gave it up. But he will still check on Jeonghan every time. He knew that Jeonghan isn't okay, he's not just telling him anything.

They looked like a couple right now. Seungcheol smiled with that thought and he didn't even know why.

"Let's go back to the room now." Jeonghan said and stood up, and do so Seungcheol who was bending his knees to reach Jeonghan's level at the bench earlier.

They didn't held hands as there is no one around. No sign of anyone. Until they saw Seungkwan walking towards the room. "Seungkwan-ah!" Jeonghan called him out and rushes to the other guy. Unexpectedly, Hansol was also there, behind Seungkwan.

"Wait, did you guys came together?" Seungcheol started to ask questions, interrogating the two. Seungkwan and Hansol gulped.

"Shall we tell them already?" Hansol whispered to Seungkwan which both Jeonghan and Seungcheol didn't quite hear. Seungkwan breathed out, and nodded.

Seungkwan and Hansol held each other's hand that had Jeonghan and Seungcheol dropped both of their jaws with the sight of the two.

"What?! When?!" They both said in unison. Seungkwan is slowly forming a small smile on his face. "Y-Yesterday.. We both confessed and there," Hansol told them, and both of them flushed pink.

Jeonghan and Seungcheol couldn't process anything. They were just left their, mouth open.

"Wow. . that was fast." Seungcheol finally commented. Seungkwan bit his lower lip, suppressing his smile.

"Is that why both of you disappeared for lunch yesterday? Aish, rascals." Jeonghan said and Seungkwan hugged him. "I love you, hyung," Seungkwan whispered that made Jeonghan smile.

Seungkwan is one of Jeonghan's favorite dongsaengs in their circle of friends. Dokyeom, Soonyoung and Seungkwan are his favorites.

"I'm happy for you," Jeonghan finally said it. Hansol and Seungkwan happily held their hands in front of the fake couple.

"Let's go in," said Seungcheol and in their shock, Areum is already there.

"Seungcheol, are you fine here with her?" Jeonghan worriedly ask, he needs to leave with Seungkwan. They need to go to the gymnasium right away right now.

"I'll be fine. Hansol's with me." Seungcheol assured Jeonghan. Jeonghan is hesitating a bit but Seungcheol smiled, reassuring that he's fine.

Jeonghan, if this is still a part of his act, gave Seungcheol a peck on his cheek that made the other man blushed. "Part of the deal," Jeonghan whispered.

"See you later, Hansol." Seungkwan gave his boyfriend a quick peck on his lips that made Hansol blush.

Jeonghan and Seungkwan left the three of them in the room. Areum was quite furious with what she just saw. She needs to do an action.

"Hmm, looks like someone's blushing aside from me." Hansol teased, as Seungcheol's still staring at the door where Jeonghan went out.


It's 7:30 am now and a lot of students are arriving. The rest of the Student Council are now at the Gymnasium to prepare and decorate.

The class has started and everyone rushed to their respective classes. Jeonghan, Seungkwan and Moonbin aren't back yet. Looks like they're excused for the whole day just to get the Gymnasium ready. That was Seungcheol's thoughts.

Areum keeps on trying to get Seungcheol's attention since Jeonghan is not around, but Seungcheol didn't paid attention on her. She's too annoying you know?

"Until when are you gonna ignore me? I know you still love me the way you loved me before," Areum started to cry, but Seungcheol ignored her tears and turned to her, "That was before, Areum." Seungcheol stayed firm with his posture.

As for now, the only person in his mind is no other than Jeonghan.

Meanwhile, the Student Council were so busy at the Gymnasium. Everybody is working. There's no one resting.

"Hey, Jeonghan-ah, are you okay? You look pale," Suho paid attention on Jeonghan, but Jeonghan smiled and assured he's okay.

Jeonghan climbed up the stairs to fix the banner for the Music Fest. "Seungkwan-ah, gather some students here. We need help," Jeonghan ordered as he balance himself at the stair. He's attaching the banner with MUSIC FEST on it. He needs help.

Seungkwan immediately followed his words. Irene and Suho were busy gathering all the materials from the delivery, while Jihyo on the other hand bought some snacks for all of them, and Moonbin was decorating the stage along with Jeonghan but he's on the lower part of the stage.

Seungkwan immediately headed in their room. He wants to see Hansol so he'll drag them there. "Mr Nam, I would like to excuse Mr Chwe, Mr Choi, Mr Hong and Mr Kim to help us with what we are doing at the Gymnasium. Mr Yoon asked for help." Seungkwan said politely, and Mr Nam nodded. "You're excused,"

Jeonghan couldn't reach the spot, he needs to tiptoe so he would be able to reach it. But unfortunately, he felt a sudden dizziness. His surrounding keeps on spinning. All he think is that Seungcheol would come to help. And by that, Jeonghan fell hardly on the floor, with the stair above him. He lost his consciousness.

Moonbin got shocked with what happened and called Suho and Irene for help. Seungkwan came back with Seungcheol, Hansol, Jisoo and Mingyu with him, and all of them were shocked with the scene.

Before Jisoo could even run to help Jeonghan, Seungcheol already ran for Jeonghan. The other four followed Seungcheol behind.

Seungcheol removed the stair that was on top of Jeonghan. He looks so pale, Seungcheol thought. "Move," he said as he carry Jeonghan in a bridal way. Everyone followed them behind as Seungcheol ran towards the clinic. He's like, running for his life.

As Seungcheol ran, they ran passed by the classroom, Areum saw Jeonghan's condition in a slow motion, and lastly, she saw Seungcheol's expression she never seen before. That expression occured on Jeonghan. On Jeonghan only.

"MOVE!" Seungcheol shouted as many students went out from their classrooms, and do so the teachers to know what's going on as they saw Seungcheol running while carrying Jeonghan in his arms.

Jihoon, Junhwi, Seokmin and Wonwoo immediately followed them behind.

Seungcheol reached the clinic and he immediately lay Jeonghan down. He looks really pale. "Nurse, please check on him." Seungcheol hurriedly said and the Nurse immediately check on Jeonghan.

Seungcheol couldn't leave the room, while the other guys patiently waited outside, tho Jisoo wants to come in, but he can't. Seungcheol won't allow him, but the door's open, so they can clearly see Jeonghan, but they can't come in as for Jeonghan's safety too, he might suffocate due to the number of people inside the clinic.

"He must be tired and hungry. Did he ate breakfast?" The Nurse asked, and there, Jun was the one who responded, "No. But I made food for him to eat. I told him to eat once he got here. But it looks like he didn't even bother to listen to me." Jun said, and he facepalm looking at Jeonghan's condition.

After the Nurse check on Jeonghan, Seungcheol immediately went beside his bed. "Once he wakes up, give him something to eat. Glad that his head wasn't damaged or we're all dead." The Nurse said and went out of the clinic for a while.

Seungcheol caressed Jeonghan's cheek, he looked so really pale. "I'm sorry, Jeonghan-ah.." Seungcheol mumbles and held Jeonghan's hand, he caressed his cheek with it as he stare at Jeonghan. He's sleeping.

"Go back to your classes now. Ask about the Preparation to Mrs Yoo or Mr Nam." Seungcheol ordered and the other guys followed.

Jisoo was hesitant for a while. He can't just leave Jeonghan. "He's with Seungcheol, don't worry about him." Jihoon whispered and drag Jisoo with them.

But as soon as the boys exited the scene, Areum came with her friends behind her, watching Seungcheol and Jeonghan's current scene in the clinic. "So what now, Areum? You're far behind him already," Nayun said and Yena laughed.

"Just wait and see. This won't last long." Areum said and she took out her phone and dialled a number. After a couple of rings, it answered. "Hello? Who's this?"

Areum smirked, "You don't need to know who am I, Kim Sowon."
