Ning Yue felt the usual drumming headache that kept hammering his head incessantly, it was a familiar process of transferring the originals' memories to his head. It felt being abruptly stuffed by a pile of rocks in your head and it was simply agonizing.

But he got used to it, so he only slightly frowned and that's it.

But unbeknownst to Ning Yue he did indeed got used to it, But the pain lessened only because his spiritual power protected him from the pain. Having experienced many worlds his spiritual power already broke to the threshold of humanity's limits, proving his spiritual power is already monstrous enough to directly kill somebody if he got out of control.

Ning Yue's mission was to restore the world's heavenly rules because a world without it will only plunged into chaos and gradually get destroyed and dissolve into space and never to be seen again—in a short explanation he has to restore a broken world and by restoring a broken world has to restore the heavenly rules and by restoring the heavenly rules, he has to correct the path of the Heavenly son which is the protagonist—A fallen protagonist.

because the heavenly rules broke the protagonist no longer has the blessings and luck from the heavens—or should we call it Halo, they gradually deviated from the path that was supposed to make the world prosper it ended in a great tragedy of their fates.

And Ning Yue as a foreign soul has to do task to guide the protagonists back on their right tracks, problem is.... sometimes he was the villain and it was extremely hard to get on their good side, sometime he would be killed off after he finishes his mission.

Carefully sweeping off the originals' s memories, He became a bit dumbfounded because of his identity.

Gyro Cedric the Merfolk kingdom's eccentric little prince was the future heir of the most Mysterious empire in the whole Continent of Nhirolea. He is also one of the protagonist's killers—well although it was indirectly. Gyro was a very cautious and wary person, he never trusted anyone other than himself.

Because in his childhood his stepmother tried to drug him and threw him at a noble merfolk to pull him down of his inheritance as the heir and replace him with his older brother Gerald. His father who only got his eyes of taking care of the kingdom and it's citizens, being a great king but a great failure of being a father and a husband, didn't even send him his regards or what not. His father never cared.

Although Gyro managed to avoid that great disaster of forceful mating it still turned his blood cold and stoned his heart, he became indifferent about other people's opinions and joined the ranks of their military and strived there to be stronger. In the military, his dusty appearance was little by little being uncovered and gradually became a shining diamond. But, this made Gyro's stepmother anxious and schemed another great conspiracy (well that's what she calls it).

And one of Gyro's missions of Exterminating Contaminated merfolk¹. He was betrayed by one of his soldiers and scraped off many scales on his tail and nearly being torn to shreds he still tenaciously survived and found an evidence against his stepmother and reported it back to his father.

as he predicted his father didn't even glance at his older brother and his stepmother before they were sent to execution for attempting felony against a prince. Just like that, they died and he ascended the throne when his father abdicated and traveled to the outside world, beyond the boundaries of their ocean's water..

And like a carbon copy, Gyro made the Kingdom prosper and took care of it's citizens like how his father did. He didn't have any emotional attachments to anyone and this worried the ministers and tried various ways to make Gyro bend, But none of it worked and instead Gyro became more aloof and indifferent, like he didn't belong to this world. Gyro's father's deed already drilled into his head so much that he also implemented it unto himself. He wanted to be alone. Never caring about anyone.

And now, Ning Yue who already took Gyro's body gazed at the kneeling and bowing (well not really kneeling, they're mermaids remember?) ministers, he was a bit out of sorts before returning to normal.

Some of the ministers felt something changed on their king and they doubtfully raised their heads a little to take a look. They became a bit confused when they noticed a change of temperament of their king but they dismissed it and found a random reason or something.

Ning Yue who isn't a bit worried about an Out of Character rule, is slightly relaxing at the magnificent throne holding an exquisite trident in his hand. Because the world is broken, there is no rules to restrain an otherworldler like him, so the No-OOC status doesn't apply for him.

And the protagonist? he was more unfortunate that the original owner. He was betrayed by his half-brother, fell out of favor from his father, have a scheming stepmother and two-faced friends. His end was very miserable, in the end he became a crazed dark elf and assassinated his brother successfully and caused a Continental war from various races, The world's rules took a direct hit and the world was destroyed and become an unknown barren asteroid.

Ning Yue's brows furrowed a little because of the scenes he was seeing in his memories, it was a little bit complicated. But to other's eyes, especially his ministers, their king's furrowed brows signifies his annoyance. The lots of them immediately became nervous and jittery. The last time their king became annoyed, it became one their most horrible memory.

When Ning Yue's eyes swept their way, they immediately bowed lower and reduce their sense of presence as much as possible. Ning Yue gazed at the nervous ministers and slightly arced his silver brows, some servants immediately became dazed when they saw their king's expression. it was slight amusement. They doubtfully looked over again and began to be even more suspicious. However, Ning Yue who felt their gazes. He lightly smiled and got descended from his throne. For Gyro's appearance, Ning Yue also couldn't help but marvel and sigh in admiration.

He had to admit, The overall silver color, From hair to the tail, he gave off a mystic feeling, and his blue eyes were very eye catching, it shone like gemstones however it was both deep, icy and penetrating.His snow white skin was even incomparable to a white pearl. His red blood lips was like a splash of color to his whole person, He was a perfect walking raging hormone.

The servants who received his smile, staggered while receiving a critical hit, some of then nearly shrieked like having seen a ghost.

A smile ahh! Their king never smiled at them before! They robotically continued their jobs and begun the journey of doubting the meaning of life.

back to Ning Yue and the ministers who nearly wept when they saw him descending, however they were dumbfounded by the next thing their king said, " I'll be going to the Ocean Shadow Prison to check something, you guys do your things.."

The ministers who felt their brain was being electrocuted, dumbly nodded as they watched their king's back somewhat oddly, some of them even looked like they lost their souls.

Why do..the king feel

' So otherworldly beautiful..'

this sentence appeared in their minds simultaneously and untill they got home, they were still murmuring about.