
1.5 Bridgette Village

After moments of dull, people became slightly hungry making them crave for foods. They have no problems with water, in fact they were saved by a water delivery truck with 10 gallons of drinkable water inside.

Going back on what Terry said earlier, Harold thought of an idea for searching for that village Terry's talking about.

"Terry? Have you been in the village you were talking about?" Harold asked.

"Yeah? Why?" Terry answered.

"Can you help me find it? Are there any landmarks you can tell?" Harold asked.

"Sure. There is a big Acacia tree kilometer away from the front gate and has a river, meters away from the tree. It is somehow facing the City in a lower left perspective!" Terry explained.

Everybody were able to hear the discussion making it an open conversation.

"Well, sure it has people in it, can I come too?" Althea asked.

"Sure, the more, the better! But, we still need people to stay here in the camp, to keep eyes to our vehicles." Harold explained.

"Yeah, we're staying, me, Trisha and Jam!" Nash initiated.

"I'm staying too!" Johnson added.

"I'm going!" Tyrone said.

"I am going with my sister!" Ofelia answered.

"I don't like staying with Karens!" Angelica responded.

"What do you mean?" Harold asked out of confusion.

"I am not going!" Angelica explained further.

"Okay. We'll be leaving in two minutes! And I need Johnson and Nash to keep an eye in the vicinities of the camp, take care!" Harold said as he walk back to the woods.

Terry, Tyrone, Ofelia and Althea came afterwards to the woods and the five of them started their journey to the village.

Terry and Harold were both in front of the group while the three others were at the back covering their path.

They walked through the dusking daylight from the horizon and it is slowly turning its light to dim where darkness will overwhelm through the night.

The dying sun was humid and cool, cool enough to send shivers through their bodies.

It was a full silence in the nearby city which was usually busy and lights seems never fading out.

You will be able to say that there's something wrong by looking at it twenty-two kilometers afar.

While walking in silence and awkwardness, Ofelia started to talk about herself, discussing further about herself to entertain everyone while walking through the lifeless path.

"When I was seven, I was in the Mountainous Ridge of Subura (the northmost region of Deluvia). I was playing with my friends Ian and Casper when I accidently got trapped by a bear trap stationed at the grassy part of the path. Oh God, that was one of my hated part of my childhood!" Ofelia discussed while laughing.

Because of the awkwardness Ofelia's storytelling, Harold became really moved that he simply asked Ofelia's sister, Terry about her.

"Is she always like that?" Harold whispered to Terry.

Ofelia's story continued in the background while Terry answered with all of her knowledge about her sister.

"I'm sorry about her, she's always like that to be honest, she must have brought that childish trait all the way to her late thirties!" Terry humorously answered.

"Oh crap, of all the types of people in the fucking world, that type is one of the most annoying personality." Harold joked.

Terry laughs but, replied shortly after.

"Loud people deal no harm behind you, the quiet one has!" Terry seriously said and walked forward.

Harold was confused by what Terry said and he thought of it in couple of seconds.

They have all reached the big Acacia tree and from that spot, Terry pointed at a cobblestone wall with big red gate ten meters away from the tree.

"Introducing, the Bridgette Village!" Terry said.

Harold nodded in satisfaction while the three people at the back also showed satisfaction with that.

Althea smiled as she sees there are street lamps from the inside that were lit brightly.

"There are still people in it!" Althea said with a wide smile from her face.

"It means, there's still hope for this!" Ofelia said as she smile greatfully.

After the happy moment, Terry hurriedly ran towards the gate and forcefully knocked to it.

"Hey! We need help please?" Terry shouted as she keeps on knocking the big tall red door, hoping to get a response coming from the other side of the gate.

The gate opened up slightly after her shouts and as soon as she opens it, she saw three civilians from inside encouraging them to get inside.

Terry, Harold, Tyrone, Ofelia and Althea walked inside the village with smile on their faces that it seems like there is nothing happening outside this wonderful village.

The five of them were directed at the Village Owner's Office and there, they met Ms. Julianne Houston.

She hurriedly invited the five to sit at the soft comfortable sofa beside the room and she only called Terry and Harold to come nearer to her, for some questions.

The two immediately responded and the both of them sat in front of the table, facing at the woman in business suit.

"What brings you here folks?" Julianne asked as she is maintaining the smile on her face, for professionalism.

"Troofolis is in a great danger right now,there are people reanimating into some unknown creatures and they have conquered the entire town!" Harold explained as calm as he can to Julianne but she doesn't seem to believe him.

"Mr. Police Officer, I don't really think that happens to the city, things like that are just fairytails and those were all as real as a unicorn dancing by the rainshower! Please stop joking around!" Julianne responded and she was trying to hold back her laugh about it.

"I am sorry Ma'am but, there were casualties committed in the city, don't you think we are joking it for prank?" Terry said emotionally, she was trying to hold back her tears.

"I'm sorry miss, but we have just received the memo from the local government, it says that the happenings in Troofolis City were just caused by a group of pranksters, messing around with people like you, who weren't able to process what is real and what is fake!" Julianne explained annoyingly.

As soon as Tyrone heard it from Julianne, he became really furious and he agitatedly attacked the woman's table without hesitation.

He punched the table hardly that made Harold and Terry knock back to their seats.

"Hey you motherfucker! I saw my mom being mauled by a monstrous creature and it is tearing fleshes out from her. I saw it in my two eyes so don't you dare fucking tell me those were just pranks when we have every reason to prove that it is all real!" Tyrone angrily shouted.

Julianne was moved by this and she just went backwards while maintaining her posture.

"Okay, keep calm! We're just going to provide you what you need in our place! We have no space here for people like you with that mindset, so, please, leave the village immediately after receiving what you need! That's all that we can help, thank you!" Julianne said as she walked out of the room with grin stapled in her face.

The three civilians who opened the gate entered the room and directed them outside the office and made them five to sit at the bench beside the road outside.

"Ms. Julianne wants to know what you need!" one of the civilians said.

"We'll be needing a pan, canned goods and if you have vegetables, please include. Also some aspirins and other medicines in first aid, thank you!" Terry answered politely.

As soon as Terry enumerated those, the three civilians walked out of the scene, leaving them five waiting at the bench.

All of them were silently sitting at the bench while Terry is trying to calm Tyrone down from his outburst earlier.

Harold thinks of the possibility that there might be answers still lurking in the city and so, he thinks of a plan getting back there.

"I'm going back to Troofolis" Harold said out of the blue.

The other four reacted surprised and they couldn't believe what was Harold thinking.

"You can't go there alone! We still need you here Harold!" Terry pleaded.

"There are still unknown things to uncover there, I'll try to search for answers on how did this thing happened and who the fuck is the person behind all of these!" Harold explained that changed everybody's mind.

"I should go with you!" Tyrone initiated.

The three girls didn't respond, meaning they don't want to get back in the city with Harold, that made up the decision of Harold getting back to the city alongside Tyrone, first thing in the morning.

The three civilians have arrived with canned goods and pans. They gave those things to Terry and the other girls, while directing them back to the gate.

The five of them walked out of the village and walked on the same path they went in going there, after few moments, they came back to the camp.