Family lapse

Oliver was sitting in his room, bright, shielding him from the outside cold. He was holding a white longsword in his hands, adjusting the cloth bonded to its hilt. The sword looked old, other than its color nothing was special about it.

One of the double-edged blades hat cracks and an area where it was simply dull.

"Are you sure Oliver?" A melodious, soft voice asked him, entering the door behind him.

Oliver nodded, not looking back towards her, and still adjusting.

"But you can just let it be, don't you remember what they did to you? You could die this time!" Her voice was getting louder as she spoke.

"I simply can't Jessica" he answered with a cold voice.

He turned towards her and stood up. Looking into her deep orange blazing eyes.

"I am thankful for what you and your father did for me, this whole time. I mean it"

"But" another voice went in. It was a rough voice, an old mans, slow and steady.

Oliver turned towards him entering the room too.

"Hello Yosua"

"Oliver, as Jessica said. You don't have to live this life again"

"Yes Oliver! Aren't we your family?" Jessica joined in.

Oliver stood there quiet, thinking about what she said.

"But Doran is too"

"It has been a year Oliver, let it go" Yosua said it as softly as he could.

Oliver shook his head: "I am sorry, and thankful for what you did for me this whole time"

"Please don't go" Jessica screamed at him, tears rolling down her eyes.

Yosua brushed his hand down her dark dark brown hair softly and went to her shoulder easily and laid his warming hand there: "But please come back" He said with sadness deepening his voice.

"You were the brother I never had," she continued with a depressing quiet voice: "Oliver"

The young man nodded for Yosuas acceptance and went back to his sword.

Jessica rushed out crying and leaving tears on the ground.

His old face saddened even more. He closed his weak old eyes and touched his bald head.

Oliver could hear how the old Yosua also turned and took his leave.

"It's sad" He said to himself after everyone left.

After Oliver was done, he grabbed his two bags and put them near the entrance.

Yosua came by: "Let me, I will bring them down"

"No, it is fine Yosua"

"NO! Nothing is fine with you leaving. Go to Jessica. Don't leave her like that"

Oliver nodded to him and passed him.

He passed the kitchen and stood in front of her room.

"Jessica?" He knocked on her door-



"Leave it!" A quiet voice trying to be loud answered him.

"I am sorry Jessica"

"No, you aren't!" Her voice was getting a grip, not showing the sadness she is in.

"YES, I AM!"

"NO OLIVER, then you wouldn't leave us, leave ME!"

Oliver quiet down: "You know Jessica. You and Yosua are my family. And so is Doran"

Jessica kept listing to him.

"That means I can't leave him there with those beasts"

Oliver stopped and listened behind the door for what was going on and then suddenly the door opened.

"I know how much of a dumbass you are" She laughed with tears in her eyes: "But please come back, promise?"

"I promise"

She hugged him: "Then go now, you can't be late"

Oliver smiled and gave her a last big hug.

"You sound like a kid, even though you are older than me"

Jessica smacked him to that comment.

"Please be safe" That's when she let go of him and closed the door to her room.

Oliver put his jacked back on thigh and took his leave, not realizing the shallow cries behind the door.

"And?" Yosua was waiting outside, leaning to his old car parked behind the bright lantern.

"I explained it"

The old man looks down knowing what explain to his daughter meant.

Oliver jumped in and Yosua came after.

"Where are we headed to?"

"Musk street"

"Huh, what are you doing there?"

"Meeting my new team"

The man shook his head to that answer and started driving.


On their short ride they passed tall buildings, rising so high into the sky that the clouds were hiding the tips. And then suddenly a thunder following with a lighting.

Yosua got caught off, that he nearly crashed to the side, but Oliver grabbed the wheel fast enough.

"Damn wizard" The driver murmured: "thanks Oliver"

"Is this the monthly tribute?" Oliver asked him.

"Yes, every month he summons three lightnings, nobody knows why. Maybe some ritual, or to show his dominance. Nobody knows, I mean he is the last Strike summoner.


Another lighting fell. Oliver saw it this time, it fell on top the magus tower, it's very tip.

"By the name of Gunmol!" The old man screamed: "End it alrea-"

Another lightning fell interrupting him.

"I guess that's the third one" Oliver laughed his shocked face.

Yosua shook his head and continued driving.

"Is this the place?"

"Yes, you can park over there"

Oliver grabbed his bags and left the car, only giving Yosua a last handshake.

"Damn it"

These were Yosuas last words, but they were quiet, so quiet that Oliver couldn't hear them.

"Hey Oliver, right?" A tall man asked him, leaving the building Oliver was headed to. He had black hair wore a t-shirt ignoring the cold of being outside. A tall grin was forming on his face as he walked towards Oliver.

"Yeah, that's me. We talked before"

"Yeah, Yeah my bad. I am not good with names. Eyo, let me help you"

He took one of his bags and turned back to the building.

"Davindus, right?"

"Nah, nah. Nobody's calling me Davindus. Just call me David"

And just like that they both entered the old block building.