His question

why are you not at the Anderson's because there's only one daughter I know of and that is Emilia Anderson?

" I was sent out of the Anderson's family a year after my mom passed away, I was told I am old enough to earn a living for myself."

I have been living with friends till I was able to get the apartment I currently live"

" though in this relationship I might be demanding for more since I don't have any thing I hope you can help me"

" I'm sorry I'm being so straight forward but I've been thought to seek for help when I'm down"

" I'll be needing help in getting back everything my mom left behind that has been taken away from me"

I love her honesty and I don't mind whatever she demands because I am have already determined to give her what ever she demand of.

I don't have a problem with that asked for whatever you need and I'll try as much as possible to meet your demands


Julie's POV

I saw no reason to keep things from him he's become my boyfriend and the first step to anything is being honest I needed to gain his trust for him to help me so I decided to be truthful

I told him what he needed to know

the other woman Elizabeth Johnson tried everything possible from beating me up to starving me she made life a living hell for me till Emilia faked a pregnancy result in my room and made my Dad see it

which lead to me being chased out of the house

when I left I lived in the streets for weeks till I met Samantha. Samantha may be noisy but she is a good friend

"do you mind staying over it's pretty late? he asked it was almost 10 PM and I needed to go home and prepare for work tomorrow

I don't think I can maybe some other time I said

" it's ok we're still getting to know each other take your time. Let me give you a lift then"

ok I replied

we got into the car he decided to drive me home himself

I sat in the copilot seat and he drove steadily

the ride home was quite I didn't know if I have said anything that would offend him so I kept quiet

he dropped me at my condo and got Dow to open the door for me such a gentle man I thought

he walked me to my apartment and asked

" can I give you a hug"

yeah sure

He embraced me and gave me a kiss on my head

I blushed slightly when he broke the hug I waved him good by

be careful on your way home and drive safely I said I opened the door and got inside locked the door and went straight to bed I was almost 11 when I got home so I decided to sleep