•First Time

I define the word 'coward'.


"In short , the plan is to just seduce and put her to sleep. That's when Gray will enter and kill her."


The steps that Seven told weren't even qualified to be a plan , she didn't mention anything about important factors and just ordered Krev to do 2 things. And surprisingly enough Krev didn't object.

"I see-"

The office door burst opened and Gray entered the room , he wore a brown suit to attend the party. He was sweating as he asked ,

"A-Archbishop Seven isn't this too much? I mean s-seducing a girl and upon that a t-threesome with Bishop Krev! You didn't even ask me."


The loud sound of Seven laughing covered the whole room , she couldn't control herself after hearing what Gray said. Krev leaned back on the chair and cleared the misunderstanding.

"Archbishop Seven didn't meant that you'll be seducing the target along with me , I'll be the one to seduce her and you'll kill her. Got it?"

"O-Oh I see."

"Also the mission is seducing her that doesn't mean we are- I am going to have sex with her , I'll seduce her away from the CCTV's and her guards and you'll kill her."

Seven stopped laughing and looked at Krev.

"Well you can do it with her , we are supposed to be sinners , we are the bad guys here. You're already 19 , that makes you the only virgin Bishop present in the church."

Krev ignored her remarks and continued to inform Gray more on the mission.

"Don't reveal yourself or stand out much during the party , I'm not going to save you if you get yourself killed , Archbishop Seven send a backup in case that happens."

"Yeah yeah , Bishop Krev you might not know much about me but I'm a silent guy. I can follow anyone without being noticed , I'll make sure I'm not the centre of the party. Tonight I'll be 'The Silent Killer' , hehehehe."


"This one's for my brother John here!!!"

Saying that Gray took a shot of imported vodka served in the party , his brown blazer was lying on the couch as he drank one shot after another. Unlike Gray the people around him were quite but they enjoyed his company.

'The Silent Killer huh. Atleast he's drinking with someone important , even though he's not that good of a assassin. The random things he know helps him out to make connections.'

The man Gray was drinking with was one of the youngest businessman present in the party , with his good social skills and adequate knowledge of buisness Gray was able to talk with him like he's someone equal to him.

"John I've heard that your company just merged with the Ri Motors , with them on your side both the companies will make a great profit out of it."

"Oh! I didn't think anyone else would notice. Hey Jim was it? Why don't you join us too? With you on our team-"

"Nah man , I'm currently busy with few things. But sure , once I'm free I'll be sure to give you a call. I hope you'll stick to your offer then too."

The calm and composed John let a rare smile out and said ,

"I'll be waiting I guess."

Meanwhile Krev was roaming around the party to search for the target , the party was held in a luxurious hotel known for these kind of events. The party was held to promote the brand new health tracking device developed by Mutant Corp. , many important personalities were present to attend this party.

Looking at a message on his phone Krev thought ,

'So the target's name is Serin Jold , a 25 years old blonde. She's the daughter of Kigir Jold huh , that man is running the Globe Electronics right? She's worthy enough to send the warning Archbishop Seven mentioned.'

Below the message was a image file attached , tapping on it a picture of woman opened on Krev's phone.

'I should make it quick , Gray's not completely down yet. If he gets fully drunk then the whole plan could go wrong.'

The party was the definition of classy , no loud banging music , no cheap beers , no loud crowd (except Mr. Silent Killer). It was just a luxurious party which many business tycoons attended. Some showed their sons and daughters off , while some just attended to see the new product.

Surrounded by the golden yellow walls Krev continued roaming around looking for his target , even with his stoic face Krev looked attractive. His 6 foot stature made him look like a adult which was why nobody doubted his age.

Upon that to somewhat mask his face Krev used fake moustache and a fake beard , he was even careful about the CCTV's present. Dodging them he took every step with caution , Krev did all this while trying not to look suspicious.

He attended the party as friend of one of the shareholder , one of the inside person from Mutant Corp. was a member of 'Grave Saints'. With his help Krev and Gray were able to get the invitation and were able to attend the party.

As he walked through the hall he looked at the rich people enjoying their lives , some of the men were drinking with their business partners while the ladies had their own discussions. The life he dreamt of was the one these people were living , while he was looking at these people he saw his target taking a sip of wine.

'I need to inform Gray.'

Suddenly the speakers located in the corners of the hall switched on announcing ,

It was time for the revelation of the new product created by Mutant Corp. , no information regarding this product was leaked. The creators of this product said that the product would bring a good change in the mutant society.


While the speakers annouced the lauch Vice President Neol sat in the hotel room assigned to him , drinking one of his favourite wine. Just as he took a sip the screen of his phone started blinking , it was a call from an unknown person.


"Did you find him?"

"Don't fret about his information , I know everything about him. The question is whether you can get him with the help of that information."

"Hah , he must've joined 'Grave Saints' that church is a real pain. I don't think he can get lucky enough to meet a member of any other church."

Whenever Daren claimed that he found something that could help him Neol would get excited to hear more. The information that Daren brought were nearly impossible to get unless you'd a gift similar to him.

"And what would that be Mr. Daren?"

Booting his computer on Neol saw a notification pop up on the corner of the screen , he dragged the mouse pointer to the notification and clicked it two times. A white window opened before him , in the center of the screen the message of loading blinked.

After few seconds a picture of someone's Identity Card appeared before him , looking at it Neol couldn't hold back his laughter.


"Daren you're getting double the pay I promised , hahahaha. This is totally worth it."


Few minutes after the announcement.

Leaning near her left ear Krev whispered ,

"Wanna f*ck?"