•A Cold Shower

The first time I cried , was when I was born.


"This particular base is heavily guarded , with pictures Rin sent me the number of sinners present in this base is above 20."

Sitting on the top of a building Haki and Sara talked about the base they were going to attack.

"But isn't it-"

"I know the number of sinners present is more than usual but there's a reason why two of us are on a team. With our gifts, I'm sure we can easily sweep the base up. The building they're located in has a secret basement area , that's where those sinners are hiding."

Haki was physical while Sara was psychic , both of them formed what is called a psy-phy team. It was a common strategy that many of the Church and Mutant Corp. used , the members are usually dispatched in a team of two. With one of them who has a physical gift and another with a psychic gift.

This was used to maximize the efficiency of the members , with physical providing protection to psychics , psychics easily dominated the fight. The other strategies as anyone would've guessed were psy-psy and phy-phy , both of these are pretty reckless strategies and could only be used when both of the members whether they're psychic or physical are powerful enough to cover for each other.

Taking his phone out Haki showed her an image , the raindrops made it hard for Sara to see the image but she was still somehow able to see it.

"This is a rough layout of the basement that Rin could make by all info he had. The entrance is guarded by 4 members after that the members are spread out and live in their assigned rooms."

"The basement is more like a building floor in itself , isn't it?"


Haki was curious to hear what Sara had to , he thought that maybe she came up with a plan to infiltrate by just looking at the layout.

"Nothing I was just pointing that out."

Letting a sigh out Haki said ,

"Hah , let's go then."

The thundering clouds were now calm but the rain didn't stop , suddenly Sara's legs lifted up the ground as Haki carried her in his arms.


With no change in expression Haki asked ,

"Is there any problem?"

Sara was still confused couldn't process what was going on , her heartbeat was through the roof as she felt his warm embrace.

"I thought it would be quicker this way with my gift but... looking at the reaction it looks like I made you uncomfortable. Wait , I'll let you do-"



"I meant that I'm fine. This way we will be able to reach much faster, wouldn't we? So let's just go."

"I see. Put your arms around my back just in case I'm too fast , the impact of landing on the rooftops can hurt you."

Jumping from one rooftop to another was something Haki used regularly , after few months of his enlightenment it became more like a habit for him.

Sara's face reddened. Wrapping her arms around his waist Sara held Haki tight.

'Bdump Bdump'

'Ah! This stupid heart.'

"Well then , let's get going."



The door opened. It was 2:00 in the morning when Krev returned from his 'work'. His black jacket was still wet from all the rain pouring down on it , without wasting another second he went to take a quick shower.

Standing below the shower he pressed the button which had 'blue shower' sign on it , right after he pressed it the cold stream of water touched his naked body.

Krev didn't feel a thing.

The cold water felt even more cooler because of the rainy weather , but that wasn't applied to Krev. Having lost his senses to his gift the cold water was just a liquid sliding on his body.

It had been a month since he enlightened , his life which was supposed to get better after giving his exams was completely ruined. His gift which was supposed to be his second shot at life made it even worse.

Suddenly Krev's foot slid on the wet floor , his head banged on the transparent glass behind as he fell on the ground.


Looking at the light bulb right besides the shower he remembered the last words of the innocent people he killed.

"Please just kill me and leave my family alone."

After hearing those Krev killed the man's wife , the dark red pointy spear of blood shot itself penetrating through the woman's neck. The spear then melted and returned to the big wound Krev made on his abdomen.


The kid's in her arms started crying , the lifeless body of his wife held their trembling bodies. The man was horrified seeing his wife getting killed right infront of him , but he didn't say regarding her death as he had a more important job to do.

"P-Please atleast let my kids live , they didn't do anything wrong. Please , I beg of you. They're just 9 years old. Please..."

Getting up from the floor the man clang on both of Krev's legs.

"...Please... Please... They can have a better life than mine , please let them live."


Suddenly their crying stopped , in the pin-drop silence only the sound of water droplets falling off Krev's jacket could be heard.

The man begging on his knees turned his neck to see why his kids were so silent. When he saw the condition his whole family was in his eyes were wide open , when he returned from his work he never expected for his day to end this way.

"No! M-My kids!!! You motherf*cker! Why!"

While the man let his anger out Krev thought ,

'How ironic , her blood killed her own kids.'

The blood Krev used to kill was his blood mixed with the woman's blood , which made him think about the irony.

Without saying anything Krev turned his back on the man and started walking towards the door.

"You! The next time I meet you , I'm going to f*cking kill you! Not only that I'll kill your whole family.

'You're too late for that'

"Your mother , wife , kids , all of them , I'll kill all of them! I'll make you regret the decision of leaving me alive."

Just as the man said that Krev looked at the man's pitiful face and said ,

"What are you even talking about? You're already dead."

The raged man didn't even notice until Krev pointed it out for him. The multiple wounds on his abdomen plus some on his neck made it impossible for him to say anything.


With that the man couldn't get back on his feet and looked at the back of the young man who wiped his whole family- no his whole world out of this world.

Till his last breath the man cried with the tears of regret , on the other hand Krev respected that man.

'You were a good father... atleast better than someone I know.'

With his fingers wrapped around the steel rod Krev opened the bathroom's door. After changing into comfortable clothes , Krev lied on the sofa looking at clear white ceiling with earphones in his ears.

The loud soothing music isolated him away from this world , the empty white ceiling for some reason was relaxing for him.

Right as the last song on the album came to an end he thought of doing something he wanted do for a long time. So he decided to get up from the sofa and prepare for the thing he wanted to do.

First he took a strong rope out which was present in the kitchen , then he dragged a light plastic chair from the balcony to the main hall.

He placed the light weighted plastic chair right below the fan , next he tied the rope to the fan. The thing that Krev wanted to try was hanging himself , one day while studying for his med exams he thought how long he could survive if he hung himself.

He wanted to try it but couldn't do so cause of his upcoming class tests. But , now that he was free from every responsibility he had he wanted to try how long he could survive.

After adjusting his head in the small rope hole Krev kicked the chair below him , the durable nylon rope strangled his neck. Normally it would take 3-4 minutes for a human to die after hanging him/herself but even after 5 minutes Krev didn't felt any pain.

He still wore his stoic expression while being hanged.


The fan he was hanging on started making noises as it couldn't take his weight anymore. The noise intensified until the Krev fell down along with fan , he got up from the floor like nothing happened and headed straight towards the mirror.

The rope marks were noticeable which is why he used the knife nearby and cut the parts which had rope marks , he covered the huge cut with his hand which didn't seem very effective.

After few minutes the wound was healed with no rope marks on his neck. But the question was why did he do it? Why he did he thought of hanging himself? Was it just to test his gift? Or was he trying to kill himself?

The answer was simple.

'I just wanted to feel alive...'

After that he had to call Seven and apologize for the broken ceiling and fan.