•Wrong Side

And the third time... third time hurt the most.


'You're on the wrong side.'

Haki already hardened his body in case his opponent suddenly attacked him , and this

'I'm the one who serves justice , that's right if I kill you then... then I can say that you were a sinner to begin with.'

"You're on the wrong side."

Saying that launched himself in Krev's direction , his fists started glowing yellow colour. Krev stood there with his hands in his pockets waiting for his punch to land , looking at the yellow glowing remembered the talk he had with Seven when she was training him.

"Colors , that's what put you to sleep."

Krev sat on the chair while Seven roamed around the room how Seil almost killed him.

"Fortunately , your gift saved you from Seil's purple. Or else you would've been permanently sleeping right now."


It one of those sessions where Seven would do talking and Krev would just quietly listen and learn.

"Well , you were able to survive a purple so you should be able to withstand red with ease. Even though you can withstand a red with ease try to harden your blood near the face that way- wait why am I even telling you this? This must be known to you."

Krev nodded.

"Hah , anyways let's get back to training."

For Krev a yellow didn't mean anything.


Haki's speed added more power to the punch he landed on Krev's face.

'It felt good.'

After landing a punch every fighter get a feeling which tells them if the punch they landed did a good amount of damage or was just a waste. In this case , Haki was pretty confident of punch landed.

He was sure that most of his opponent's facial bones and nose were broken after his punch.

He was sure... until he felt something popping up infront of his fist , pulling his fist back Haki retreated and created some distance between him and Krev.

He could see the blood covered face of Krev , his nose was completely smashed and flattened by Haki's punch. Some blood coming out of his eyes , mouth and nose.

'Hah , is this what Archbishop Seven meant she said yellow wasn't too much to take on?'


"Why hasn't he told us yet?"

Haki's mother and father were having a hot tea at night in the balcony of their house , it wasn't a big house or anything but the scenary from the balcony was the reason Haki's father bought this house.

Replying to his wife's questions Gary said ,

"He's a kid , Lena. What do you expect from him? He must be scared to come out."

Taking a sip from cup she said ,

"Hmm. You know if he would just walk up to me and tell me that he's mutant I wouldn't care much. If anything I would've been much happier if... if he'd just told me."

Gary looked at his wife's worried face and felt bad , few years ago some sinners kidnapped his kids for money. Fortunately Corp. was able to rescue them , but Gary couldn't help but feel guilty.

It was his position that risked their kid's lives , it was his job that made their lives difficult.

"Maybe... it's because of my position."

"Dear , what are you talking about?"

Lena was confused and didn't know what her husband was talking about.

"You know , I work at Mutant Corp. That corporation , it's the worst. I can't even count the number of mutant that Inhuman Division has killed , luckily Neol left our son alone."

Haki was one of the victim of th project that Mutant Corp. started years ago , like Krev he had a tracker implanted him which would

Of course everything came with a price and Gary had to pay that price to the other division's head.

"I can't do anything to make up for the things my family had to go through. I just hope that Haki and Lisa live a good life. It's okay if our son doesn't tell us about his gift , It's okay if he trains and gets strong. As long as he's happy and safe , I'll happy."


This wasn't the only reason he was bothered , while negotiating with Neol , he said something weird.

"If you think , your kid got recently enlightened. Then you're wrong."


'Sh*t , what is this guy?'

Haki used his power packed punches and kicks that he trained for months and still couldn't even make Krev take his hands out of his jean's pocket.

Even though the blood dripping from his nose covered the ground below him Krev didn't move an inch. Instead of crying in pain he thought ,

'Oh , so this is what Archbishops Seven meant.'

Haki's punch were definitely to kill a normal human with a single punch , not only that it was powerful enough to kill a Tier 9. He knew how powerful his attacks were which is why Haki was pretty confident with his attacks but as he continued his confidence... lowered as time passed.

'Hah Hah Hah'

'It's impossible , is he even human? The speed his face recovers at , the way he takes my attacks. It's impossible to win against such opponent. How can anyone kill hi-'

Haki couldn't a single hit that did any damage which demotivated him , but that's when a thought came to his mind.

'Wait , isn't this the situation where heroes gets their power-ups?'

Hope can sometimes make a person go crazy.

'Yeah , this is it. I'll power up and turn-'

Suddenly something stab his back.


After that one stab multiple pointy spears stabbed his back , while Haki was going crazy searching for hope Krev saw the opening and attacked him.

Haki kneeled down on the ground and spat some blood out , while Haki was down Krev walked up to him and said ,

"How many have you killed?"

Haki's eyes widened , nobody knew about his secret yet a masked killer knew about his deepest and darkest secret.


Looking down at Haki Krev said ,

"I was just here to warn you and your group to stop with these 'raids' you do on the bases. Your friends should've got the message , you should leave too."

Saying that Krev left Haki behind lying on the ground speechless.

'N-No. H-He knows about them. I can't let him go, he will destroy my whole life.'

Haki's aim was simple. It was to be Hero who 'kills' the bad people.

'I-I can't let him go...'

Just as he thought of attacking Krev from back another spear descended from above leaving a big hole in his chest. The spear then melted away leaving no trace as always.

"You did this to yourself."

Like that Krev left Haki with those wise words.


"And then when the villain turned his back on him , some kind of power started surging in his body. It was an unknown feeling that he felt for the first time."

"And then?"

The kid infront of me turned the page of book to see what would happen next , but what he saw was a blank page with 3 words written on them.

To Be Continued...

"Aw , I wanted to read more of this. What was he going to do next?"

'Why am I seeing this right now?'

"Heroes are so cool!"

It was me when I was young , that was the time when I got into heroes comics.

'I know right?'

I couldn't help but agree with my naive and younger self.

"Beating the bad people."

'Killing sounds better'

"Also , what was that dialogue again?"

'Ah , yes. It's that dialogue.'

"Oh right! Heroes will sacrifice a single life to save thousands , but villains... villains will kill thousands to save that one single precious life. Hmph why did the author made look villain so cool?"

I couldn't help but chuckle , I remembered about that time. I felt confused after reading that line.

"Hmm , who should I support? Heroes do good things but villains sound soo cool."

'Hahahaha , I wonder when I lost the sight of my goal.'

The younger me suddenly got up from the chair and walked in my direction , looking up right into my eyes he said ,

"Who would you choose Heroes or Villains?"


"Tell me sister , who would you choose? Heroes look so cool saving people but villains also sound so cool."

'Wait! Wasn't this the day we-'

With a bang the door opened and two masked people entered our room.

'It was the day we were kidnapped...'


As the two people dragged my younger self out of room the room darkened , as time passed I could see the lavendar coloured walls disappear in the darkness.

"What do you desire?"


"Is it power to kill or is it the power to save?"

'Wait , who are you?'

"I am you. And you are me."


It didn't make any sense to me , the other moment I was lying on the ground struggling for my life and now I was hearing sounds in my mind.

"Just f*cking tell me , what do you desire?"