•Reason To Live

The decision I made weren't the best , that's why I stopped making them.


"Hah , the taste of beer... it's calming. Thanks Gray."

"No problem."

'Why do I regret giving Archbishop Seven the beer now?'

'Gulp Gulp Gulp'

Seven took another sip of the beer and emptied the bottle in a second.

"I'm gonna kill Krev myself if he blows up the visit with Akuma , I'd to do this paperwork for this. That b*stard knew how desparate I was to take Krev under him."

Gray went ahead and opened the small fridge present in Seven's office only to be disappointed.

"What?! There's no drink here?! No Beer! No Wine! No Whiskey! This office sucks!"

"Yeah , even I was surprised to see that there no alcohol in there. I've sent Migil to get some for us , the stuff we drink comes from Carbon and that place gets busy during evening that's why it's taking time for him return."

Gray calmed down and dragged his lifeless body to the sofa , his quota for today was completed. Seven got up from her seat with a tissue paper in her hand and sat besides Gray , she used the tissue to clean the blood stain present on Gray's face.

"Oh right , I forgot to wash my face before coming here."

Gray let a sigh out and continued ,

"Hah , I'm tired. The mutant bodyguards really make it hard to kill the targets , it used to be so easy to kill before. I miss those days."

Seven cleaned Gray's face and tossed the tissue in the bin , she rested her head on the sofa's back and said ,

"What days are you talking about? You're 20."

"Damn , we've got to celebrate my 6- ir was it 7th?"

Gray couldn't remember how much time he spent in this church , after years of killing , hiding , running , he lost the track of years he spent in the church.

"It'll be your 8th year here , after few months."

"Time's a son of a b*tch..."


Slowly his eyes started shutting down , his tired didn't wanted alcohol. What it wanted was rest.

"Quit already."

"Huh? Sorry I didn't hear you."

"I said get your a** out of here and go home. Be sure to get some rest , it's all right if you report in late tomorrow"

Gray got up from the sofa and went out of the office while saying goodbye. Seven returned to her desk and started doing her paperwork , while doing it a thought came in her mind.

'I wonder how Akuma and Krev are doing , hope those to don't end up fighting , that man becomes a completely different beast when he starts fighting. Well , he didn't take his sticks with him to the museum so Krev should be alright.'

Seven knew this from the experience she had when she worked with him , the way he killed , the way he went on rampage in enemy's base.

'It's scary.'

"Must be the crazy Akuma bloodline he has."

After that Seven continued working on the mountain of paperwork infront of her , hours went by and Seven kept filling the papers. Luckily Migil came to her rescue with some alcohol and energy drinks and she got through her paperwork.

"My work's done let's move to Akuma's paperwork now."

Seven separated her base's paperwork from Akuma's and picked up the first page she could see.

After reading the date of mission Seven almost tore the paper in her hand.

"What the f*ck?! The date... this paper's from last year."

'Son of a b*tch.'



'Why am I getting these chills?'

Krev and Akuma were now out of the museum , their visit to the museum was ruined because of a small argument they had.

Krev unlocked his phone and opened the taxi app , before booking one for himself he asked Akuma whether he wanted one too.

"I'm calling a taxi , do you want one for you?"


Akuma just stared at him and didn't say anything , while staring at him he thought ,

'She's doing my paperwork , I can atleast help her a bit.'

"Don't book. Neither of us are taking cab , let's walk to the base. Didn't Seven say that you have to do what I say?"

Krev didn't object his decision and followed him , maintaining the silence both of them walked to the base. Akuma decided to break the silence and said ,

"About the 'being reckless' thing I said earlier , let me be show an example of being reckless."

Krev couldn't careless about what Akuma was about to do next , so he pay any attention to him. Instead showing his gift Akuma decided to tell Krev something more valuable.

"My clan... well the clan I used to belong to didn't have a good reputation. 'Akuma' the word translates to Devil in my language , ever since the ancient times the clan was able to maintain their blood. I'm one of the pure bloods of that clan."

"Because of the things my ancestors did the Kol continent was divided into two parts , the bigger part was ruled by my clan and the smaller part was ruled over by the opposing clan 'Tenshi'. Tenshi translates to Angel in my language , the fight that started even before this planet existed is still going on in Kol."

"This information that I just gave you , even Seven doesn't know about it. This holds a lot of importance for the churches that run on this continent , if Divine End gets hold of this information they'll easily manipulate two groups into all out war and enjoy the show."

Akuma stopped walking and turned around , he came face to face with Krev and said ,

"Do you know why I just told you all this?"

Krev shook his head as he didn't have any idea what Akuma's intentions were.

Akuma closed the distance between him and Krev and bent forwards even closer to Krev's face saying ,

"Cause I can just kill you."


"Your small fingers , I can just break them. I don't even need the stuck for your head , my hands will be enough for you."

Akuma backed out and calmed down his hot blood and said ,

"Looks like I was unable to hold myself back there , anyways just walking is boring let's talk a bit."


Akuma started walking again as he waited for Krev to respond after waiting for a minute Krev finally gave in and said ,


"So for what reason do you live?"


'Don't hit the kid. Don't hit the kid.'

Akuma held himself back again , he was like a ticking bomb that could go off anytime soon.

"I live... cause I'm alive."

The whole evening couldn't get any more boring that's what Akuma thought , it was as if he was talking to himself.

'I was here to help Seven , but maybe I can benefit myself.'

"That's a good reason to live. Come closer to me."

Krev followed his order and got closer to him , to the people walking on the streets around them Krev and Akuma looked like a couple. A hot couple to be specific.

Akuma took off his black glasses off revealing the scar on his nose , his eyes were still closed.

After looking at his face Krev realised that the person he has been talking to all this time was a blind man. Never in his wildest thought did he thought that Akuma would be blind , the way he behaved , the way he described things were very normal human like.

"What? Surprised that I'm blind?"

Akuma straight away asked the question. To which Krev replied ,


"This is my mistake , better than yours isn't it?"


"But this isn't what I wanted to show you , the real treasure lies behind my left eyelid."

Just as he said that his left eyelid started shaking , slowly the eyelids open revealing his left eye.

Krev was surprised by what he saw , his left eye glowed with '×' in the middle. It was really something out of this world , after learning biology for years Krev had never saw something like this.

"That's the 'Akuma Mark' , I don't know how it looks as I went blind before I could even see it."

Without waiting for another second Akuma closed his eyes and wore his black glasses again.

"I used have to two these 'Akuma Mark' eyes but I'd one of them sold , they go for good price. How does it look?"


"Even the guy who sold my one eye said more than 'good' about my eye. Anyways , do you have anything to show to me?"


'This kid.'

Akuma felt like it was test , it was as if god himself was testing his patience with Krev.

'It's impossible to talk with him , I can't find anything if he doesn't talk. This kid just acts like a programmed doll.'

By programmed doll Akuma meant robot , his responses were very robot-like. But that's what made Akuma realise Krev's worth as a...

'Doll! He's a perfect doll.'

"Kid let's talk after we get to the base."