
Dr. Intelligent took one last look at his apartment. Ruined machine parts laid everywhere. The room was dark with only a line of light from the windows. It shined on the dust. He could even see it in the air. Mac Boy sat down with a frown on his face, trying not to cry and the robots appeared lifeless and bored, their eyes drooped in the empty room.

"Let's try to find where all my stuff went." Dr. Intelligent sighed, then stepped out of the room.

He and Mac Boy headed outside and looked around the building. Dr. Intelligent found his robots parts and his desk on the ground behind the apartment building.

Mac Boy seemed to perk up for a moment as he started to make a pile in front of him. "Take a look at all this. Your machines are all here. You can build up from this, right?"

"Maybe." Dr. Intelligent ordered his robots to start carrying the parts away to an open field near the apartment building. They could sort everything out there, he thought. Maybe something could be salvaged.

Suddenly, he had an idea. The robots, he thought, the only thing I have left. They could save us, even the entire macaroni economy. Dr. Intelligent sprinted towards the robots that were moving the remains of his apartment.

"Use the slabs of metal for a table. Find my toolbox!" He ordered the robots and they sprung into action. Dr. Intelligent aggressively flipped papers and wrote down notes that looked like chicken scratches.

"What are you thinking?" Mac Boy asked.

"Remember when we had them transform into a car? I think I can turn them into one indestructible robot!" Dr. Intelligent went on his near-broken computer and connected it to his watch. "Please start. Please, I need you to work."

The computer hissed and sparked. A wisp of smoke crept up from the keyboard. Finally, the screen flickered on.

"Yes!" He and Mac Boy shouted in tandem.

Dr. Intelligent started to code. Beep, Beep Beep! The robots began to shake a little and glow green.

He spent an hour trying to write down something to change the way they formed together. When the code was done, hundreds of errors popped up on the screen.

Type, type, type, error. Type, type, type, error.

"Darn it! Work for macaroni's sake!" Dr. Intelligent stomped the ground and began to write a different version of the previous code.

Type, type, type. Why isn't there an error, he thought?

He flipped back through his notes. On the first page, he had made a note, "Never forget a semicolon or a bracket when you type." Dr. Intelligent went back to his code and realized he forgot a semicolon.

"It worked!" Dr. Intelligent jumped up and down. I can't believe it!

Dr. Intelligent unscrewed a macaroni blaster from one of his mini-robots. He knew he'd successfully transformed it from zapping macaroni to zapping James Evion, but he had to test it first. He held it in his hand like a gun.

"Pile a bunch of robot parts in the middle of the field." Dr. Intelligent told Mac Boy and his robots.

Boom! A beam shot at the pile of junk, turning it into bits and ashes.

"What about the macaroni?" Mac Boy asked.

"You'll see. Let's go, we don't have much time."

Dr. Intelligent pressed a few buttons on his watch and the robots formed a car. Dr. Intelligent and Mac Boy drove off towards James Evion's giant macaroni mansion.

They arrived, heavy security was the place as if they were waiting for them. Guards surrounded the perimeter. Dr. Intelligent turned the car back into an army of little robots.

"You shall not enter this gate!" A robot camera stared at them. Dr. Intelligent shot it with his blaster and climbed over the gate with a little help from his robots. Mac Boy swiftly jumped over it.

"Get on the ground!" A guard charged up from behind the gate.

BAM! Dr. Intelligent punched him in the nose and the security guard dropped to the ground.

A second set of security guards ran towards them before Dr. Intelligent could even shoot. The robots shot to attention and moved into action. They grabbed the guards and threw them at each other, knocking them out.

"Sound the alarm!" A guard ran away with a couple of others.

"C'mon, follow me." Dr. Intelligent said to Mac Boy as a siren blared overhead. "We don't have much time."

Dr. Intelligent blasted open the front door to the mansion. His robots scattered around. "Find James Evion!"

The place was well-lit and yellow. There were gigantic paintings and expensive jewelry on the walls. Giant robots stood still as a statue, waiting for a command as if they had become the columns of the house

Beep! Vrrrrm! Vrrrrm! More alarms went off.

Boom! Boom! The tall robots flashed on, making Dr. Intelligent's robots seem small, but he knew he had the power in them to defeat James Evion.

"Oh no no no no no! Not now!" Dr. Intelligent looked over and Mac Boy had grown extremely weak.

"My macaroni powers are gone," Mac Boy said.

Dr. Intelligent scanned the room and spotted crates of macaroni in the corner near the stairs. "Not for long."

He lifted the robot blaster to his shoulders and shot at the crates. They exploded. Macaroni rained down on them. He ran to Mac Boy's side. "Eat! Eat it all!"