Next Target

"You didn't actually hold back, did you?" I couldn't help asking Xie Lun when I joined him and his fellow juniors for lunch. The tie still felt too unreal.

Xie Lun gave me an amused look. "You overestimate my abilities if you think that wasn't my best. Besides, why would I do such a thing if you already told me that it'll hurt your pride?"

His openness made me feel a little ashamed of my question. "Sorry, I didn't mean to doubt you." I smiled embarrassedly. "It was just … too unexpected."

Qi Lian winked at me. "Remember the first time you came to our hall, Yun Qing-er? I'm not trying to make fun of you, but … I had to slow down my moves when we sparred that day. And then, barely a week later, you came back and we tied! With that speed of improvement, I certainly can't say anything is unexpected of you."