Ulterior Motive

Too many possibilities crossed my mind. This girl must be related to me in some way, but how? It wasn't uncommon to see flashbacks of one's past lives through meditation, but the master from Azure Dragon Temple already told me that I didn't have a past cycle, and this girl didn't have the same appearance as me anyway. It could also be that she was my ancestor … though I somewhat doubted that a mere blood relation was sufficient to pass on the bonding.

I glanced towards Bai Ye's door. I should probably tell him about these new visions, and I would have if the time for tournament gathering wasn't drawing close. It might have to wait until this second round of the game is over.

"Yun Qing-er." A voice startled me. I swirled to find Xie Lun standing in the hallway, a somewhat sly smile on his face. "Heading towards the assembly field?"