Start Afresh

"I haven't been back there for over five years," I said hesitantly. "The village might've changed a lot already … I'm not sure if I'll be of much help."

Xie Lun didn't seem to mind. "My task is to investigate a spiritual power fluctuation in that area," he explained. "It'd be helpful to know the layout of the village and its feng shui, such as where the cemeteries are, where the rivers run from and to … Those things shouldn't change much over a short time."

I opened my mouth, trying to find more excuses—honestly, I wanted to turn him down just because I felt too listless to do anything these days, let alone go on a trip—but I knew that wasn't the right choice. Aside from the fact that he needed my help, I had already loafed the past week or two away, and it was time to remember that I still had a life to live. So I managed to make myself nod after another brief hesitation. "I think I should be able to do that much," I said. "I'll try the best I can."