How Does That Feel? (Bai Ye's Memory)

He stared at her with wide eyes. She just said he was … someone special to her? Did she know what that meant?

"You said I need to choose someone I know and trust," she continued. "Who else can I trust if not you? Ever since I woke up from Twin Stars, you've been the only one looking after me and helping me in every way possible. I always feel safe when I'm with you. And when I'm not …" she lowered her gaze a little, "I'd feel uneasy. I could barely sleep the past week, not knowing why you suddenly didn't want to see me anymore …"

It was the first time Bai Ye heard her talk like this, the usual confidence and lightheartedness replaced by so much uncertainty and fear. He couldn't stop cursing himself for making her feel this way. "I'm sorry …" was the only thing he could think of to say, and he hoped she would believe how much he meant it.