Hopeful (Bai Ye's Memory)

Bai Ye could barely believe what he heard. It had been years since the first time he tried to discuss this with her, and none of those attempts had turned out successful. She was always too defensive, too easy to anger and to interpret anything he said as malicious accusations. Over time, he had learned to carefully steer clear of those discussions unless absolutely necessary. Never had he expected her to willingly bring it up herself.

The sword spirit seemed to have understood his silence. The look in her eyes wavered. "It's not that I don't grasp the situation at all," she continued. "It's just that … Whenever I'm using Twin Stars, I get so carried away by it, like that power is the only thing I care about in the whole world. I don't want to hear anyone say anything against it. Sometimes, those criticisms offend me so much that I start thinking about resorting to violence to stop them, like that time when you saw me with the group of disciples at our gate …"