Chapter 15 Aries comes home.

I knew it was stupid. But I decided to attempt to trust Amimitl. I mean after all I was new to this whole god thing. My husband left me to figure things out on my own, and his brother just raped me. What worse could happen! I stood up and walked to the waters edge. "Tell me Amimitl, is there anything that could hurt me in this water that I need to be aware of?" Amimitl turned to look away from me, "You are a god. There are not many things on the face of the planet that can hurt you."

"Amimitl! You did not answer my question. Are there things that can hurt a god in the water?" Amimitl came over to me. He did not touch me even though I could tell that holding me was on his mind. "There are a few things that could, yes, they could hurt a god. But as long as your by my side, nothing will happen to you. This is a very treacherous time in the ocean. There are dangerous places and things out there. I will teach you where those things are."

I walked back to the bubble window. "Okay, I have made up my mind. You may teach me things I do not know. I need to learn how to control what has happened to me. But, my husband will remain Aries." Amimitl looked down at the ground in defeat. "Some of what I need to teach you I cant then."

I turned around to find Amimitl right in my personal bubble. I almost punched him! but tampered myself down. "Why not Amimitl!" I said through clenched teeth. Amimitl turned thinking for a moment. "It would be better if I was to show you."

Before I could react he grabbed me and planted a very pleasant kiss on my mouth. As he did, I was all of a sudden in a sort of day dream. I was stuck fathoms down and could not breathe. I was choking for air. Amimitl grabbed me and raced for the safety of this layer. When he brought me in I was not breathing. Amimitl placed his hand on my neck and a green glow came from his hand. When he removed it not only could I breathe, I had a mermaids tail just like him. He asked me swiftly if I agreed. I telepathically knew if I did not agree, I would drown on the water in my lungs. Only the titans could breathe both air and water. I nodded and we kissed. The room filled up with water. But I could breathe!

Amimitl, broke our connection and backed up. "That is why I am making this offer. We can only hold the pressures of the water at bay for so long here. If you accept me, when we mate, you will have the ability to breathe under water. If not, you can not stay here for long. When Aries came down here it was with the permission of Poseidon. Poseidon gave him his protection to come and get you. But that protection wont last long either. The water is a fickle and harsh creature all in its self. You asked me what could hurt you. Well, the water itself is a murderous creature. Amongst other things!"

I may be young but I was not born yesterday. "Amimitl, I am sorry. But you will have to prove your claims. Don't get me wrong, it is not that I am not attracted to you. You are very good looking! But I am already married. I do not intend to have a harem going on." Amimitl grinned, "I would be honored to be part of that harem. If you would step this way I will show you. We will go into the water. But you can not be in the water long. Does that sound fair."

I thought for a moment. "No! Show me how to split first. It seems more that splitting might be safer than drowning." Amimitl grinned even bigger. "Well to split yourself you need to first….."


Aries came home to find Hephaestus sitting in the kitchen. Hephaestus looked like he was waiting on someone. Aries asked, "How long have you been here and where is my wife?" Hephaestus stood up, "I have been coming and going for the last two days. I was hoping to find you or your lovely wife at home. I fear I owe you both an apology." Aries got fire in his eyes, "What have you done to owe my wife an apology?!"

Hephaestus looked very ashamed, "I came to her as you. I wooed her. I returned the indiscretion that you reaped on me. I fell in love as well." Aries was on Hephaestus in moments flat. There was no time for reacting. Aries pummeled Hephaestus until there was not one piece of skin unbruised. Hephaestus never raised a hand in his defense. Aries was a machine with the on switch broken. He raged and cursed! He beat and degraded Hephaestus in every way possible. No human, no army, no living being besides a god could have survived the massive ordeal.

The onslaught continued for over a week before Aries's anger began to ebb. When he finally began to lose his anger, Aries sat down Hephaestus and fed him some ambrosia. As Hephaestus ate, his beaten and battered body began to heal. Broken bones mended and bruises disappeared. Hephaestus, when he had healed enough he could talk again, said, "As cupid told you about the arrows, I found out from my grandson. I did not know. I was so lost in the wanting and needing cycle I could not see straight. I had to have her. Then a few days ago, I over heard mother talking with cupid. My grandson did not misplace cupids arrows. Harrah had placed them there just as I was sitting to tea with Joy. Harrah felt it was time you got a dose of your own medicine, and who better to give it to you than me. I would have never done such a thing. I promise you Aries! I deserve every blow you wish to give me. Kill me if it makes things right."

Aries sat in thought while he nursed his broken and bloody knuckles. He ate some ambrosia in silence. "Hephaestus, I knew what was happening the moment cupid told us about the arrows. I left to the trojan war to give you your chance. But how dare you come to her as me! What did she do when she found you out?" Hephaestus stared at the wall, "She tried to escape. She tried to hide from me. She only knew how to blink by snapping her fingers. So, I kept her fingers very busy. She could not fight me off, or push me off. I would not take No, for an answer. Once I had her in my arms, she was ensnared in my trap. I have never been like that before!"

Aries stood up and began to walk away. He turned back abruptly and wailed on Hephaestus again. It was another week before he calmed down enough to eat ambrosia again. As they were both healing after eating Aries turned to Hephaestus, "I feel I should kill you! But your my brother. I know how you felt with Aphrodite and myself. With you still having these feelings, you should not be around my wife. But you owe her more than an apology. She has not come home because of you! She does not yet understand her powers. She does not yet know how to come home. If anything should happen to her, I will hold you accountable. For now, as my brother, you will help me find her and return her to me."

Hephaestus stood up with a determined look on his face. Just then Aries grabbed Hephaestus and blinked. They were back at the battle of Troy. Hercules and Eolus stood tied up behind some soldiers praying to Aries to accept their offering. As soon as Aries and Hephaestus arrived Aries snapped his fingers. The ropes fell off of Hercules and Eolus. They grinned as the soldiers ran.

Hercules and Eolus told their entire story down to the last detail to Aries and Hephaestus. Hercules made a point of explaining exactly how troubled I had appeared to be. As well as all but blaming Aries for my trauma. Aries and Hephaestus only stood and listened. Aries looked more and more upset as the story progressed. I had gone in the complete other directing, on purpose, rather than meet him and tell him the truth. He was worried what could have possibly been going through my mind. Did I blame myself; did I think somehow I did something wrong; was I ashamed of what had transpired; what was my next step? Then Hercules got to the part about the water.

Then Aries knew! His eyes turned into two black holes with fire spewing out of them. Even Hephaestus looked frightened. Hercules and Eolus backed up and began to walk away. Aries did the one thing that none of them expected. Aries snapped his fingers and Hercules and Eolus had full pockets of money! Aries forced himself to calm down. Then called after Hercules and Eolus. "Thank you for your help. She means the world to me. I owe you a debt I can not pay. Take this as a humble beginning. Thank you again my brother." Aries walked up to Hercules. Hercules took a fighting stance and nearly punched Aries when he grabbed his wrist in a grateful handshake. Aries blinked again and both the gods were gone leaving Hercules and Eolus dumbfounded and confused.