Chapter 21 Second day of Trials

Today Pepaw woke me up early. He had our tribe's men that had not crossed the finish line to cut down wood and create a large fire. It was no were near as large as a bonfire usually was. But it was big. Those men were now resting. Our ones that had crossed the finish line, were going around and rousing the rest of the winners.

Now was when we were going to use the pit that was dug. All of the winners were led to the make shift arena. The floor was still plain dirt. Which was actually really good. The men were all wearing basic loin cloths, and no shoes. A stiff stick was used to draw deep large elaborate circles in the dirt. 5 circles were drawn. One in the middle that was bigger than the other four on the edges.

Pepaw pounded his staff to get everyone's attention. As soon as everyone hushed, he explained the new rules. First, if any of the remaining tribes had more than one man cross the finish line, they will have to compete against each other. The winner will continue in the trials. Once all of the tribes only had one man standing, the tribes men would then be placed against each other. They would be drawing straws to find out who they would be fighting next. This will continue until only one man remains standing. There will be no knives allowed. Any attempt to kill your opponent will result in an arrow between your shoulders. "My daughter has expressed her appreciation for the acts of yesterday. I have to admit my own, and many of the other tribal elders thought that it was uncalled for. These are the rules! You don't like it leave."

Many of the men looked at each other, but no one left. Only one man spoke up. He had a mohawk looking haircut, with feathers and beads weaved into the mess. He shouted, "Are you going to let a frail feeble woman tell us what to do! We are men! Men make the rules! When she is my wife I will train her better than to speak against the way men do things! This is a mans sport! This is just for men! Women could never understand! They are to stupid!"

The more the man talked the more enraged I became. I had been called many things in my life but stupid had never been one of them. I don't think. He was going to pay for his words. I bent over and talked in Pepaws ears. "Let me deal with him Pepaw."

Pepaw was angry! He waved his hand and all the archers lowered their arrows. "As you wish daughter." He looked down at the one. "If you think you can train her, here she is. If she beats you, you leave."

I jumped down into the arena. The rest of the men stepped back. I was standing there in my fancy dress and mask, with no weapons on me. I walked to the circle in the middle and waited for him to join me. He walked up to the circle and looked me up and down. I did not take a fighting stance. Instead I stood like a ballet dancer about to do a move.

He stepped inside of the wring with me. "You are not going to like what I am going to do to you. But you will learn to like it." I did not move. He slowly approached me. He acted like he did not know how to handle himself in this situation. When he got close enough, he quickly reached out and attempted to grab my mask. I countered, and flipped his arm under. He tried with his other hand and I did the same with it. Then I headbutted him. I cracked my mask and gave both of us a bad headache. But I did not show it. He stumbled back and I held my ground.

He took a moment to gather his thoughts. Then he came running at me calling out a war cry. I held my ground. When he got close enough I grabbed his arm pulling him off his equilibrium, and grabbed his other hand he had had in the air. Then I flipped him over my shoulder.

He landed with a hard thud. I smiled, "I have not learned a lesson yet." Then I made a mistake. I walked over to check on my opponent. He was not outside of the ring yet. The fight was still on. But I bent over and offered him my hand. He yanked me down and got on top of me attempting to pin me. Then he yanked the mask off.

All of the men that could see me froze. I threw up my leg wrapping him in a wrestling move. I flipped him over and put his leg in a vice. He yelled out but refused to quit. I knew I was on the verge of breaking his leg. But he was not willing to give in to a woman. I released him and jumped a couple of feet away.

He got up looking at me with hate in his eyes. I knew with that look alone I could not allow him to continue in the trials. He came at me again and I dodged. I did not want to humiliate him any further. I thought if I kept dodging eventually he would run out of the ring. But he was to crafty for that. He came close with one charge. He had to use his arms like wings to keep from running out. But the more I dodged the angrier he got. Finally, I knew what I had to do.

I dropped instead of dodging him and stuck my foot out. He flipped over me landing on his head. He got up again though. It is time, I am going to finish this. He ran at me again. I dodged him, put my arm out and clotheslined him, and wrapped my arm around his neck as we both hit the ground. I let him go and as I got up the dust was so thick I knew no one could see. I kicked him hard in the head knocking him out. Otherwise, I knew this was going to never end.

To be honest I did not know I knew how to do any of those moves. I did not know I could fight that well. I wish I could remember what I forgot before the waterfall. I was so proud of myself. My Pepaw's mouth was gaping open as well as nearly all the men's around me. I smiled as I returned to my Pepaw's side. It took him a moment, but eventually he shook his head and came back to reality. "Lets continue, unless there are any more questions." The men were silent

The different tribes began having their separate wrestling matches. It was actually very interesting to watch. But to many to mention. I will say that the Vikings and my story tellers tribes did not have any matches amongst themselves. They had already picked their champions.

By noon we were down to 30 men from the 100 we had started with. None of us had realized so many men from the same tribes had put their lots in for the trials. It was a good feeling for me though. Doing things this way insured less death and still granted the victor their prize. And it was without hurting the pride of the other tribes.

We took a long break for lunch. During which time I walked around and gave water to the remaining 30. I wanted to get a good look at the remaining prospects. It was a promising brood. I had a feeling and I knew that this was going to turn out the way it should.

After everyone was eating and they had their water, I decided I had better go clean up from my fight. I had not realized how dusty I had become. I took the other village women with me. But the other women who now knew who I was were terrified of me. They considered me to be unnatural, or so they claimed. Personally, I think it was more jealousy than anything.

Amazingly my dress did not have a scratch on it. It did not tare either. I ended up not having to change my dress although I did clean it. But it dried almost instantly. I guess that is because it is magical. After I was clean we headed back to the arena. The men were already gathering back inside. They were getting ready for another round of fighting.