Chapter 23 Hades

I had a very fit full night. I was tossing and turning all night. When I did wake up, I was slow to come around. It was like there was a fog in my head. I had a wonderfully soft blanket wrapped around me. It was so comfy and warm. I rolled over to try to cuddle up with the blanket better. My blanket wined and licked my face. When I opened my eyes, I had three huge dog heads cuddling into me.

It was a natural reaction at first for me to pet and play with the heads. It had not occurred to me that all three were attached to the same body. The fog in my head did a really good job at obscuring reality. When he did come into focus, I did not really care. My emotions were really effected by the fog. All I cared about was playing with my new pet.

I ran and jumped playing chase. My beautiful three headed dog loved to play chase, tag, and fetch. Anything where he got to run. He really loved tackling me. All three heads would get in there and lick me like crazy. I swear the poor creature never had a friend before. I really thought I was still dreaming. That is until my stomach began to growl.

I heard a man yell out "Cerberus!" My big friend bounded away into the distance. After a second or two he came back and picked me up with the middle head and took me with him. I was giggling too as he did this. I was not scared at all. That is until he laid me at the feet of a man wearing a helmet that was nightmarish scary!

My friend laid me down gently and I giggled as I petted all the three heads as he whined, and nuzzled me with his noses. I looked up at the man trying to appear to look him in the face. But his helmet was so scary that I could only look at his chest.

What a chest it was too! The man must have been some kind of weight lifter or body builder. I mean the man was ripped. He wore baggy clothing but you could still see his outline. The man took off his helmet as I was trying to get a better look. His face was to die for! He looked a lot like Leonardo DiCaprio. I mean they could have been twins! That is if Leo ever became ripped.

The man laughed and asked my friend, "Cerberus, what have you brought me? It appears to be a young woman. Where did this new toy of your come from?" The man got down on one knee in front of me and made me look him in the eye. He jerked back slightly, "This is a young GOD. Cerberus, you can not kidnap GOD's. Miss I am so sorry, I did not even know he had gotten out. I found out this morning he had broken his chain yet again. That is why I am out looking for him. He is a good dog I swear!"

I shook my head slightly, "Cerberus? Is that your name?" The three heads licked me again, causing me to giggle, and the man helped me to stand back up. "Cerberus you silly boy." I turned back to the young gentleman. "I am sorry sir, I do not know where I am. I do need to get back to my tribe quickly. If everyone wakes up and sees I am not there, it could be a disaster. I am sorry, um, what was your name?"

The man looked taken back, "I am Hades', lord of the underworld, God of death. I thought everyone knew who I was." I shook my head, "my tribe is very small. We live next to the great flowing river. Can you help me to get home?" Hades looked me over thoroughly, "I can take you home. You have not eaten anything down here correct?" I shook my head. He smiled, "Okay then, I will take you home. I am afraid that my Cerberus will be disappointed. He seems to really like you." I smiled, "Yes, I really like him too. But it is time for me to wake up from this dream."

Hades put his elbow out for me to take his arm. I put my arm through his and Cerberus's left head grabbed the hem of my skirt. Cerberus whined, all three heads getting into the action. I gave each head a pet and a kiss. "Bye bye my friend. I will see you again. We will play hide and seek next time." Cerberus barked and bounded off into the distance.

Before he got to far though Hades snapped his fingers and Cerberus had a brand new collar and a bowl of food in front of him. While he was eating, a chain snuck up and connected to the collar. Cerberus never even noticed me leaving. He was too busy eating.

Hades whistled, before two long a golden chariot pulled by 4 sable black horses pulled up. It never stopped though. As soon as it was right in front of us. Hades stepped on the back pulling me on with him. His arm tightened around my arm and he picked up the reins. He drove the chariot so fast! If he had not been holding my arm I might have flown off the back.

When he did slow down the horses we were coming up on a huge castle. It was beautiful and built out of black marble or onyx. I could see our reflection in the side of the castle as we pulled up. The reflection seemed to stun the horses. They slowed down to a walk.

Hades and I stepped off of the back. Hades still had not let go of my arm. But I did not really think to much about that. I was in awe at how beautiful this castle was. Hades had it all lit up with fire sconces everywhere. It looked like a real medieval stone castle. Except it was not made out of regular stone. It was onyx or marble.

As we walked into the beautiful building I was in even more awe. Everything was trimmed out in gold, or made completely out of gems or crystal. I did not see any wood anywhere, and that did strike me as odd. To the point I asked Hades about it.

Hades smiled, "I was hoping you would be impressed. You see I am a married man. But these are the summer days. During the summer the love of my life Persephone is top side with her mother. During the winter, she is queen down here and serves at my side. I get awfully lonely when she is gone. I do not get a lot of company or visitors down here. I find it odd that my Cerberus picked you. A bright and shiny new God. To bring to my home. You might have started out as a toy for Cerberus. But now I would like you to be my company. I know it is rather sudden. Can you tell me who your parentage is?"

I racked my brain, I know I know the answer to his question. I just can not remember anything. It is like this fog is erasing my thoughts. I went to tell him as much and I got distracted by a beautiful golden flower mural. I let his arm go and walked over to the flowers. I just had to touch it.

Hades chuckled and smiled, "Ah, I know what the problem is. You are still so new. You did not know about the fog in the land of the dead." He snapped his fingers and my brain began to start clearing up. He went on explaining, "The fog is to protect people who come here for a visit. It helps them to forget or remember what was best for them at the time. For those with near death experiences, those who stumble on my entrances by accident, and for those who come here just to visit. Except for Gods of course. You are so new, you let the fog into your brain."

As the fog cleared, I remembered everything. Up to and including, who my husband was. I shouted, "ARIES!" Hades looked down trodden. "Aries is your sire? That would mean I need to go to him for permission to wed you."

That brought me completely back. "EXCUSE ME! Wed me! You can not be serious." I cleared my throat when I looked at him and he looked about to cry. "I am already married. I am sorry to disappoint you. You seem like a very wonderful man. But this is my first time in meeting you, I hope, and I do not want to jump the gun into two marriages at the moment. Besides Persephone might not appreciate you having two wife's. Besides I would really not want a goddess of nature after me."

Hades stepped closer to me and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me tight into him. "Persephone is my wife during winter. I pine for her when she is gone. I need a distraction to help me pass the time until she comes back." He leaned in and gently kissed my check. Which I know my entire face turned six different shades of purple and red. He kissed my forehead, nose, and ended at my mouth. There was no fighting him off. He is the God of death after all.

Luckily my stomach began to growl loudly. He loosened his grip slightly and chuckled. "Shall we get you some food." He started walking down the hallway, holding my hand, and pulling me behind him. I remembered though that eating in the underworld was a bad thing. How can I politely explain to him that even though my stomach is growling, I am not all that Hungary?

I let him pull me all the way down to, what I guess would be called a banquet hall. In this room there was a beautiful long table made out of crystal. On it sat every manor of food you could think of. My stomach growled in protest. It was murder smelling all the delicious food and not being able to eat any of it.

Hades grabbed a plate and filled it to the brim of meat, vegetables, and sweets. He snapped his finger and a smaller table appeared with a candle opera in the middle and two chairs to match. He sat the plate down and pulled out the seat directing me to sit down. Then he went and made himself a plate. When he sat down his plate was even fuller than mine. If that was possible.

He sat down too and told me to dig in. He began eating too. "Come now dear, I know you are hungry. Eat up and eat hardy. You will need your strength. I have sent a messenger to your father. I will have Aries give you away at our wedding. But he can not stay afterwards. We will need our time to get to know each other."

I picked up a piece of fried chicken. It looked so good! But I knew I could not eat it. I laid it back down gently. "Hades, I already told you I am married. As you said, I am new to being a God. I was turned into a goddess just after I was married. I need to get back to my husband. He will be worried."

Hades chuckled and wiped his mouth. "All men, be they human or God will met me eventually. I am the last that they will all see. Now do not worry about it. You are the first goddess that has looked at me the way you do. You are not scared of me. You act like I am a regular guy. This does not turn me away from you. It pulls me to you. Who is this man that you are married to. Is he more powerful than me?"

I gulped, and began to stutter. But in a flash, there stood Aries. The feeling of relief that washed over me was nothing compared to the way he ran to me scooped me up and kissed me. He kissed me thoroughly as he held me to him. When he did come up for air he leaned his head against mine, "I may never put you down ever again!"

Hades stood up, "EXCUSE ME! This is my house you know!" Aries looked at Hades and bowed deep while still holding me. This caused me to giggle. Aries kissed me again, "Uncle! Thank you so much! You have found her. You have healed her head too I see. My lovely blushing bride. How can I ever thank you enough! You gave the love of my life back to me!"

Hades was bright red, "she told me she was married. First that you were her father, then not the father. Now you show up and sweep her off her feet. I had just done that! Cerberus was using her as a toy! I have asked her to stay. As you can see, we were just sitting down to some super. Sit, stay, eat and explain! I demand it."

Aries put me back down in my chair. I noted that he did not eat anything either. He calmly explained what was going on, and how we had gotten to this. Hades listened politely, He even looked like he was interested towards the end. Aries made sure his chair was as close as possible to mine without making me sit on his lap. Hades gave him a dirty look because of it.

After a Aries was through talking, Hades stood up again. "I see! That is quite a story. I am going to be keeping a close eye on this story. I am sure you two love birds know that. All I am going to insist on, is that you complete the trials in her tribe. If you don't I can sense that there will be blood shed like the natives have never experienced before." He took a deep breath in and breathed out slowly. "Now I know you two have not seen each other in a long time romantically. You may use one of my vacant rooms to reacquaint with each other before you leave. But directly after words, get your butts back up top. Joy we will readdress our conversation at a later date. You need this time with your current husband. We will be seeing each other again soon." With that Hades turned and quickly walked out of the room.

Aries waisted no time either. With one arm, as he stood up, he quickly swiped all of the food off the table. This included the candle opera. He picked me up and sat me on the edge of the table as he began to feverishly kiss me. He pushed my dress up and spread my legs. He was inside of me before I could make any sound of protest. He pulled my butt off of the table and let me down on himself.

Once he was deep inside of me, he laid me back on the table. He wrapped my legs around his waist and picked me back up. He walked us over to the wall behind the table we were sitting at and pushed me up against the wall. Then we rode hard.

Hades had not completely left either. He was peeping from the door to the hall. He was biting his lip and had his own manhood out. He was caring for his own needs as he watched our feverish display. It must have really worked for him as well. He finished around the same time we did. He spilled his seed on the floor and told one of his skeletal servants to clean it up. Then he went on off.

When we were through Aries took me back to my tribe. He helped me to sneak in through the back of the tent too. It was still early morning. No one had even noticed I had been gone. Which was a good thing too. No one wants all that blood shed on their minds.

I laid down in my bed and smiled. It felt so good to be finally able to remember what all had happened and has happened since. I could remember now who I was. That was one of the biggest things to me. Now all Aries had to do was win todays challenges and we would be married through the tribe and could return home. I was ready to go back to our home and actually take a good shower and sleep. That is if Aries allows me to.

I have no doubt Aries will win todays challenges. I will be counting on it. He is the God of war after all. He invented the fighting techniques that the men will be using. If any one should win it would be him. I guess we shall just have to wait and see.