Chapter 2 Cavemen

Cavemen are such simple creatures. To be honest, at that time the females really are dumb. But in a way I truly do understand. At that time, the females only knew of really four things. Those things were gathering (only the men hunted), sex (believe me, age did not matter), birthing (amazingly all the men disappeared as soon as the screaming started), and the female family. The female family was the only way they could really survive. At least the men could hunt!

If a woman was found on her own at that time, she would be taken in by almost every tribe. Women have always throughout time been considered a rich man's possession. However, the leader or in this case we will say alpha, had to approve. If he thought she was ugly or useless, she would have rocks thrown at her. Burring those days, I really did my best to never be the lone woman.