Chapter 14 A new Phoenix

As I flew away from Joshua's wedding, I lamented not being there for my son. I thought about going back and being with him. But he just got married. He needs time with his new wife. Anyway, I was a newly reborn now. I was his mother in another life. I am his sister now. Now I must live this new life, and I intend on having a good one.

As I flew through the sky I watched the ground go by. I lowered my flame till you could not see it anymore. I found a nice patch of earth that looked perfect for me. It was far from any village: It was deep in the forest. I will be surrounded by trees and wild life. This looks like the place for me.

When I landed I found that this area had tall sunflowers everywhere. The buds were bigger than my head. I bent some of the stalks and wove them together to make a make shift shelter. When I climbed in and laid down the ground was so soft. I fell asleep.