Chapter 14 Expecting >_<

The next morning Brenton woke up before me. Which is highly unusual! He ordered the maids around to clean the room and prepare breakfast. As soon as our little table was set, Brenton laid down behind me. He wrapped his arms around me, and kissed and nuzzled my neck, to wake me up. "Good morning my beautiful bride. Breakfast is ready."

I slowly opened my eyes and stretched. Brenton held me slightly tighter. I rolled over in his arms to find his smiling face. He kissed my forehead, and rubbed his hand in a circular motion over my belly. I could not help but giggle. This was the nicest way to wake up in the mornings.

I scooted to the side of the bed and realized I was still naked. Brenton just laid there in the bed with his hands behind his head watching me. There were no servants in the room so I walked over to my dressing screen. I put on a pretty purple dress that Brenton had had made for me. When I came back out Brenton was standing behind my chair waiting on me.