Chapter 16 What is happening?

I sat up slowly brushing the crumbs off my face. Then I tried to shake the crumbs out of my hair. I looked around to see what I tripped over. The hall was so dark I could hardly see any shapes, let alone my own hand. I know that these wall light sconces are special. Brenton said if I blow on them when they are out that they will light up instantly.

I felt of the wall until I found the sconce. I slipped in something slippery and fell on my booty again. Luckily I still had the wall sconce. I gently blew on it and it burst to life. That was when I saw what I had tripped over. It was Mrs. Weatherbee. Her throat was slit and she was laying in a pool of blood. That is what I slipped in. Poor Mrs. Weatherbee! Who or what could have done this!