Her Curiosity

I gasped, afraid she might yank but to my surprise she merely fingered its length. Eying it in awe.

I wanted to take the cloth off her mouth. Hear what she'd have to say.

If I could understand it.

And I wanted to watch her lips part in excitement or see when she licked them in anticipation. I felt I was somehow robbing us both by stealing her voice.

She closed her fist fully and I hummed in pleasure. Lowering to my knees over her belly to give her more access. She began tightening and loosening her grip. Giving me a questioning grip.

I reached to put my hand over hers. Guiding her hand up and down and showing her when to tighten it, to melt me.

She caught on quickly. Stroking me more thoroughly.

I gasped in pleasure at the smooth slickness of her grip. Letting her have her way with my body. I leaned back onto my palms and let her eyes take me in.

She watched the way my belly tightened every time she stroked away from me then relaxed as she slid her hand back down. She watched greedily.

I was instantly wondering if she'd be so starved to take my body into hers.

I noticed that beneath me she was writhing her hips up to meet each stroke. Instinctively knowing the movements. And I badly wanted to feel her.

I lightly tugged myself from her grip and climbed back down between her ankles. Stroking her long curved legs.

I'd always been weakened by the legs of attractive women.

And hers are perfection. I stroked her heel and began rubbing my hands up the inside of her legs. Inching forward on my knees until I was between her thighs. I caught my cock and began rubbing the tip in circles along her thigh.

She blinked rapidly at me. Lurching up to watch. She gave me a quizzical look, so I moved to her center and lightly began rubbing her push lower lips with my tip.

Her brows shot up and I knew that behind that gag her lips would be parted in delicious surprise.

Once I felt she'd moistened enough I caught one of her hips and leaned over her, dropping in a push up over her body and I held her hip still as I lightly began to enter her with just the tip of my rod. Feeling her warm flesh peel open to make way for me. Then suck me tight once I was in. As if wanting to pull me in deeper.

And I want more. But I waited. Letting her dampen and her gaze become hooded with pleasure.

Only then did I grunt and push further. Entering her enough that her walls had to stretch and her knees rose slightly as though she'd try to block me out.

Her fingers flexed and her neck strained.

So, I paused. Deciding I couldn't do this with her all tied up I reached up and unknotted her wrists. Still planted partway into her but unmoving.

I've never taken a woman bound and had no desire to now.

If she's curious she should get to touch me as she wishes. Learn my body as I learn hers.

She leaned up onto her elbows to give me a shocked look. She tentatively reached for the mouth cover.

I shook my head no. "Leave that on. Please."

She frowned, brows drawing together but slowly lowered her hands.

Is she going to run?