Design : Kaki class grain Transporter

4th July 1657

Southern United Marine Design Bureau, Mumbai

The designers Puneet Shetty, Balakrishna Pujari, and Bhargav Reddy have started the process of designing the new merchant ship.

Puneet Shetty, a member of the design team led by Vishesh Niladri, who designed the Bhima Class Armed Merchant Ship, assumed the nominal position of leader as soon as he joined the Southern United Marine Design Bureau. Balakrishna Pujari, one of Ghana Prabhu Berunda's assistants, is nearly as qualified as Puneet Shetty but lacks the necessary leadership qualities. Consequently, Balakrishna Pujari serves as the auxiliary assistant to Puneet Shetty. Bhargav Reddy, though lacking direct experience in ship design, is a highly experienced ship construction supervisor. His deep knowledge of ship components and his ability to streamline construction processes are invaluable to the team.
