Aikyotsava Festival: Chaturanga (Chess) 1

As soon as the Royal family's carriage entered Parliament Road, a loud cheer was heard from the crowd moving into the event grounds. The people were constantly doing a namaskara towards the carriage in respect and reverence.

Inside the carriage, Vijay looked majestic and regal, wearing a silver sherwani with diamond and gold embroidery as he gestured towards his people in acknowledgment. This was the first time Vijay had worn this sherwani, as the specific shade of silver he was currently wearing had been impossible to manufacture just a few months ago. The technology for dye production had not advanced to the point where any shade could be produced. However, with the chemical revolution he personally helped start, hundreds of new colors and thousands of innovations were emerging every month, which made the textile industry much more versatile all of a sudden. Due to this, exports of textiles to Europe have also begun to pick up by geometric magnitudes.