22nd October 1660
Four days have passed since Vijay held the meeting with the Cabinet ministers. In the meantime, a lot of things have happened. For one, the festival Dasara has come to a successful end with the day of Vijaya Dashami. For two, Vijay confirmed that the fetus in Kavya is developing very healthily with the help of some doctors and by his own keen intuition. And finally, the preparations for putting forward birth encouragement policies have started and are going on at great intensity in all the ministries.
Vijay, after a few days of absence, finally came back to the Simhasana Bhavana with a lot of documents in his hand.
Ganesh was waiting for him at the door, and seeing him, Vijay immediately motioned, "Come, walk with me."
"Vinod and Gopal, are they both here?" he asked as he arranged the doccuments,