The training camp begins

John sweated all over, he needed to focus all his strength just to stand up straight, he knew if he didnt have this he wouldnt gain anything from the camp. Thus he stood straight and did not complain. Then left to the training grounds, he felt heavy as he walked slowly towards the grounds. The old men smiled as they saw John struggling as he walks. Jonathan and Jane didnt talk just said their greetings and left.

Diane felt a pang in her heart as she saw John struggling, but she kept silent and left with her husband. Before she left the camp 10 of her numbered guards saluted and left to where John is.

When he arrived the training grounds it took him 15 minutes, but he is now used to the shackles, his breathing is heavy and his eye sight is slightly blurry. He felt very tired, then the instructor said "stand up straight you maggot!" Nick shouted at him

He stood straight, Nick got irritated and tried to lift him, he is fabbergasted as he cant lift the boy. What he didnt know is he weighed more than 180 tons. Then he heard a sound transmission, "dont embarass yourself." It was Alfred who sent the voice transmission

"Drill him hard! If i ever see you took pity on him i will let you see hell! Under stood?!" He added

The instructor replied "yes sir!" and shouted at John "such weakling, already out of breath, as punishment for being late, you are to run around the field for 100 rounds!"

He had many questions but as a soldier he obeted and followed the orders without complain.

John struggled to stand up, he saluted as he replied "yes sir!"

The other trainees saw the struggling John, and felt pity for him, 'how weak, he just barely ran a single lap and he is already struggling to move'

The instructor saw their smug looks he cant avoid feeling disgust and irritated, if you are to carry even 1% of that weight no one of you would be able to stand up. 'Who is this boy? To obtain the generals tender loving care, he must have a very special status'

Working under Alfred for a long time he knew how he pay close attention to individuals with special status.

"What are you idiots spacing out! Continue the drills 100 more times, being distracted easily"

He then started jogging in the morning it is now night time and he still needed to run one last lap to complete 100 rounds, as he gritted his teeth, using all his energy to move his heavy body. As he heaved his body, he felt sore all over his body, but he didnt whine, he sat down crossed leg and meditated, after 15 minutes he felt a cool all over his body, his body underwent another round of concentration. Filth sipped from his skin, when he opened his eyes he saw two old men standing infront of him.

"How was the first day of training?" Alfred asked

"I havent started training, i just finished my punishment for being late." He replied, he looks very disappointed not being able to join the training

"Gramps sorry but ill be late for my forging training, i need to complete todays training before i join you." He bowed as he apologized

Mario just nodded and took out a table and chair, then we will wait for you to finish the drills.

Alfred and Mario sat down and deank tea as they talked with each other

"What are you waiting for, start his drills!" He comanded nick

Nick wanted to retort as he saw that the boy is very tired, but still followed. He now knew that this boy is related to the immortal blacksmith Mario.

He started with marching and doing 100 push ups, pull ups and sit ups. In between each exercise he would ask John to do high jumps, high knees and jumping jacks. Afrer a short break he taught John martial arts, hand to hand combat. Its now 2 hours past midnight John finally ended the days training regime. He sat crossed leg and cultivated, he felt his body concentrated once again, the cool feeling relaxed his body, he is once again back into shape.

"Ok lets go to my workshop" he carried John as the flew to the edge of the camp, Alfred followed, when they entered the hut the furnace is burning hot, he stood infront of John and brought him on a table, there was a massive feast that awaited him, John gobbled up the food on the table. He didnt eat or drink water the whole day, he is so famished that he ate the food in minutes not caring about his manners.

After John finished eating, Mario started "Our barbarian race has its very own way of forging weapons and armors, however we dont have any books to record our practice, by transferring the method from master to apprentice, we have preserved the teachings since ancient times"

"It has been my luck that i was trained by my master, and is able to master the techniques of the craft"

"Stand straight and accept the training manual!" He commanded

John stood straight and Mario sent the spirit imprint of the compete blacksmith manual to his soul. Massive amounts of information rushed to his brain, containing materials and forging methods specific to each materials and equipment.

After the ceremony, John knowtowed and thanked Mario. He is very satisfied with john, Alfred who is watching by the side stayed silent, "how was your first day of training?" He asked john

"It was hard but i did manage to complete the course" he replied

"Tomorrow i will do my best to catch up with the team"

Alfred nodded in agreement, "then go hame and rest up, wake up early and dont be late." He was directing it to Jonathan and Diane

"Here, grampa Mario prepared several set of uniform for you to use, never take off this clothes even when you rest, that is also part of your training."

The couple who are waiting outside felt embarassed, it was their fault that John was late. They knew from the numbered guards report that John suffered punishment for being late,

"Im sorry general, i woke up late thats why i didnt arrive on time. This wont happen again!" He said

When his parents heard him they feel more ashamed. But is happy that John covered up for them. Alfred just shook his head and dismissed John.

As the couple left with John, the old men couldnt help but laugh out loud, they watched John for the whole day, and felt very pleased when they saw how tenacious he is, his determination and perseverance is admirable, having such a handicap, he didnt say a word to complain, he followed the instructor not showing any tantrums.

Alfred took out a wine bottle and poured wine to Marios cup "see that old man? He is just like me when we were starting our training! Hahahaha..."

"What do you mean just like you? If i remembered correctly we are all punished because you cheated on some drills!" Mario retorted

Alfeed scratched the back of his head, he changed the topic and said "what do you think about his blacksmithing talent?"

"I cant give an answer for now, but with his strong determination and patience, he will become an accomplished blacksmith" he guaranteed

"I think i should train him on the ways of using the axe, what do you think?" Asked alfred

"I think you should pound all the basics, it would also help him in his hammer training, as the attack pattern is the same" mario replied

When John arrived at the castle he felt so tired he took a bath and changed to the new set of training clothes. 'In just a day of low intensity training my body underwent 2 rounds of concentration! I should thank grandpa for this'

Diane knocked on his door "son, can i come in?"

"Yes mother" he replied

He is on his bed sitting cross legged, as she came near him she feel like crying. "Hows you first day of training!"

"It was fruitful mother, i get to improve my strength again." He happily replied

"I wont let you and father down, i promise!"

"We know son, we know!" Then she hugged him and kissed him good night

John woke up at 6 am and he stretched his body, took a quick bath and ate his break fast. His Jonathan took him to the camp.

When he arrived at the camp gate he saw the other trainees, he greeted "good day everyone, im lucas, ill be in your care" then he smiled

Everyones tense expression loosened and greeted him too, when Nick came, he instructed the recruits to do an long run, he asked for a soldier to be the pace runner as they ran 100 laps in 1 hour around the training field, one lap is equivalent to 10 km. The pace runner would alternate his speed, from slow to fast, some of the recruits struggled as the followed, when John saw that some recruits failed to catch up he slowed down and helped the recruits. Now even with the weights and shackle he could atleast jog and do basic workouts.

He assisted the other recruits and followed the group, the recruits were thankful and continued the drill. After 100 laps they are all very tired, they were given 30 minutes break, he sat cross legged and mediatated, just like yesterday, his cells concentrated once more.

"Today each of you is to pick up a weapon, this weapon will be your very own natal weapon, nourish it with you flesh, blood and soul; and grow stronger with it." Then nick and the kther instructors retreived numerous weapons from their space rings and let the recruits choose one to their liking, John hid from the crowd, Nick knew that John has a natal weapon. How could he not have a natal weapon, being connected with Mario. After they choose a weapon he instructed them "from this day onward the weapons should always be by your side, you sleep and eat with it"

Now that you have chosen a weapon i will be assigning you to an instructor, all these instructors are revered immortals so be respectful when you speak.

The recruits went to their corresponding instructors, John was assigned to his grandfather, who is with his master Mario. There are only 4 recruits who came with him, 2 choose the axe and the other two choose the hammer. He is the only one who weilds both weapons.

Alfred stood infront of the group and commanded

"Recruits attention!"

"I wont introduce myself as you all know me, the axe and hammer share the same attack pattern these are smashing, slashing, hacking, chop, charge and ground break" showing them the moves once

"Put out your weapons! Do 10000 sets of slash then we will call it a day!"

"As you perform your moves i will be personally assessing your stance, for every mistake one has to be punished with 1 push up, sit up, pull up and 1 lap around the training field after the training camp."

"Since you are a team, everyone will suffer for your mistakes, so dont ever think of slacking off!"

'How are we going to survive this training' they thought

The recruits took out their weapons. And imitated Alfreds movements, John is multitasking, 3 souls focus comprehanding the metal element manipulation art, while the rest focus on the axe training.

He recalled Alfreds movements and imitated it, slash, hack, chop, smash, charge and ground break. Then he started his 10000 repetition of each moves. Then he spoke "general can you please repeat the movements one last time?"

Alfred stood up from his chair and did the movements again, he felt a soul force scanned him as he made every move. He knew it was John who did it. After repeating it again, he sat down and drank tea with Mario.

John observed every minute muscle movement of Alfred and repeated the movements again, initially it was awkward but as he repeated the movements his movements became fluid and coordinated. While the others would do the same they would loose their balance and fall.

John only made 5 mistakes and had comprehended the right form as he slashed mayhem again and again, he could only do it slowly with the added weights on his body, but none the less he completed every move without error, he used his soul force to guide his movements as he repeated the slash. After 10000 slashes were made by John, he watched the others struggling.


"Congratulations for completing the 10000 slashes! And with only 5 errors made from all those repitition! Very impressive!"

The other five looked at John like a monster, five errors? While they are now counting in hundreds of error.

"Thank you general" as he saluted Alfred

"You are free to rest!" He ordered

But John didnt rest, he held mayhem with his right hand and repeated the movements again. The other four was motivated as they saw John. He stood infront of them as he repeated the slash very slowly for them to follow.

Again and again until he completed 10000 moves.

The other four studied his moves and followed his example, little by little they had fewer and fewer errors in their slash, they finished the 10000 moves before the lunch break. They felt very tired, as their arms felt weak and numb due to fatigue. However John who was holding the axe with just a single hand, and repeated the 10000 movements on each arm, they felt ashamed of them selves. They never saw him complain or whine, he just silently sat down and recovered his strength. The five boys followed his example and meditated to recover their strength.