Change of plans 9

Then he told Mario to remold destroyer, Jonathan, Diane and Alfred can't complain. They knew how stubborn John is, this, they only asked Mario that they will stay behind and watch over John.

Mario had no choice, he can't say no to John, and he is also very excited with remolding the destroyer.

He started remolding the destroyer, and John is on the same state as he was before. The process continued for 10 hours, when Mario finished it was already morning and John is on his sorry state. The gun has the same look as mayhem, the only difference is the hammer at the bottom and top portion of the guns tip.

After a few moments the two weapons flew to the sky and three bolts of lightning struck it at the same time. The two weapons successfully transformed into a divine weapon.

The fainted John didn't know what happened while his weapons entered his body, massive amounts of blood, metal and lightning elements along with soul force rushed to his weapons, it synchronized with his body as it pulsed along with his heart beat.

After an hour, John woke up. He felt refreshed his body felt light, two pulsating objects are well situated on his heart, steadily absorbing elements, mana and blood. He willed for it to appear and destroyer appeared on his hand, same as with mayhem, it could transform into a pistol, rifle and hammer form.

He felt elated with these weapons he is like a tiger with wings, he knew that his attack prowess will further improve.

He jumped happily, he hugged his master and thanked him again and again. He knew that as time goes by his natal weapon would increase it's strength along with him. He got excited just thinking about it.

Jonathan, Diane and Alfred we're surprised, 'just how strong is John's soul as it is now?' they now knew how, strong johns will is, the pain of having your soul tampered by hammering is no joking matter. What they did not know is since birth John had been splitting his soul, for his soul cultivation, the strength of his soul is more than they could imagine. Thus, the pain is tolerable for him, and his soul is corporeal now, making it very sturdy. The tampering enhances the strength of his soul further making it closer to breakthrough.

Mario felt lesser guilt when he knew that the process helped his disciple enhance his soul.

"Gramps can I have 3 more sets of these shackles?" he asked

"Here you go" Mario didn't ask, he shove him 3 sets of shackles and John put it on.

"Ah! This feeling of restriction is so addicting!" he softly said

The 4 people were giving him funny looks, he is just a two year old but he has 6 sets of 1 million ton shackles. He has one hundred and forty four tons of weights! By now they are used to Johns abnormality, they shook their heads and laughed.

Diane grabbed John and pinched his cheeks "my baby is now a man!" she said

"Mother I'm still your baby boy, I'm not yet an adult!" he coquettishly replied then hugged her tightly

Jonathan came and rubbed his head, ruffling his hair. "Son, mind to share to us what you learned from this remodeling of your natal weapon!"

They are all interested in the outcome of the remodeling, of the natal weapon, but they knew that not everyone is capable of surviving the process.

"From this experience, i can say that only those who have reached the 4th level of soul cultivation can survive this process. But the only question is, can they endure the pain? And there is a very strict requirement for the blacksmith performing the process."

"I would suggest for mother to remodel her weapon, and have her contract another, but mother, you need to communicate with it and ask for it's permission." he said

Diane is thinking hard, she loved her glaive, but she also wanted the gun, she felt that it's he natural weapon.

"Grampa Mario do you have a knife that can be bound as a natal weapon?" she asked

"I have a knife, but are you sure there won't be any rejection from your natal weapon?" Mario asked

The problem with binding a new natal weapon is the possibility of the old weapon rejecting the new one.

"I will first meditate" she said

Diane sat crossed-legged and started to communicate with her glaive.

Jonathan, Alfred, Mario and John are talking with each other discussing the possibility of remodeling their natal weapons, both Jonathan and Alfred wield double weapons, this, rejection is the least of their concern. What they are worried is if their weapons are willing to be remodeled.

John said "the advantage of remodeling the weapon is, the soul is tampered along with the weapon, with this I could sense your soul cultivation might breakthrough father, that goes for you as well grams!" as he looked at Mario and Alfred

"Regarding the attacks, I can say for sure that it would be a lot stronger than mine, since the weapons you have, are nourished for a very long time, but I could also guess the amount of pain and torture during the process of remodeling." he honestly said

Jonathan and Alfreds only problem is convincing their weapons to agree to remodeling, while Mario, he is in a bigger dilemma. Who among the other blacksmiths can he trust to remodel his own weapon?

When John saw his master, he knew the pain and dilemma he is having. Who could he trust to remodel his weapon? Who among the other blacksmiths have reached his level of mastery?

"Gamps don't you worry, don't you trust this grandson of yours?" he said to Mario with confidence

"Wait a little bit more, I will remodel your weapon in 5 years time!" he promised

Mario felt very touched, after hearing him say "your grandson" he felt like bursting into tears, he has no family but he treated jihn as his own grandson. However, since he bacame his apprentice this is the first time that john declared being called his grandson. He had never been so happy before, his chest is bursting with so much joy and fulfillment.

"My good grandson!" he said smiling from ear to ear he felt very proud of John.

Jonathan and Alfred felt happy for Mario, this old man is very stubborn but they knew that he genuinely cares for John.

"Grampa Mario, Im ready, cleaver agreed with his remodeling and also agreed to have me bind a new natal weapon!" Diane blurted out

Mario stood up straight and wiped the tears on his eyes. "Ahhhh... My workshop is so dusty!" he said hiding his embarassment

Diane stayed silent

"Lets start with binding with a new natal weapon the remodeling of your cleaver can start after we're done with the new one." he said

"What kind of weapon do you like to bind?" asked Mario

"Do you have a knife gramps? It should be atleast 24 inches long" asked John

He didn't mind John being impolite, he is an easygoing person in the first place. Mario loved this feeling and he dotes on John a lot.

"I have a knife just like that, molding a small weapon like that. I cant add a bayonet for the gun" he replied while thinking

"What we need to do is only a pistol" then he took out a paper and pen, he started drawing the pistol, the pistol is 1 foot long revolver, it has six bullet canister, with many intricate designs, this designs they are very familiar with it, these are runes.

When the others saw the guns design the they grew excited, it looks very sleek and sexy, the runes are arranged so that it runs through the lines of the gun, enhancing its visual attractiveness.

What Mario noticed is that the runes John selected we're focused on speed and power. "Why did you focus on these runes?" he asked, he just feels proud hearing his disciple explain his thoughts

"From the days of training, i have analyzed mothers style of fighting, unlike father, a direct fighter who likes to over power his enemies. She focus on speed and flexibility. Thus I choose speed and power, she only needs to attack fast, and the guns attack should be powerful." he paused then looked at the three men

"Of all those here on the island, there is no one who could best mother when it comes to metal element control, thus, I made the design, she could make bullets in advance and to compensate for the lack of enhancement runes. I believe she won't have any problems creating enhanced bullets with her metal control!" as he praised his mother, he has a very proud look on his face

"This weapon only mother can make it shine to it's full potential, Hehehe..."

"When she forms the bullets she needs to imagine as usual, since there are no runes to help the formation and enhancement, it all boils down to her control of metal elements. The canister is mainly for having bullets in advance. Incase of emergency where forming elements is a challenge she could still have multiple attacks ready." He said

Mario felt excited as he saw the design of the revolver, even jonathan and alfred were interested in it. Diane felt the love of her son as she saw the intricate designs of the gun, there are lotus patterns on it, it's her favourite flower. She felt like crying in her joy, but held it inside.

"The only disadvantage for this kind of design is that the user must be very proficient with metal element manipulation, if not the bullets would shatter due to the amount of explosive power it has." he honestly said

Mario listened carefully and spoke "the design is theoretically possible but the amount of force it requires for triggering this would be very hard. The trigger would be hard to pull. In my estimate the force would probably require a triggering force of 3 million tons."

They kept silent for a while, it is indeed going to be heavy, 3 million tons of triggering force is no easy matter, Jonathan, Alfred and Mario would not have a problem, but Diane might find it difficult to pull.

"I will first train my grip to reach the required strength then we could proceed with the remodeling and contracting of the weapon!" she replied it's her son's weapon design chosen for her.

She is very firm with her decision, she wanted this weapon personally designed by John for her.

Jonathan knew his wife's line of thought, thus he stayed quiet and agreed with her. Alfred and Mario just smiled, even for them if John made such difficult to wield weapon, they would have the same decision as Diane.

"How about my weapon son? Do you gave any suggestions for it?" Jonathan excitedly asked

John is silently thinking, they all kept quiet waiting for him to reply.

"Father, it is going to be very hard for you, one reason is that you're natal weapons are gloves, the amount of metal that needs to be forged into a gun is not enough." he honestly replied

Jonathan felt sad, he is very excited with the weapon remodeling, and he also wanted a gun for himself. But he knew the limitations of his natal weapon.

Mario spoke, "the gloves I made the king is a single natal weapon, he could bind with another one if he wanted to."

"Hehehe good! Father I have a very interesting gun design for you.

He drew a double barreled shotgun. It has a 3 feet long barrels around 5 inch in diameter, with a 1 feet long stock.

"The bullets can also be manually inserted, thus it can be premade" then he drew the bullet design, it's like a mini tank shell but made purely of metal. It's a 4.99 inch in diameter, 6 inch long.

Then he continued "what is cool is you will push the barrel downwards and insert the bullets at the end of the barrel."

"As a close-ranged fighter, this is the best weapon for you, as it can cover your ranged attack deficiency."

Jonathan felt very excited, the gun looked very macho, a very many weapon.

When he saw the design, Marios eyes grew wide. With this kind of bullet, even an immortal could receive severe damage if ever took damage.

Jonathan and Alfred are curious, "why is Mario's response like that?"

"Your highness!" he blurted out

Jonathan is shocked

"Hahaha... With this kind of bullet, even immortals can be blasted!" he excitedly said