Change of plans 11

All the blacksmiths gathered around Mario.

Mario is the oldest and the best of all of them, thus being guided by mario is an honor for all of them. Before, even if they wanted to ask for guidance, there was a gap that prevents them from asking for help. However, it now changed. After taking in the prince as his disciple, Mario became more open-minded and has gotten generous.

"I will be training you along with my grandson, so don't slack off and embarrass yourself!" he ordered

All the blacksmiths have serious looks on their faces, they knew what it means, they will be like an in-name disciple of Mario, who doesn't want to. Mario is the best! The godly blacksmith! Dignitaries and experts from other continents would come and line just to ask for Mario to craft their weapons, armors, or accessories. They have John to thank for, it's this prince that changed Mario and they gained benefits for this.


Before meeting up with the immortals and saints John said to Mario.

"Grandpa, I think we need to build a blacksmith guild in our empire!" he said

"A blacksmith guild?" Mario asked

"Yes, I noticed that everyone has the same manual they follow, but the only difference is the level of mastery."

"I think it's better if you train them all along with me, and let them accept disciples and make this guild one of our empires main source of income."

"I don't like wasting my time teaching slowpokes!" Mario replied

Jonathan, Diane, and Alfred are listening and we're impressed with John's suggestion.

John then hugged Mario by his neck and said, "come on now grampa, how can you be grumpy, you look younger now, you need to be more magnanimous."

"Ahrg! You know I can't refuse you!" Mario complained

"Ok! I agree but, I don't want to be bothered by stupid questions! You as my only disciple will be the one responsible for that job!" he ordered

"Hehehe... Thank you grampa!"

The three wanted to laugh but held it as they didn't want to embarrass Mario.

"How is this guild going to be organized?" Jonathan asked

"Grampa, is going to be the guild master, then..." he continued explaining the details as the others listened

"It's too early for us to build one, what we need is to establish a solid foundation for the blacksmiths! After which building a guild will be easier!" Mario said

"Before it was my master's dream to unite all the empires blacksmith, but before he could accomplish his dream, he perished" he sighed

"Never in my dreams have I thought that my disciple would have the same wish as him! This must be fate!" he added

"Then let's do it this way... As we gather everyone, cramps Mario will train them together with John! This will ignite their fighting spirit!" Jonathan exclaimed

But Mario muttered silently "once they see their difference, I doubt! They might feel dejected and discouraged and might quit smithing all their life!"

But they all heard him, truth be told what Mario said is the truth, if they see how far their talent is from John, this might have a negative effect.

"No! I trust our blacksmiths! No barbarian is a quitter! How can our race be weak, to thrive for millions of year's, we are stronger both in mind and heart!" John declared


"Starting tomorrow, I want all of you to report here after training at the grounds! Am I clear?" he asked

"Yes sir!" they simultaneously replied

"Dismissed!" Mario ordered

Mario then sat on a chair and John followed, "your technique in refining metals has been polished to perfection, next will be refining nonmetalic materials."

"Refining nonmetallic materials requires excellent fire control and manipulation, " he took out his heavenly flame and manipulated it, he changed it to different shapes and controlled the temperature.

"You try it" he ordered john

John released his flame, and slowly he manipulated it and copied Mario. The old man controlled his shock, he just nodded his head and watched closely.

'Ah, having such a genius as a disciple is very frustrating, it took me a year to reach his level of control, but this grandson of mine needed only to watch me do it once' he muttered to himself

'Well this is what I asked for! Shame on me, I have been so proud being labelled a genius when my talent is not even close to an eighth of my grandson, haist...'

"Grandpa, does my manipulation pass the standard?" he asked

"It passed the standard, but you are still a long way to go to reach the perfected level. You need to practice using it on materials and learn slowly through constant refining of materials, " he honestly replied, then he took out loads of materials, different kinds of plants, ores, rocks, gems and many more. He asked "from our blacksmith legacy manual, how much were you able to recall?" he asked John

"I am able to memorize everything, gramps the only thing I lack is to see the real thing" he honestly replied

'Why did I even bother to ask, of course, he memorized everything' Mario sighed as he felt stupid asking such a question.

"Very good, as expected of my cute and genius grandson" he pinched johns cheeks and laughed loudly after praising him

"Now, I want you to name every material I took out, explain it's details, it's use, and way to refine it. It took me several hundred years to collect all of this, and it's my proud collection of rare materials!" he said

This is indeed a vast collection of materials, this alone is worth several empires treasury. Most of the materials are so rare that Johns's eyes grew wide in shock.

Mario looked happy as he saw John's shocked face, then he kept the rest of the materials and left the rest for John to identify.

Johns voice while identifying the materials is like music to the old man's ears, it was a bliss having such an amazing disciple.

'At this rate he could finish identifying all the materials in just a few days!' the problem came to him, maybe I should bring him out for training

In the afternoon John gave his lecture on soul arts, after which he went to the training grounds, he is now on the 10th stage of the earth level of difficulty, diane watch her son in daze, her heart almost burst out in happiness. Being the mother of a genius like John, she had never been so proud in her life.

"Honey, we need to arrange johns marriage with his fiances" Diane blurted out

Jonathan was lost in his thought watching John practice, suddenly bit his tongue hard

"Wart arw yuuu twaking wabout?" Jonathan said

Diane got irritated and look at her husband, when she saw the blood on his mouth she was speechless, "how reckless of you! Mind your image" she angrily reprimanded Jonathan

"Whaaa awt tyooo swainh iwmwage!" Jonathan angrily replied 'it was you who blurted out wanting to arrange your sons marraige, for God sake he's just 2 years old.'

Bang! Bang! Bangbangbangbang!

"Whew! Its hard to train with this new shackles, but i feel like my BGBTA is going to promote again" he thought

He went to his parents and saw his mother getting angry at his father, he almost fell to the ground as he heard his mother "your son has 4 beautiful fiances! He is very capable and talented! Of course as his mother Im worried about his marriage!"

"Can you be a bit more lenient about this, you see honey, he is 13 years early to get married. His fiancee might not want to marry him at that time, why the rush, it's just your childhood promise, why so serious about it, uncle George granddaughter is what father in law promised. She might not want to be married to our son at all" he commented

"How dare they not like my son! Is he not good enough for them?" Diane suddenly got angrier, her face looks ferocious

'Who wouldn't like my baby, John? If there is one who should reject it's him not the other way around!' she thought

"Father, mother I'm done!" John shouted

"Good, would you like to have a quick spar?" Jonathan asked

"Sure father! I want to train using my weapons!" he said

Jonathan hurriedly took John and started sparing with the saints, Mario, Alfred, and George was standing beside Diane. George shook his head as he looked at John sparring against Jonathan and 200 saints. This isnt a spar that can be faught by a child, even for a normal saint warrior, its imposible to do what john is doing.

"Too abnormal!" He said softly

Diane and the rest just smiled as they heard the oldmans comment.

Diane thought 'wait till you see his actual prowess without any restrictions, he can take down a peak Saint warrior.

After the sparring session, John played with the Saint warrior, it was dianes numbered warriors. Ever since John went to the island, he had been sparring with them along with Jonathan. The royal guards were left they are now working hard to break through the Saint realm.

"Aunt zero, your control has improved a lot, but your attacks while moving is missing an centimeter from the target." John commented

The numbered warriors were shocked, to notice even the minute inaccuracy in zeros attack, even for them they don't have the time to check on others attacks.

"Aunties, today and the next days, you all need to enhance your senses and accuracy, " he took out a black cloth with runes in it, gave it to them and said "these are blind folds especially made for your use, when you are on the training field, dont remove these, every target missed means 1ton increase in weights" as he smiled and looked at them

The guards wanted to come complain and looked at Diane, but when they saw her looking away, they knew its useless to resist. Looking at johns smiling face, they felt shivers on their spine. This prince doesn't show any mercy to them when they train.

John saw their faces this he put on a blindfold and walked to the second training ground, he asked them to aim at him and remove their guns restriction. After a few minutes he cleared the training set with a perfect hit on every target and dodged every bullet.

"See aunts it's quite easy if you focus on it" he said

The guards have no complaints seeing John complete the set without any problems, in fact they felt their pride being crushed as they saw how easy John completed the task they felt was impossible. Diane just stayed silent and laughed inside, 'ah John can you be more lenient to my guards, it's a good thing they didn't quit after what you did' then she giggled

"What are you doing at! Put on your blind folds! Quit complaining and start training!" zero ordered, she felt embarrassed as she saw her elite team showing dissatisfied glances at John, especially when he perfected the task, she felt she had no more face and wanted to hide on a hole.

"Dont be discouraged! Aim to prove your selves worthy of the prince personal training!" zero said

The ladies hurriedly wore their blind folds and started training, it was indeed difficult. The targets are fast, and they also needed to focus on the bullets aimed at them.

John competed the tenth level of earth difficulty, they wanted to prove themselves thus they didn't lower the difficulty. In just a minute the 200 guards fell one after the other, and didn't hit a single target.

"Are you going to be discouraged by this? You are shaming my name in front of my child? You're nephew is only two and you call yourselves elites?" Diane reprimand

'Madam can't you see how we miserably failed copying the prince, ah...' they thought

Zero who saw her team in a miserable state, rubbed her head in frustration. Few days ago, she saw John train blindfolded thus she was the very first one to experience it. She knew that it's not impossible to clear the stage, but the difficulty is guaranteed. When she started this training, she had to lower the difficulty to the first stage, currently, she could clear this training at level 3.

John was able to clear the 10th level of earth difficulty while blindfolded, no matter how hard these girls try they could never accomplish it as they are now.