Elise got bullied?

The five of them sat staring at each other, thinking hard about how to go about this plan. Though the best way to accomplish this is thru Johns method, but if these men and women are to be implanted with these falsified memories, it would instill fear in them.

"For these people, I think it would be best if we just do the usual oath while on the island, once we return to the mainland, we could proceed with the plans," Jonathan said, but this is not a foolproof plan, there are many ways to break the oath without being punished by the tribulations, so he is hesitating to use the technique.

"Is there a way to determine or check if the person is still under your technique, a way to find the seal that is?" Diane asked, this is what Jonathan wanted to know the most right now, if there is a way to check if they are being manipulated then there is a way to ease their worries

"There is a way, by the use of our bloodline" John honestly replied

Then John explained "The good thing about our bloodlines is that it has a very strong connection to the soul. It has many functions and one of which is the ability to check if there is any abnormality on the soul, not just among our race this can also be used on other races not belonging to us barbarians.

However since not all bloodlines are like ours who has this kind of special connection to the soul, this method is not very effective if used on them to check if they are being manipulated. The best way is to check the soul itself."

Then he walked to Elise's side, he activated the technique he use before, he made a cut on her finger and a pale golden blood flowed out of the incision. Then he asked his parents and grandfathers to come and check her blood.

"The way to determine is to use your bloodline to check on hers; release your bloodline and synchronize it with Elise," they noticed that there is a fluctuation on Elise blood making it unable to perfectly synchronize with them, the blood would release a fluctuation matching theirs.

"Try it among your selves, no need to release the blood, I only did that for you to see the actual change in ones blood if there is any form of manipulation. Using it on her blood only makes it easier to understand the principle. The feeling is the same if you use to feel the bloodline fluctuations from with." he said

Everyone is a genius as well thus it's easy for them to grasp the method after one try.

Diane synchronized her bloodline with Jonathan and tried it on Alfred and Mario, there is no problem like that with Elise, she called in Melinda, Zeros real name. She checked her using her bloodline and was the same as what she felt on the three men. She called Eleanor and did the same, there was no problem. The three men did the same as well, they are all able to learn the technique with ease.

Elise kept crying on her chair, Eleanor just noticed it now due to her nervousness. She went to her sister "elder sister what happened to you?" she asked then looked at John

"Sister no there is no problem at all, there is just a dust that got on my eye," she said

"I don't believe you, did the prince made you cry?" she asked, she looked at John waiting for his answer, she didn't believe that he would make her sister cry.

Diane sent a soul transmission to Eleanor explaining to her that they are tryout a new technique. She heaved a sigh of relief, she didn't know what to do if John ever did hurt her sister, she didn't want to choose between her most beloved man and sister.

"Everyone with the same bloodline can do this among their peers, to see if they are controlled or has any abnormality. But, the stronger and purer the bloodline of the target the harder it is to check" he advised

"The soul technique automatically deactivates when it is released, there is also a method to keep it in a dormant state and activate it anytime.

But the user must have a very high amount of soul force to maintain it in a dormant state and the one being implanted with the technique must be within the range of his soul sense or else the technique will automatically deactivate.

However if it is used once, then there is no need to keep the target within range, the technique will continue to work until it is deactivated.

There is also a way to overwrite the technique, if the target; one, the targets soul cultivation must be stronger than the one who placed the technique; and two, if there is a 9th level soul cultivator use his soul force to create chaos on the soul sea and disrupt the technique, but this method is dangerous. If the second method is done incorrectly, the targets soul sea might collapse even before the technique is deactivated..."

"There is also another method, and it doesn't have a requirement on ones soul cultivation," then he looked at Mario and smiled sinisterly

"We could implant a device that could trigger the target's soul to create a clone and the user just needs to insert a memory he wanted to implant on the target" Mario grinned when he heard the word device, such ingenious way of applying the runes Mario felt very excited, he wanted to try it out

They all gasp in shock, a marvelous technique, they also admired his creative way of applying the techniques on devices, they are now itching to learn this from John.

Every method he does is practical, knowing his obsessive-compulsive nature he won't share this technique unless he has completed it.

Same as the previous techniques and the widely used Barbarian devouring technique, he never shares unfinished techniques, only perfected ones that he has fully tested.

"There is a very strong requirement to perform this technique, one is the accomplishment in BGSA, one must reach at least the sixth stage,

The higher the level of BGSA the longer the fragments one could add, then there is the control of soul force, the stronger the control is there is no troubles injuring the host soul and possibility of detection thru the means of soul force. If not done perfectly you could detect the technique after checking out Elise soul sea"

John released the technique on Elise, returning her back to normal, but her face blushed due to her embarrassment. Elise felt extremely embarrassed by her behavior, she blames John for doing it, remembering all that happened, she wanted to hide in a hole. But all the memories that flashed into her mind were as if it was true, just the thought of it made her heart ache so much she wanted to die.

Though John did not say what his soul cultivation level is, but from his words and execution of the technique, they deducted that it's above the sixth level. They all gasp in surprise, except for Mario, he knew that his disciple's level of soul cultivation is on the same level as his, or probably even stronger.

John touched his glabella and imprinted the technique to their souls.

"Father, call in uncle shadow!" he said to Jonathan

"Lance I need you for something" he ordered, Lance is shadows real name

A shadow appeared beside Jonathan and saluted, "uncle long time no see" he greeted him

Shadow gave a creepy smile, that doesn't look like a smile. John sent the technique to his soul sea, he is used to Johns method, along with his guards, John also trained and made special training programs for his parent's guards.

"Uncle if there is a problem or any questions on the technique just come to me and ask." Lance just nodded his head and disappeared from the room

"You have finished crafting your weapons?" Jonathan inquired

"Uhum" he nodded in reply

He first took out his revolver, it's silver in color with rune etching giving it the perfect color contrast; thirty inches long with a huge barrel one inch wide; the cylinder is four inches long and four inches wide, with six chambers, its handle is made from a branch of the world tree, and acts as the weapon's core.

Those who havent seen his weapon, all gasp in awe of its beauty. This gun is as beautiful as Diane's gun.

"The gun is named destroyer, it's the very first natal weapon gun made by my apprentice, it has a new style of rune etching rearranging it to smoothly connect every runes to minimize the recoil and sound. The power is determined by the amount of mana the user feeds the weapon." Mario excitedly introduced the weapon

Then John took out his second weapon a 80 inch long single edged odachi, with two inch wide blade that has a bloody glint on it's surface, the handle is 20 inches long with keenly knitted red leather handle wrap made from dragon hide. The is scabbard from a branch of the world tree dipped in dragon blood giving it a bright red stain. There is a strong scent of blood coming from the blade, as if it's craving for blood.

"The second weapon is mayhem, it's made by combining hard and soft metal components to make the blade, by adding his own blood in the forging process it has a function of replenishing his blood and vitality from the enemies, even it's scabbard can be used as a weapon," Said Mario in excitement

They all gasp in shock, Alfred and Jonathan like any other men, felt a certain attraction to the blade, and wanted to have one as well, they looked at John with expectation.

"I can make one for each of you but the materials can only be provided by father and grandfather" he said

They both feel excited, such an over bearing blade makes their blood boil in excitement, it looks elegant the lines are smooth and perfect. Since they both have two natal weapons adding more will affect their cultivation, this they also know.

Then John took out two jade boxes and handed it to Alfred and Jonathan. When they opened the box what they saw is a bull ring Jonathans is gold in color with an gloves and crown emblem. While Alfred has a double ax emblem.

"Take good care of these rings, it's more precious than what you think" Mario seriously said

The two did not take offence of what Mario said, having a very high appraisal from Mario, the rings should be very special.

"The ring my apprentice gave you, is created by him, unlike normal space rings it can hold living creature in it. It has a very big space within, one million square kilometers to be exact, it doesn't have a weapon feature but the space function itself is more valuable than any other things you could own, in the whole world there is only these few rings available. Even I am not yet capable of making one" he said smuggly, he proudly told them about it since it is his only disciples work

The two men are shock thoroughly their hands are trembling and they felt that the ring suddenly felt heavy, they never thought that John would gift them such a precious ring, what shocked them is that Mario the godly blacksmith is not yet capable of creating one.

Their hearts almost burst in joy, they felt like crying from happiness. Having a son/grandson like John, only gives unending pride to them. Jonathan is grateful that he is blessed to have a son like John. He doesn't have to worry about his future. The two men simultaneously bound their rings, not only does it look good it is also very precious, they kept their old rings and used Johns gift.

The night comes to a close they all went back to their rooms, John accompanied by the twins entered his room. When he opened the room, Diana the little mink is with the four girls happily chatting. John is speechless with this sister of his, she even asked his other fiancee's to stay in his room. He could only shake his head and smile bitterly.