Lucky prince

"Martin" he called

"Tell those whom I gave the manuals to.come to cramps Marios workshop, I have something to do so I won't be able to go to the training field" he ordered Merlin

"Mother come with me, I can now remodel your glaive" he excitedly told her

Diane agreed without question, no matter how Mario, Alfred, and her husband Jonathan, convinced her before she stubbornly wanted her son to remodel her weapon.

The family and the ladies went to the guilds workshop, "what took you so long, last night I've made designs of the device you talked about, but the problem is on how to control the device, doing a stand-alone thing, the biggest issue is the power source" he explained

He took out the papers it contained several designs with many scribblings. He studied the designs, he picked out the one which is like a needle. After a few moments, John took out a pen and made a revised drawing.

Three identical triangular needles with different runes on every side "if one is not enough how about dividing the job and ask for help," he said

Mario smiled widely from ear to ear, they made many models but this concept didn't come to their mind. Mario scolded the other smiths, "this is what I've always been telling you, you young ones should be like my disciple, you must use your imagination be creative. Don't limit your designs on the one made by our predecessors, don't be afraid to fail, only after failure do we learn, improve and create new things."

the blacksmiths could only scratch their heads but it's indeed true, they still lack the creativity and imagination. "Grampa all the designs are good, but the problem is the size, what we need is a concealed device, that is easy to use and hard to detect" he said

"Okay you lot, let's get back to the drawing boards, boy do what you want to do, you can join us if you have time" said Mario hurriedly, as if scared that the new idea would suddenly disappear

"Father are there materials ready for the reconstruction of mothers natal weapon?" he asked

"Your mother has long prepared for this day, hahaha" Jonathan laughed

After getting the storage ring from Jonathan, John went to the furnace and lit it up using his black lightning hell fire.

"Mother are you ready? This will be painful, but kindly bear with it" John said in worry

"Don't worry I'm ready." Diane resolutely replied

Johns face is serious and said "Let's begin, if after the weapon is complete and I lost consciousness, mother, remember to recover your strength and vitality before binding the new weapon. It may require more blood essence than you could ever imagine" he took Diane's glaive and placed it inside the burning furnace

Diane's body is burning hot, she gritted her teeth as her glaive is being melted, the heat penetrated her soul, she felt ten times the pain as when her first natal weapon was remodeled.

John continued the process, he is focused on his smithing that all that happened other than the work he completely forgot.

Slowly all parts are being modified, different metals and materials are added to complete the other parts of the gun. Runes are added, what surprised the group is the addition of a scope made from two crystal balls from, a crystal eagle. The best feature of these eyeballs is the ability to project millions of kilometers of distance.

The smiths and Mario went to watch John make the queen's weapon. They were amused and excited to see the new design John made. Diane felt her soul is being split, too much her head felt like splitting. She gritted her teeth and prevented any sound to come out of her mouth. She doesn't want to worry her son, she knew that even with his stable mind, John would feel rattled by that sound of pain and suffering of her.

She clawed Jonathan back with her nails, Jonathan accepted every torture for Diane. He also knew the reason for her actions. He admires his son for his maturity and stability. But his reverse scale is his family and friends. He is not sure if he heard his mother cry, he would be affected in his work.

After eighteen hours of smithing the weapon is finished, it's a two and a half meter long pure white sniper rifle, it's a single bullet rifle. It has a scope, using two crystal eagles eyeballs. The barrel is two meters long, 2 inches in diameter, with runes rotation, acceleration and speed. The amount of explosion and impact runes is three times the amount of what johns destroyer has. This is no ordinary weapon a weak metal element controller could use.

With the amount of explosion and impact runes, any bullet created using weak elemental control and manipulation will be obliterated by the force of impact and explosion.

John fainted after he made the last strike. He exerted all his effort to make this weapon for his mother. Even for blacksmiths on Marios level, this is a very difficult task to do, he needed to do multitasking hammering while, melting, molding, and quenching different parts. The amount of soul force needed and control is on a godly level, even the metal control needs to be precise. Any small defect would ruin the whole weapon. Unlike regular weapons used by the populace, a natal weapon must be smooth and rid of impurities and with very precise measurements and sizes.

The other blacksmiths wanted to bow down and worship John for his work. They knew that his level is way beyond theirs, Mario couldn't hide his glee.

"Hahaha... Look how amazingly talented this genius disciple of mine is! Can anyone contest against my grandson! Hahaha... Even in death I would be smiling... Too satisfying, hahaha..." he laughed and bragged. But who would ever say anything to argue with him? It's clear as day that aside from Mario, there is now a second godly blacksmith.

The gun flew over Diane's, she held it in her hands caressing the weapon made by her son. Looking at John fainting after he finished her weapon, Diane cried but never let her voice out.

After she held her newly reconstructed reaper, she felt the power surging on her weapon, there was a greater bond compared to before. She recalled her sons warning, after giving John a glimpse, she hurriedly recovered her strength and vitality.

After an hour, she slit her palm and let her blood essence flow to her weapon, she lost 3/4 of her essence before the weapon got activated and strengthened the binding. She almost fainted, after reaper got bound it flew over her head and lightning struck it and completed the ritual.

She caressed the gun, and looked at the scope, she could see the shore of the south border of the empire, she felt a sudden shock. That is around ten million miles away, she ordered zero to inform the south border to evacuate the shorelines.

After an hour zero returned and reported to Diane, the people watched as she gathered the elements and mana to activate the runes, a eight-inch long, 2-inch wide bullet is created and she pulled the trigger of her gun. The bullet collapsed as it can't handle the explosion and impact the gun created.

She is surprised by the outcome but also felt incredibly excited, this only meant that the power of this gun is certainly colossal. She closed her eyes and formed another bullet, after she checked that everything is complete, Diane pulled the trigger, there was only a soft clicking sound heard from the gun, there was no recoil but upon looking at the scope, the area of the sea she targeted formed a mushroom cloud, the sea formed a tsunami as it moved towards the shore.

Diane almost had her mouth fall off due to the shock, even the people around her felt shocked by the sound of the attack, it's very silent but the speed of the bullet is incredible. Only the heavenly saints Jonathan, Alfred, Mario and the two other blacksmiths are able to see. If it were them being targetted, no matter how fast they are, they would surely be wounded.

Shadow appeared beside Jonathan and reported the tsunami on the southern sea border. Jonathan felt his scalp numbed by his report. Jonathan, Alfred and Mario breathed deeply, trying to calm themselves.

This can be considered as a weapon for mass destruction. They looked at Diane who is as shocked as they are. Alfred asked his daughter, "Diane how many times can you make this kind of attack?"

"The maximum amount of attacks would be twice a day, but that's pushing it to the limit, and it can't transform back to it's gun form for two days" she replied

The people breathed a sigh of relief if the gun could handle that kind of attack for several rounds, it would be too overpowered.


Everyone went to do their own thing while John is being taken care of by his fiancees.

The temporary guild building is just a bigger workshop, it has no rooms. The ladies brought John back to the mansion to his room.

The twins bathed John and changed his clothes while the other ladies were waiting inside his room. There was no action inside the bathroom like before, since their sisters are outside waiting for them, the twins bathed John swiftly.

Claire and Claudia asked "sisters, have you..." then they raised their eyebrows signaling them about the thing

The twins are quite innocent about it and looked at them having confused expressions.

"You know... The you know what... With the prince..." Claudia added while she blushed

"Ah..." Eleanor reacted

Elise cleared her throat, her face is blushing but didn't speak. She placed John on his bed and sat beside him. The she looked closely at his beautiful sleeping face and smiled sweetly.

The girls did not pursue their questions, they surrounded John and focused on Clara.

"Sister clara, i didnt expect you to be too crafty!" Said Claudia

"Yeah…" the other girls also commented

"It's not that I don't want to tell you sisters, but his highness told us to keep it a secret" she honestly replied, they made an oath not to tell anyone about it

"Sisters don't blame sister Clara, if John asked them to keep it a secret they may have had been asked to take an oath" elite softly explained in Claras defense

Clara shot a grateful look at Elise.

"Ah I can't take it anymore!" said Claudia then she gently poked Johns sleeping face

"Why can't you just accept us all as your fiancee? Don't you know that the day you were born, everyone in the empire knew that we are yours! Who would dare take the only prince fiancee" she complained

John felt Claudia's poke and woke up, hearing the girls talk, he decided to act.

The other girls giggled, "say sister Jane, say something, I know you fell in love with the prince longer than any of us" Claudia teased Jane

"I haven't told you but did you remember before, when we were training at the special training camp?" she asked

Claire and Claudia nodded

"I think the prince is the guest warrior that came before,"

The two ladies covered their mouths in shock

"Hey sisters care to share" Eleanor is itching to know more about her husband

Jane closed her eyes then looked at John tenderly then started to recall the events. She remembered it clearly like it was just yesterday, all one thousand geniuses of the empire fought a single warrior using their full power, but everyone fell against the warrior who only used his hand-to-hand combat.

The twins and Clara felt even more amazed and felt proud of their fiancee. Claire and Claudia felt down, how could they not even recognize their own fiance.

"That time, he held his punches when he fought me... It might be me imagining but..." she didn't continue what she was saying, then she held his big warm hands. Her face blushed, this is the first time she intimately touched a mans hands.

"So thats why you were always spacing out every after sparring" teased Claire

"No im not spacing out" jane shyly replied in defence

The girls laughed.

They all talked about girly stuff, and john enjoyed listening. He is slowly able to know them.

"Sister Elise, your boobs are so huge!" Claire blurted out

Elise subconsciously covered her bosom, she blushed in embarrassment. Then Claudia sneaked behind her and grabbed her breasts.

"Uhmm.." elise moaned

"Wow sister you are too sensitive, hehehe..."

Elise suddenly escaped from Claudia's hold and moved beside John, looking at Claudia with teary eyes.

"Sister, you look so cute" Eleabor teased

Then Claire jumped at her bosom and rubbed her face on Eleanors breasts. "Ah sister Eleanor, your breast is so big too."

Unlike Elise. Eleanor fought back and grabbed Claires breast


"Look who's talking, yours are big as well"

Jane giggled at the side, Clara tried to stand and change her place, when Eleanor accidentally bumped at her. She fell on Johns face, his nose tip hit her sensitive spot making Clara moan in shock.


The lucky prince smiled under her skirt, "lucky me" he thought.

John thought of teasing Clara, he triggered his lightning element on his nose and acted like he is about to suffocate and moved his face left and right. The poor Clara got jolted by the lightning and moaned in pleasure.

The ladies suddenly stopped their play and looked at Clara who is holding John's head tightly as she moaned in pleasure.

Then John suddenly sat up taking care by surprise, Clara came and showered Johns face with her love juice while her legs are anchored on his shoulders.

"Agghhh" she moaned loudly

The other girls covered their mouths in shock while the twin's face turn red as they felt embarrassed. Recalling their moans from the last time.

Clara's eyes grew wide, when she saw John's face covered in her juice. She felt so shy that she cried and went inside the bathroom running.

'It's over, I embarrassed myself in front of him... And even... And even showered him with my... Huhuhu... I don't have the face to face my sisters'

John walked to the bathroom door, "Clara, can you please open the door"