The palace of the goddess Zhengyi is between the border between the world and heaven. That is in the first sky layer. The palace of the goddess Zhegyi looks beautiful from a distance. With steady steps, the three of them stepped closer to the palace. Right at the palace gate, they were confronted by two soldiers who wore cold faces.

"Who are you? And what do you want to do in the palace of the noble goddess Zhengyi?!" shouted one of them. 222 came closer and bowed respectfully.

"We are grim reapers 222 Daek Wo and 442 Ye Jin. We bring souls to face the goddess of justice Zhengyi for justice," replied 222.

"Then, where is grim reaper 888 Kim Young Joo?" asked one of the guards. 222 and 442 looked at each other. Ah, goddess Zhengyi must have known they were coming.