That little hill is crawling with police cars, ambulances and forensics. Looks like Kim young Jo, daek wo, ye jin came with yee so and jang Jo hoong. Jang wan yo showed me where he had dug a hole for the dead two parents who had given him into the world.

Some people just dug the hole appointed by jang wan yo.

And after digging deep enough, they found bones and two human skulls in the hole. Officials quickly brought in human skulls that had been buried for 15 years in the hole for inspection and then performed a sacred ceremony to release the soul. The skulls will be incinerated. And the ashes will be kept in the ash house.


It was 10 years ago

Hyun jae stepped into the park. He wants to spend his lunch in the park. Hyun jae was reluctant to sit with another friend. They made fun of him and were mean to him. Only because he has other advantages that they don't. But, it looks like the lawn has been full, except for the detail.