Hyun jae was really dizzy thinking about what happened yesterday. He really didn't expect any of this to happen. Hyun je was so wrapped up in his mind that he didn't realize detective park was calling him over and over again.
"Kya fail! Hyun jae! Exclaimed park moon sik while smashing the table, causing hyun jae to wake up instantly.
"Senior park, long time?" he asked. Myeong na ri and kyung he just shook their heads.
"I have called you many times. What are you thinking about?"
Hyun jae sighed deeply and looked at detective park. Hyun jae... the senior detective got it in his eyes. He clapped hyun jae on the shoulder.
"Come with me, you need something to make you feel better."
Hyun jae nodded and immediately stood up and followed the footsteps of detective park.
Detective park took her to the canteen in the back of the office, then went to get a cup of coffee for hyun jae.