Chapter 10 - Start of Party

Author Note :

The way Ayame talking is informal and old fashioned like most of Yakuza in Ryu No Gotoku (If you play it).

While the way Ayana's talking is formal. Don't confuse it, she need to keep up appearance so no one's realize her real identity!

Well Enjoy The chapter! ( The Word Count start from Story )


Tonight there is a banquet to announce the new heir of Nakiri Corporation. A lot of CEO and executive from big Corporations and Companies will attend the party. The main purpose of this party is to make me get acquainted with the leader of each company.

'I didn't even get rest. But tonight's party is an important event, so I can't miss it. I never make an appearance at a party as Ayame, but now I make an appearance as Ayana.

Well, I just need to do my best. After all, my Dad is the one who handles the complicated thing for now.'

Arrived at home, I meet my mother to choose what clothes to wear tonight.

"Mother, what clothes shall I wear at the party tonight?" I ask my mother while changing my appearance to Ayana.

"Hmm, let's go with your set right now." Answer my Mother.

"Is that okay?"

"I see no problem. Technically what you wear right now is a dress so it's no problem! And the party will start in 1 hour so we don't have time." Explained my Mother.

"Wait a minute, isn't the party will start at 8 P.M.? Right now still 3 P.M.!"

"Eh? I didn't tell you? The invitation that was sent to the guest is the party will start at 4 P.M."

"That damn Old Man!! He told me the party will start at 8 P.M.!" I shout toward the ceiling annoyed by my Dad for lied to me again.

"Ayam- Ayana Language!" Rebuked my Mother because of my foul language, she corrected the way she calls me because I am using Ayana's appearance now. "You need to go to your Father now, he said there is something that he wanted to give you. He is waiting at his study."

"What is it?" Curious I ask my Mother.

"I don't know, just go to his study now." Answered my Mother.

With that I go to my Dad's study, arriving in front of his study I knock on the door.

"Father, it's Ayana." I said, when using Ayana's appearance I use formal language. Because the setting of Ayana is, a sheltered and well mannered girl. As much as I want to shout and ask him why he gave me the wrong schedule I must hold it when I am using Ayana's appearance. Because we don't know if there is someone spying us, like a saying 'the Wall have ear and eye'.

"Enter." Said a voice within the room. I open the door and see my Dad sit in his chair behind a work desk. "You can sit there." He said pointing at the chair in front of his desk.

"What do you need Father? Mother said that you have something to give me?" I gave my Dad a questioning look and sit in the chair that my Dad pointed at.

"Well, you trained in swordsmanship for 3 years already but you don't have a sword yet. So I order this for you from my friend." My Dad took out a long case and put it on the table. Opening the case, there are 2 swords with different lengths inside. "Because you trained in Ganryu style, I order Oodachi and Tachi to match your style."

'He buys me swords? Crap, I forgot to tell him about my swords.'

"Umm, father. Is this room safe?" I make a gesture with my eye looking at the wall and ceiling. My Dad understands my gesture answered. "It's safe. What is it?"

"Well, the thing is. I already have swords."

"You already have swords? How I don't know that?"

"Well, it's a part of Oni transformation combined with dress change? I can summon and dismiss it at will." I lied about the truth of my swords, there is no way I told him that I got the sword from All Powerful and Mighty ROB.

"Hoo, try to summon it then." It seems that catches his interest. I got up from my chair and summon Youtou Rasetsu and Kinjito Asura making it appear in my left and right hand.

"This is my swords, on my left hand Youtou Rasetsu and on my right hand Kinjito Asura." I tell my Dad the name of my swords.

"Interesting, the length is perfect for Ganryu style too. Is there something special about your swords?"

"The Youtou Rasetsu can release black mist while the Kinjito Asura can Summon Fire. The ability to summon will o the wisp that I suggest to list as Ayana's quirk is part of this sword ability." I lied about the power of my Kinjito Asura, I mean who the hell believe I can summon a Kijin because of a sword. But, the time arrived when I need to summon the Kijin, I will tell him the truth.

"Hmm, so it's like that. As I thought, you better kept them a secret." My Dad touching his chin with his hand. I sweated a little, I already use Youtou Rasetsu for the Entrance Exam today because of my impulse wanting to cut robots. Realizing me sweated, my Dad said to me.

"You already use it didn't you?"

"…Yes" I explain how I use Youtou Rasetsu for today's Entrance Exam.

"*Sigh* We can only deceive them. I will ask my friend to design the scabbard and handle to match your swords, from now on use these swords instead of yours." I nod to my Dad words. "Now, it seems already the time for the party. Let's go to the party location."

The location for today's party is at our mansion, specifically at the ballroom of our mansion. Arriving at the venue of the party, there is someone guarding the door and tasked to announce the guest's arrival.

When the guard sees us, he opened the door and announce our arrival.

"The host of the party Nakiri Asano-sama and His Daughter Nakiri Ayana-sama entering the room."

Entering the room, there are already a lot of guests from old to young drinking and socializing at the venue.

It seems I must prepare myself for the worst. With that, my first party officially started.