"Delicious. Delicious. Delicious. No one can make food as tasty as my Matty. I Love you my, Matty." Ashton spoke cheerfully, as he looked at Matt with a worshipful gaze.
Porridge was just too damn tasty. Just like he loves it. Made by his Matty's hand.
"I won't give you my porridge even if you say you love me a thousand times, so shut it," Matt grumbled as he ate his porridge not showing even a bit of mercy to the moron who always had his way.
"N-N-Not even one spoon. P-P-Please." Ashton pitifully spoke as he with his watery eyes looked at Matt.
Matt gulped. Fuck this bastard, here he goes acting all pitifully. In the end, he just sighed, shook his head, and slowly fed Ashton a spoonful of porridge "Here. Happy. Now shut it and stop making such a pitiful face."
Ashton hurriedly ate and blinked his eyes repeatedly to show that he understood him loud and clear.
Chris, on the other hand, looked at Matt and Ashton's interaction happily as he ate his porridge.
He really couldn't believe that he was seeing the same Matt who was staying with them for three days.
Before, whenever Matt spoke, his words were cold, ruthless, bloodthirsty. Always staying outside, killing awakens nonstop. Not joking, not laughing, not sleeping.
But since Ashton has woken up, he has changed. Totally changed.
He jokes, he laughs, and he has also become grumpy. Behaving exactly like kids of his age.
Forgetting the fact that he can make food, everything else is like a nine-year-old kid.
"Matty. My lovely cutie pie, I have something to ask." Ashton lovingly spoke
"Ask whatever you want. Just don't spout your bullshit." Matt scowled
"Matty, are you asking for a spanking," Ashton asked tenderly.
"You can't spank me by the way you are, so say what you want to say." Matt retorted.
"Ok. I will ask then. Am I the only one who is feeling hot today?" Ashton asked as he tried so hard not to think about the disgusting sweat all over his body.
He couldn't even wipe it off cuz of all the bandages.
Bathing, that was nothing but a dream for him right now.
Matt didn't reply to him. Instead, looked at Chris and asked, "What is the temperature today?"
"62-degree Celcius," Chris replied as he pulled the phone out. Even though networks weren't working. The sensor in the phone was working alright.
"62 DEGREES CELCIUS! Don't you have AC or something???" Ashton yelled.
"He is kidding, right?" Chris asked as he looked at Matt.
They barely have electricity enough for these medical equipment's and this moron wants them to turn on the AC for him.
"Nup, he isn't. That is why I asked you when can I start beating him. He needs his daily dose." Matt spoke as he rubbed his forehead in depression.
"There is still time for that. So, just control yourself." Chris spoke as he just rolled his eyes.
And Ashton being Ashton, understood when to shut his mouth.
"And what was the temperature yesterday?" Matt asked.
"56-degree Celcius," Chris replied.
"What about at night?" Matt asked.
"-2 -degree Celcius," Chris again replied.
"-2." Matt stressed as he frowned " As I thought, the temperature of the Earth itself is changing. It's rising and dropping too quickly. At this rate, it will truly become a big problem."
"What problem? My sweating won't kill anyone. Moreover, it's not my fault that I can't bath." Ashton replied, feeling wronged while looking at Matt.
Matt and Chris just looked at the moron who was feeling wronged and then decided to ignore him like he was never there.
"Damn, if the temperature keeps increasing and decreasing like this every day, then the land won't be fertile, water won't be drinkable."
"And we are not even sure how much temperature of the Earth can rise."
"Since the game has started, the world itself has started changing. Anything can happen now. We need to be ready for everything." Matt growled in stress.
"Don't worry, Matty. I am here. Your Ash is here. Until I am here, nothing will happen to you." Ashton enthusiastically spoke.
Matt looked at Ashton in disgust and snorted, "Shut it, baldy. Just don't do anything. Stay on the bed like a good boy you are. Otherwise, I will truly lose my mind and start beating the shit out of you."
"And don't you dare think that I am not writing all the beating you are not getting. Later I will give it to you with interest. If I didn't break your third leg in anger, then my name won't be Matt anymore, humph."
Ashton nearly pissed his pants hearing Matt. Even Chris hid his dick in hurry.
"Wait. Baldy. BALDY!!! Did you just call me baldy, Matty! ME! Your Ash!! I didn't know you were this type of person, Matty. To save you, I nearly lost my life, and you are calling me baldy. Angry. Not talking to you anymore." Ashton pouted as he hurriedly closed his eyes, not looking at Matt anymore.
Matt rubbed his head in frustration as he again asked Chris, "Are you sure I can't beat him? 100% sure?"
Chris just shook his head, picked all the three bowls, and walked away.
Sitting with these two morons is truly not good for his health.