"Can I help you?" She asked me with a fake smile. "Yes" I answered coldly "I came for my school year schedule. My name is Layla Suh Cassandra" when she heard the name 'Suh' her eyes widened and she stood up bowing deeply at me. "Miss Suh, it's an honor for me to receive you in my school please feel free to contact me if anything bothers you in the future" she said without hiding her happiness. I looked at her for a second before signing, then I told her "No need for your fake act, I'm no longer the heir of the Suh's, therefore please don't tell anyone my name for I don't want to have troublesome headache. Now can I have my schedule?" I told her as coldly as possible. I wanted to go home already, I hated this place but I'm oblige to come here in order to pursue my career.

She looked at me, then went back behind her desk, took what I assume is my schedule for the year and gave it to me. I took it and went out of her office without saying anything more.

Now you may think I'm rude and disrespectful, it may be true but you can't judge me. When you see something you hate you just can't stand be respectful with it right?

My first subject of the day was math. Great, just fucking great. I left my legs carry me to my class which was at the end of the third building. I knocked and entered the room, looked around and was instantly disgusted.