Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter thirty Five- The Devil She Doesn't Know Part ten

The best part is, she can't say no- that's not how Demons play!


Patience is a virtue which I have never had and do not plan on attaining anytime soon. My tolerance for disobedience and ineptitude wears thin very quickly, every single one of my subordinates and worthless servants knows this, hence why Varto has chariness etched onto his face. I know him far too well, he is not a man to be unsettled in my presence, unless he has done something to upset his master.

"Speak Varto." I command him brusquely, making him anticipate the brunt of my wrath. Instead of giving me a response, Varto tilted his head up imitating my trusted righthand's gesture and acknowledged him without words.

Right, I must dismiss Macheno, I was too eager for Varto's report on my princess' latest transgressions, I almost forgot that he will remain here unless I permit him to leave.