The Possession of Kylo Morris

Vad's POV

My head hurts as a lightning bolt struck in front of my handsome face. The accident immobilized me, and I have a hunch that a massive molten rock was on top of me. I shut my weary eyes, and I can't sense my adulthood. I clutched for air while my heart palpitated even without caffeine.

Am I going to die like this? I'm too young, and heaven wouldn't be ready for my arrival. Could it even handle me? Satan would slam hell’s door in front of me. I'm not welcome there either. I'll put the demons in shame because I'm too hot to be in there.

What I have in mind was my mission. I am the only one who can save humanity because I am Vad Wagner. I am the best in my craft. What will happen to them if I die? As of the moment, it's hard to find someone better than me. No one can even reach my level. I don't want to brag, just being honest.

I can't lose track of Lambo, the one I've been chasing for quite some time now. He was the leader of a notorious gang that was spreading all over the country. His wealth came from child trafficking, illegal gambling, drug deals, and countless heinous crimes.

He's good at running away before I could land my fist on his filthy face. He should feel honored, knowing that I am his sworn enemy. I used to write my signature on my enemy’s lifeless body, and I’m thrilled because he’s coming next.

It’s a boredom to wait for the light to appear. It’s a sign when a person is about to die. A grim reaper must be on his way to fetch me. Why did I end up like this? Everything happened so fast.

I was riding my Ducati while tailing him. I was almost there, but a massive explosion coming from a house where I was passing by blew me away. It’s amazing if my organs were still intact. Lambo was too lucky this time, but unfortunate for not being able to have my autograph.

"Aww," I ached in pain.

Wait, am I hearing my voice? Am I in heaven already?

I was massaging my head. When I opened my eyes, everything was blurry. The only thing I'm sure of? I am still alive because I could smell my long-lasting, expensive fragrance from the best brand of perfume.

After a few seconds, my vision came back, and I am lying on the floor.

I looked around me. I am inside a house. How am I here? That’s weird. The person who owns this room wasn’t that organized. There were writings on the floor, books, and candles. What’s this? A member of a cult? I shook my head and slapped my face. I have to regain my senses. The more I slack off, the more Lambo could go farther. I can't let that happen.

I stood up and flexed my muscles while closing my eyes. Concentration was what I need. Being tough was my specialty. I have to find my motorcycle. I ran as fast as the flash and roamed my eyes. What surprised me was that there were no traces from the explosion. Things were still the same, but something felt off. While I was running, I bumped into someone. I ignored her and minded my business, but she grabbed my hand.

"Where are you going? Are you done with your homework?" she asked.

Is she insane? She looks fine for someone who's mentally disturbed. I grabbed my hand away from her.

"Are you alright? I’m a busy person. I don't have time for this," I said.

She was shocked.

"What are you talking about? You're being lazy again. Come on.”

She grabbed my shirt and dragged me.

"Hey, hey. Don't touch me. I don't even know you.”

I pushed her away as a sign of resistance.

I don't want to be violent in front of a lady.

"What kind of acting is that, young lady? Go to your room and do what I say," she said.

Young what? Is she nuts?

"You need to go to a mental hospital, Madam.”

She was driving me crazy. She was none of my concern. I ran and escaped from the scene.


I shook my head, poor woman.

Where is he? That rat was too fast. Still, no one has ever got away from me. I was passing by a coffee shop and glanced at the window. I stopped. Something feels weird. I went back and look at my reflection in the window.

"What the hell?" I murmured.

Am I dreaming? Why am I seeing a different person as my reflection? Did the accident crack my head? What is wrong with me?

I slapped my face two times. I have to wake up.

"Kylo? Why are you here?"

I looked at the person beside me. I think the kid was one of the staff at the coffee shop. He was wearing their uniform.

"Excuse me? Are you talking to me?" I asked.

"Yes. Who else would I be talking to?" he replied.

I don't have time for this. I ran away from him. Lambo must be on his way out. I should remain focused. I walked across the street and was hoping to see his shadow.

I remembered that I've put a tracker on his car. I was trying to get a hold of my phone in my pocket, but... what is this? Am I wearing a skirt? Why the hell? What's wrong with my body? I touched my face and my hair. This isn't me!


I screamed in shock.

"Kylo, are you alright?"

I looked behind me and saw a girl. Why are they calling me Kylo? My name is Vad! Again; Running away was the only thing that was rolling in my head, not knowing where to go. I have damaged my brain. I don't know what to think anymore. Am I hallucinating? Is this part of being an adult? I'm only thirty-five, for Pete's sake. Is this what they call a mid-life crisis?

I went to the nearest telephone station and dialed my number. It rang for a few minutes. Someone answered the phone.

"Hello?" someone from the other line spoke.

I had goosebumps. I could recognize his voice. Who wouldn't recognize his own? I am fucked up.