When Niah was crowned as the newest Watcher of their kind, they danced the ceremonial coronation. They formed a circle on the sand and placed six candles around it. Niah stood inside the circle with a wide smile. The Animies and Demis surrounded her as they chanted the ritual. They performed a tribal dance with the rapid beat of the drums.
It was like watching a musical show in a theatre. The full moon shined the brightest, but red spots crawled over it like bloodbath was about to happen.
The feast began at 1:00 am. It was the weirdest time to eat dinner, and I don’t have an appetite. Kylo and I have separate cottages because she chose to stay beside Niah, while Sojin sat beside me. They set a variety of dishes on a long and narrow refectory table, and none of it was familiar to my tastebuds.
“Before we savor our delicious dinner, lord Luxferre will be joining us,” Vior said.