The next day, Arya wakes up and how happy she is to see jingga, She is still in his arms. He also wakes up his wive for the congregation at dawn.
Jingga... honey wake up... Arya said softly.
Jingga opened her eyes for a moment. She stared at her husband's face for a moment then got up and took ablution. Arya followed, then they prayed in congregation. After that, Arya cleaned up and asked for permission to jog around the hotel to his wive. Jingga just nodded then gave Arya a glass of warm water before she left.
Arya was silent receiving the little attention of his wife, has Jingga forgiven him? ... he thought as he accepted the water and drank it to the toilet.
Aren't you afraid that I've put poison on your drink...?? She said casually.
uhuk hukk hukk ... Arya immediately coughed and was surprised to hear his wife's flat words.
You... put poison in that water?... Arya asked carefully.