Chapter 7

Lisa came back to her office and asked cleaner to clean the glass in the hall. For whole day, she couldn't focus on her work and kept thinking about Augustus words. Maybe he is right, it's not a crime if I'm a widow. It's just in my destiny to be like this.

What happened yesterday, she felt very guilty and after thinking for a long time, she had decided that she would try her best behavior with Mr. Augustus. And will never offend him in future. That's the reason why she was so concerned about him just now and also massaged his hand to release the pain.

But again, she has been tricked by him. She sighed frustratingly, leaning on her chair, eyes closed.

There was a knock on door, she said "Come in" while kept her eyes closed.

"Hey ., you're not allowed to sleep in your office." A voice came in teasing tone.

She opened her eyes and sat straight up, maintaining her calm posture. "I was just resting my eyes" she explained.

"Gotcha.! I scared you. Didn't I?" Cristian said smiling wickedly.

Lisa rolled her eyes and asked calmly. "What are you doing in my office.?"

"I came here for some work and saw nobody was there on reception desk. I thought I should inform you. You know, if someone complains it would be a great problem for you to handle. As you're new Manager." He explained.

"Oh.. in that case. I'll go and look what's the matter. Thank you for informing me." She said embarrassedly and left the office.

When she reaches at the desk. As expected, there was no one. She frowned looked left and right but Anna was nowhere to be seen. She stand behind the desk looking around. Just then, main door opened and a lady entered with a strong scent of perfume all over her body. Lisa frowned and looked at the woman.

"Where is Augustus? Tell him Giovanna is here to meet him." She said in a commanding tone.

Lisa felt some negative vibes from that woman. She nodded and called Presidential Suite.

Ring ... Ring ... Ring .. nobody answered. She tried again, no response.

She looked at woman in front of her and said apologetically, "No one is picking call at Presidential Suite."

The woman got angry and asked irritatedly, "Give me his room card."

Lisa said nervously, "Sorry Ma'am I cannot give you room card without identifying you."

"What do you mean.?" She asked through clenched teeth. "What is your relation.?" Lisa asked hesitantly.

"I am his fiancé." The woman held her chin high and answered arrogantly.

Fiancé? What? Is Mr. Augustus is engaged? I have never seen him wearing a ring and if she is his fiancé why she didn't know where he is right now? Lisa's mind was in a mess. She looked at her with suspicious eyes.

The woman cleared her throat and sneered, "What now.? Give me the card or I will talk to your Manager."

Lisa smiled and said, "I am the Manager, ma'am."

The woman stunned and looked at her in displeasure. "Look at me..! Why do you think I lie.? I can show you my I'd if you want to check." She offered.

Lisa looked at woman carefully. She was very beautiful and could be described as an eye catching beauty. She had an oval face, straight eye brows, straight nose, small mouth, and white skin. She had a slightly curly short hair, delicate makeup, and a black and white sleeveless suit which looked very decent. She was simply an exceptionally gorgeous woman.

Lisa truly believed her but still she has to inform Mr. Augustus about it. What if he gets angry and fired her.? She can't offend him.

After thinking for a while, Lisa said politely, "Ma'am just a moment please." She went back to her office, picked up her phone and dialed Augustus's number she had saved after coming back from meeting.

Ring ... Ring ... Ring ...

Nobody picked it. She went back with her phone and her phone rang. She looked down it was Augustus. She answered. "Hello, Mr. Augustus."

"Lisa, what's the matter?" He asked in a deep and low voice.

"There's is a woman saying she is your fiancé and asking for your room card. Her name is Giovanna." She told him.

Augustus asked confusingly. "So?" "So, I don't know if she is telling truth. Should I give her your card.? I need to identify." She asked

Augustus was stunned for a moment and he thought to himself. This woman is really interested she didn't know anything that's why she called me bachelor yesterday. Such a fool.

While Augustus was lost in his thoughts. Lisa called him, "Mr Augustus.. Are you there.?" "Hmm.." he replied.

"What should I do.?" She asked anxiously.

Just then Giovanna snatched her phone and said angrily, "Augustus where are you? Why you're not answering my calls.?"

"Giovanna I am busy." He said straightly.

"This... your useless Manager is not handing me the key card. Fired her right now." She demanded. "Giovanna.! She was doing her job. I am busy I won't be able to meet you when I'll be free I'll let you know." He knew she won't go easily and added, "By the way, don't try to make a fuss or forced her for room card you know she is a psychopath. What if she break your leg in order to stop you from going in. How would it be like to live with a broken leg..?"

Giovanna looked at her legs and than the lady opposite her. She felt a sense of fear and didn't say anything.

Augustus smiled wickedly. He knew he succeed so he said in a concerning tone, "You go back and take care of yourself. No need to argue with her I won't be be able to see you with broken leg." Giovanna said panickly. "Okay" and handed her phone.

She turned around and ran away like she has seen a ghost. Lisa looked at her back wondering what happened.

Then she looked at her phone and saw that the call was still connected. Lisa put the phone on her ear and said, "She's gone."

Augustus answered. "I know" Both felt silent after that.

Only heavy breathing of them can be heard by phone.

"Lisa" Augustus called her name after a while.

"Yes" she replied. "I'm glad you called me." Augustus said that sentence and hung up the call.

She looked at her mobile absently for a while.

Just then Anna came back to her desk. Upon seeing Lisa, she said hurriedly, "My mother called ... I forgot to give her my brother's prescription so she called asking for it. I am sorry it was urgency. It won't happen again please don't deduct my salary." She said in a pleading tone with watery eyes.

Lisa glanced at her and said in a straight tone, "it should never happen again." She then took her bag and left the hotel.