Chapter 11

Augustus saw Lisa coming over to him. He stood up and asked her in worry. "Where were you? I had been looking for you. I asked a nurse telling your appearance and she told me she saw you going on the third floor but I didn't know the ward number so I waited here."

Lisa looked in his deep blue eyes and felt warmth in her heart. She felt guilty too, he helped her too much and yet she didn’t tell him the reason of coming here.

Seeing her lost again, Augustus called her out in his deep voice “Lisa”

Lisa then said hesitantly, “My father... he tried to commit suicide this morning. He has been in Mental asylum for last three years.” She didn’t look into his eyes while speaking.

After hearing her, Augustus was shocked and then in the next moment he pulled her into his arms and hugged her.

Since Lisa’s mother died, she is the one taking care of everyone nobody has taken care of her or comforted her till now even Tom was always busy with his brother and his work though he was a good husband but he didn’t realize that she needed care too money can buy everything but not the care or love for someone.

This sudden hugged from Augustus melted Lisa’s heart. She really needed this hug at this difficult time. Forgetting everything she held held him tightly, sniffing his unique scent. Her heart felt heavy, her eyes turned red and again she started crying. This time it wasn’t because of her father but it was Augustus’s genuine concern which made her lose her senses at instant.

Augustus felt his shirt getting wet. He didn’t mind at all instead he rubbed her back gently and coaxed her like she is a baby.

After some time, Lisa regained her senses and shuddered in his embrace. He understood it and let her go. He then opened a water bottle and passed it to her to drink. She took some sips and said “Thank you.”

Augustus handed her a sandwich and a glass of fresh juice and said in a commanding tone “eat”

Lisa than realized that she had not eaten anything yet. She was extremely hungry she took a bite of the sandwich and it tastes really good. It doesn’t look like a cafeteria sandwich. Did he go back to his home to change his clothes and brought food for me?

Lisa looked at the man beside her from corner of her eyes. He was eating so elegantly and there was not a single sound of chewing food at all.

Augustus saw her looking at her stupidly and shook his head. Lisa got nervous and pointed at his clothes, “When did you change?”

He didn’t answer her and kept eating. Lisa felt annoyed and turned her face away from him in anger. After a while, someone tapped her shoulder. She looked up and saw Augustus was smiling at her.

“Lester brought my clothes, I changed it in the washroom outside. After all, I can’t roam in running shorts in the hospital no matter how rich I am..!” He explained calmly.

Lisa nodded her head and continued eating ignoring him. He sensed something and than he chuckled softly. Lisa narrowed her eyes and asked, “What are you laughing at? Huh..?”

“You should never talk while eating. Don’t you know eating etiquette.?” He asked her in a mocking way.

Lisa felt insulted and turned her face away. She finished her food and threw wrappers in dustbin. She looked at Augustus and politely thanked him again.

“Stop it.” Augustus said irritatedly.

Lisa frowned, “What?”

“Stop saying thank you. If you want to say something else. I am all ears. Okay?” He said.

Lisa heard him and understood what he meant.. what happened before he took it as something else this is not right she had to explain him to clear this misunderstanding.

“Mr. President, you misunderstood me. What happened before was nothing. I just got bit emotional. Don’t mind it please.” Lisa stood up said it in a very gentle tone and before waiting for his reply she walked towards the exit.

“Mr. President.” Augustus repeated thoughtfully. “Since when did you started calling me Mr. President.?” He asked while walking behind her.

Lisa turned around and both bumped into each other. “Ahhh” Lisa let out a surprise cry and rubbed her forehead Augustus also did the same.

“I should have called you that before, I apologize for my unprofessional behavior, Mr. President.”

Both left the hospital together and saw Lester standing infront of Black Bentley car. Lisa smiled at Lester and asked, “How are you? Lester.”

“I’m fine Miss Lisa.” He replied back smilingly. Augustus who was behind shot a hard glare on Lester. Lester smiled froze and he went to the side of the car.

“I didn’t misunderstand anything.” Augustus said slowly in Lisa’s ear. His hot breath landed at her neck and ear. She jumped in panic, looked shockingly at him.

She felt hot sensation behind her hair. And her face turned red instantly. She looked down and her long lashes trembled to cover her panic. Then she said in a low voice, “Only your fiancé have the right to call your name not an employee.”

Augustus’s eyes darkened and a sharp flint flashed across his face. He stepped forward and trapped her between his body and the car. Lisa retreated and could only leaned against his car.

Augustus lowered his head and stared at her firmly. There was a faint smile in his deep blue eyes. Augustus was in a good mood and raised his lips, which made him look even more vicious but handsome.

He then said in a low and deep voice, “You’re not just an employee for me.” He paused trying to figure her expressions but she kept her head low. “You will always call me Augustus no matter what. Don’t you dare to offend me.” He continued.

Then he lowered his head and gently kissed on her cheek. She looked up eyes widened and touched her cheek in panic.

Augustus looked at her with playful eyes then he turned to sit in the car. Lester followed and sat in the driving seat, while Lisa kept standing with hand on her cheek.

“Lisa” Augustus called her. She looked at him. “Let’s go.” He said while waving his hand to sit inside the car.

She looked at the seat beside him, than him, and remembered the kiss right now. She got a bit scared of him she can’t travel with him what if he did something to her?

“I’ll go myself, don’t bother Mr. Augustus.” She refused him politely and than hurriedly started walking other side in fear of being caught by him.

Augustus called her out from behind but she didn’t respond . In fact she started running away from him as far as she can.

Augustus got confused. “Did I scare her.?”

Lester who was sitting on the driving seat didn’t know what to say. He helplessly started the car and headed straight to the Hotel. His eyes focused on the road ahead.