Chapter 15

Just when Lisa was leaving, someone held her hand, she turned and looked at Maria, "What is it?"

"Thank you Auntie, for playing with me." Maria said.

"It's a pleasure to play with you." Lisa pinched her cheek and Maria smiled shyly.

"And remember princess don't cry." Lisa said patting her forehead. Maria then hugged her and kissed her on the cheek than left.

Lisa was stunned by her sudden hug. "She likes you." Cristian said from behind.

"She is very cute girl, I wonder why her father didn't accompany her today." Lisa said disappointedly.

"Who knows? Shall I drop You? It's dark." Cristian said while looking up at the sky.

Lisa nodded and both went together to the car.


In The Hotel

Lisa's phone rang. She picked it up with a smile, "Hello..!"

"Happy Birthday Sister," Laura and Daniel shouted at phone.

Lisa put her phone away and said irritably, "Are you both going to blast my eardrums? Huh..?"

"You're no fun.. sister" Laura complained.

"How's your study going.?" Lisa asked in serious tone.

"It's fine sister. Don't worry about me. How is Simon. I missed him." Laura asked.

"He is absolutely fine." Lisa answered.

"By the way sister, guess who is coming Rome tonight to celebrate your birthday.?" Laura asked her.

"Who?" Lisa asked confused.

"Daniel." Laura shouted gladly.

"Daniel.?" Lisa asked surprisingly.

"Hey, you silly girl..! You spoiled my surprise." Daniel scolded her from behind.

"What? What are you saying. Don't.." before Lisa could complete her sentence. Daniel interrupted Her, "At five clock come to the railway station to pick me. I'll wait for you sister, bye." Then he hung up the call.

While she was in daze, Natasha knocked and told her that President had asked for her.

Lisa entered the room, Augustus was busy on the laptop. He didn't look up. He just pointed at a file and said, "Take these designs, select one for my office and send it to Bella immediately."

Lisa nodded, took the file, then turned to go but stopped at second thought and said, "Mr. Augustus, that day actually.." before she could explain him Augustus interrupted her "If it's not work related don't say it."

Lisa frowned and looked at him with painful eyes. She then said calmly, " Mr. Augustus, I have some work today. Can I leave early.?"

Augustus stopped his work and looked at Her, she felt scared by his deep gaze. "What work.?"

"It's personal." She muttered.

Augustus nodded and a smile appeared on her face. She thanked him and left. Seeing her happy face Augustus wondered what personal work she would have Today.?


At five clock, Lisa was standing at the railway station waiting for her brother. He has come from Milan to surprise Her, she was super excited to meet him.

His brother came out of train and Lisa rushed towards him happily and without saying anything she hugged him tightly.

"Sis, people are watching us." Daniel exclaimed.

"I don't care" Lisa said while crying in his arms.

"Ok Sis, as you say." Daniel hugged her more tightly.

"Owww.." Lisa yelled in pain. "Monster..! Are you trying to crush your sister huh.?" She said while breaking off the hug.

"Hahaha you asked for it, Sis." He laughed.

"You have so grown up and look at those muscles." Lisa touched his arm and said.

"Well.. I am 21 now." He said holding his chin high arrogantly.

Lisa pressed his nose and said, "No matter How old you are. You will be still my little brother. Okay..?"

"Okay okay sister. I surrender now leave my nose please." He requested nicely.

"Hahaha let's go." Lisa let go of his nose and pulled his arm to follow her.

They both went to Glass Hostaria Hotel to eat dinner. Daniel ordered many dishes and told Lisa that her birthday dinner is on him.

This is the first time he is treating her with dinner Lisa felt very touched by his gesture. Lisa can see clearly that he is not a little boy anymore, he has grown very mature in just a small age.

Since her husband died, he had started tuition classes and did part time job in the bar at night. He has taken her young sister's responsibility so gracefully and he is trying hard to help Lisa too in future.

They both finished dinner and celebrated birthday by cutting cake. Lisa was very happy and grateful by seeing his brother's concerned for her. Her eyes became wet instantly but she wiped it instantly without his brother noticing her.

After dinner, Daniel went back to the station to catch the train while Lisa headed back to her home. It started rain, Lisa was wearing dark blue colour suit with white collar shirt. She took off her coat put it on her head and walked to her home hurriedly.

When she reached home, Ted was already waiting for her at the door with a small rose bouquet. She frowned and asked, "Why are you here.?"

"I'm here to wish you Happy Birthday." Ted said while smiling evily.

Lisa ignored him and unlocked the door. Ted followed her inside, Lisa stopped him. "I need to talk." He pleaded.

Lisa let him in but she didn't shut the door. "Speak" Lisa said.

Ted looked at her drenched shirt and there was lust in his eyes. Lisa saw his gaze and turned to other side. For a while, Ted didn't speak Lisa turned to look at him.

Just then, he walked to her with a syringe in his hand. Before she could react he injected something into her left arm. She panicked and pushed him away. The needle pierced through her skin, there was blood on her left arm sleeves.

"What did you do.?" She shouted. Her voice trembling in fear.

After a moment, an immense heat began burning from her back, spreading to her, the tips of her fingers and toes. Her vision began to blur and her body felt limp.

She leaned heavily against the wall.

Ted smile and approached her step by step saying, "Tonight, you will be mine and then you can't refuse my proposal anymore."

He tore her shirt button and started kissing her face, then neck and then her chest.

Lisa felt dizzy she tried to stop him but she couldn't. She tried to open her eyes and looked at Ted becoming a beast, she tried hard to focus. She pushed him with all her strength and ran towards the door but she fell, "thump.."

Ted caught her ankle and pulled her to him. She tried to hold something. She caught the bouquet and started hitting him with it.

Ted laughed and said evily, "You can't win, Lisa. Just surrender and I'll promise You, I'll be gentle."

All roses fell down from bouquet. Ted stood and stretched his hand to hold her but at that time, Lisa landed a punch at his face and then kicked his balls with her heels and ran.

She ran out of the building. Her head feeling heavy. Her body was hot. She held her shirt tightly and kept walking while stumbling.

Suddenly, there was a flash light and a loud sound of breaks came. She felt scared and fell down on the ground in fear. Her body was shaking.
