Chapter 20

Somehow, Lisa felt very warm she didn’t know why she felt so happy when she saw his concern for her.

Smiling stupidly, Lisa went up to her apartment. The door was opened, she remembered she didn’t lock the door when she invited Ted inside.

Thanks to her instinct, if the door was locked it would be difficult for her to escape. She felt very unpleasant while thinking about the incident.

She then saw her purse at the table, she got suspicious. That night she left without taking anything with her. She checked her phone and everything in living room what if Ted left something here or put some secret camera. Now, she doesn’t trust him at all.

She checked the living room carefully and after being satisfied, she sighed with relief. She than started cleaning her apartment normally. She took shower and then go to the bed tiredly.

At The Apartment

Augustus was flipping over pages of a document reading it carefully. There was a sudden knock on the door. “Come in” Augustus said.